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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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17 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Select one in the admin console and above the right lane it shows the model, I think?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

I'm not seeing that @Jimbo...perhaps I am missing it.  I assume you mean the admin console in Tag Manager.

The list works good to at least identify them, but it would be nice if Tag Manager gave a bit more info as to type.  I posted a message on their forum, we will see what they say there.


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15 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Not the tag manager, but the pane for the individual tags themselves.  In the upper right corner (Tag Type):


Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 2.31.50 PM.png

Well crap!  Another one I missed!  I assume you mean at the top there...it actually displays the name of the darn device! Thanks for that...I'm gonna owe you a bunch of beers (or whatever) here!  ?

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4 minutes ago, trevorst said:

Excuse my lack of knowledge but I am interested in using cao tags with my Polisy.  Do I still need a hardware tag manager in addition to the actual tags to get this functioning on Polisy.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Yes. They are very cheap though and service dozens of Tags.

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5 minutes ago, trevorst said:

Excuse my lack of knowledge but I am interested in using cao tags with my Polisy.  Do I still need a hardware tag manager in addition to the actual tags to get this functioning on Polisy.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Yes you do, the tags talk to the tag manager and the tag manager pushes the updates to the polyglot node server on Polisy (or another machine).

Don' t forget to hit my referral link before purchasing :) https://goo.gl/rXAGk9

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@Jimbo I Got a response from Tag support today and later they fixed my URL calling so I could stop my Tag Manager from sending out hundreds of LAN calls to nowhere each 20 minutes. I have now been able to change and disable all my URL calling from my Tags. The URL calling has been locked up for as far as I can remember using Tags.


If you are seeing the error "http:// cannot be parsed" when trying to disable the URL calling, this will be fixed in the next few hours (by end of day today).

Please do not reply to this email. Instead, click here to open your ticket and add your reply using the web portal.

Sent at: 1/30/2020 10:58:05 AM.

You are receiving this email because you asked to be notified about Tag events. You can click this link to stop emails like this to be sent to your email address (unsubscribe), or re-subscribe/unblock.

© CAO GADGETS, LLC. 50 Tesla, Irvine, CA 92618

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11 minutes ago, larryllix said:


@Jimbo I Got a response from Tag support today and later they fixed my URL calling so I could stop my Tag Manager from sending out hundreds of LAN calls to nowhere each 20 minutes. I have now been able to change and disable all my URL calling from my Tags. The URL calling has been locked up for as far as I can remember using Tags.


If you are seeing the error "http:// cannot be parsed" when trying to disable the URL calling, this will be fixed in the next few hours (by end of day today).

Please do not reply to this email. Instead, click here to open your ticket and add your reply using the web portal.

Sent at: 1/30/2020 10:58:05 AM.

You are receiving this email because you asked to be notified about Tag events. You can click this link to stop emails like this to be sent to your email address (unsubscribe), or re-subscribe/unblock.

© CAO GADGETS, LLC. 50 Tesla, Irvine, CA 92618


The nodeserver relies on URL calling, that's how it works :)

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1 hour ago, Jimbo said:

The nodeserver relies on URL calling, that's how it works :)

I figured that after your last comment to me.
I am not using the Tag NS but my URLs have been logging thousands of URL failures. Manual editing has never worked for my URL calling until this fix. I believe this was due to parsing failure and it complained of  "http://" and therefore  it would never allow it or allow me to edit/save changes.

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I previously posted in the the wrong category about the polling of the wireless tags not updating after changing the values in Polyglot and creating log entries in the ISY every minute. To correct this I took simplextech's advice and rebooted my pi. That did the trick.  Embarrassed I had to ask the forum for help. 

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21 minutes ago, BigMoose said:

I previously posted in the the wrong category about the polling of the wireless tags not updating after changing the values in Polyglot and creating log entries in the ISY every minute. To correct this I took simplextech's advice and rebooted my pi. That did the trick.  Embarrassed I had to ask the forum for help. 

Like your mother told you, You are hanging around with the right crowd. :)

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Unfortunately I am a newbie when it comes to Polyglot, Pi's and Python but hopefully someone can shed some light on this question and issue I am having.

I am running Polyglot on a Pi where I have the wireless tags node installed.  That is running fine but I also have a python program on this Pi which starts at boot which sends data to the ISY to update variables and in one instance retrieves a value from an ISY variable. (Tag data, climate data, temperature from DHT22 sensor) 

The python program has been coded so that there is no chance of a collision (meanings requesting or sending data to the ISY at the same time). 

This program is set up to run continuously but it abruptly stops after a few hours.

My question is this.  I have Polyglot short polling every 30 minutes and Long Polling every hour for tag data.  Would a collision between Polyglot sending Tag data to the ISY at the same time the Python Program is accessing the ISY cause the Python Program to stop.

I know this question is somewhat nebulous, but if this is the case, I will need to rethink how I have set up the Python program.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Unfortunately I am a newbie when it comes to Polyglot, Pi's and Python but hopefully someone can shed some light on this question and issue I am having.

I am running Polyglot on a Pi where I have the wireless tags node installed.  That is running fine but I also have a python program on this Pi which starts at boot which sends data to the ISY to update variables and in one instance retrieves a value from an ISY variable. (Tag data, climate data, temperature from DHT22 sensor) 

The python program has been coded so that there is no chance of a collision (meanings requesting or sending data to the ISY at the same time). 

This program is set up to run continuously but it abruptly stops after a few hours.

My question is this.  I have Polyglot short polling every 30 minutes and Long Polling every hour for tag data.  Would a collision between Polyglot sending Tag data to the ISY at the same time the Python Program is accessing the ISY cause the Python Program to stop.

I know this question is somewhat nebulous, but if this is the case, I will need to rethink how I have set up the Python program.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

No that is probably not an issue, but there are times the ISY fails to respond to rest requests if it's heavily loaded so you need to retry. Start a new thread and post your traceback log and we can help.


Edit: also short and long poll doesn't change much for tags because they are updated constantly as the tag manager pushes data.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk




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Thanks for your response.  Just to be sure I understand, I looked up a traceback log, and it appears I need to add code to create the log.  if that is the case, I will add some code today and create one.  I did a quick "find" on the Pi and apparently there is not one automatically created.

I will work on that this afternoon.

Thanks again


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1 hour ago, LarryCRetired said:


Thanks for your response.  Just to be sure I understand, I looked up a traceback log, and it appears I need to add code to create the log.  if that is the case, I will add some code today and create one.  I did a quick "find" on the Pi and apparently there is not one automatically created.

I will work on that this afternoon.

Thanks again


You should get a traceback from your python program when it crashes, nothing special you need to do.

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First I am sorry for adding this to the WIreless Tag Category but there is no need to start another question.  I isolated the error to the section where I am sending Tag Data to the ISY.  I was starting the program at boot so I did not have a traceback to the screen.  I started the program with nohup and was able to find the error in the nohup output file.  I fixed the error.  It was an error the compiler was not picking up.  I used a "^" for exponential rather than "**" in calculating dew point temperature.

Sorry I bothered the forum.  I did learn some new things researching the issue. 

Note:  I see that I am listed as an "Advanced Member".  Now if we are talking about age, it is correct but if it is knowledge, I have a lot to learn.?

Thanks again

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18 minutes ago, LarryCRetired said:


First I am sorry for adding this to the WIreless Tag Category but there is no need to start another question.  I isolated the error to the section where I am sending Tag Data to the ISY.  I was starting the program at boot so I did not have a traceback to the screen.  I started the program with nohup and was able to find the error in the nohup output file.  I fixed the error.  It was an error the compiler was not picking up.  I used a "^" for exponential rather than "**" in calculating dew point temperature.

Sorry I bothered the forum.  I did learn some new things researching the issue. 

Note:  I see that I am listed as an "Advanced Member".  Now if we are talking about age, it is correct but if it is knowledge, I have a lot to learn.?

Thanks again

Nice.  You can always pipe std and errout to a file when it's run at startup: /path/to/script.py > /path/to/file.log 2>&1

Just watch that the log doesn't contain a ton of output or you'll fill up your disk.  Or if you are starting with systemctl you can see the log using that.

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31 minutes ago, LarryCRetired said:


First I am sorry for adding this to the WIreless Tag Category but there is no need to start another question.  I isolated the error to the section where I am sending Tag Data to the ISY.  I was starting the program at boot so I did not have a traceback to the screen.  I started the program with nohup and was able to find the error in the nohup output file.  I fixed the error.  It was an error the compiler was not picking up.  I used a "^" for exponential rather than "**" in calculating dew point temperature.

Sorry I bothered the forum.  I did learn some new things researching the issue. 

Note:  I see that I am listed as an "Advanced Member".  Now if we are talking about age, it is correct but if it is knowledge, I have a lot to learn.?

Thanks again

Hey Larry, you never cease to amaze me and you definitely belong in that 'advanced' category (LOL i guess in both ways).

Do you happen to have it documented as to how you have that all set up (feeding tag data to isy using pi)?

I have them all, but no interaction Between yet...


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Thanks for the tip on how to get a log file.  I will modify my command to do that.


I can't take full credit for this program.  My brother, who is much sharper than me, put the structure together.  We are glad to share with the forum since we have gotten so much help in the past. 

###  Start of Program to Send Temperature and Humidity Data to ISY
        if time.time() - time_startTags >= timeoutTags:  ## timeoutTags is 4 hours

            tlist = [['Home:Office Sensor:', 0, 0], ['Home:Attic Sensor 1:', 0, 0]] # Names of my Sensors on the wireless Tag Site

            for i in range(len(tlist)):
                tagname = tlist[i][0]
                for line in reversed(list(open("/home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/logs/debug.log"))):
                    if (line.find(tagname) > -1):
                        if (line.find('set_temp:') > -1):
                            s1 = line.find('set_temp:') + 10
                            s2 = len(line)
                            tlist[i][1] = round(float(line[s1:s2]), 1)
                            SensorAtticT = tlist[i][1]
                            SensorOfficeT = tlist[i - 1][1]
                        if (line.find('set_hum:') > -1):
                            s1 = line.find('set_hum:') + 9
                            s2 = len(line)
                            tlist[i][2] = round(float(line[s1:s2]), 1)
                            SensorAtticH = tlist[i][2]
                            SensorOfficeH = tlist[i - 1][2]
            time_startTags = time.time()
            SensorAtticDPT = (((SensorAtticT / 100) ** (1 / 8)) * (112 + .9 * SensorAtticT) + (0.1 * SensorAtticT) - 112)
            #print(SensorAtticT, SensorAtticH, SensorOfficeT, SensorOfficeH, SensorAtticDPT)

            r = requests.get('http://xxx.xxx.x.xx/rest/vars/set/1/135/' + str(SensorAtticT),
                     auth=(username, password))
            r = requests.get('http://xxx.xxx.x.xx/rest/vars/set/1/136/' + str(SensorAtticH),
                     auth=(username, password))
            r = requests.get('http://xxx.xxx.x.xx/rest/vars/set/1/137/' + str(SensorOfficeT),
                     auth=(username, password))
            r = requests.get('http://xxx.xxx.x.xx/rest/vars/set/1/138/' + str(SensorOfficeH),
                     auth=(username, password))
            r = requests.get('http://xxx.xxx.x.xx/rest/vars/set/1/139/' + str(SensorAtticDPT),
                             auth=(username, password))

If anyone has used this code, sorry I made a mistake in the Dew Point formula.  The formula should be as follows;

SensorAtticDPT = (((SensorAtticH / 100) ** (1 / 8)) * (112 + .9 * AtticTCel) + (0.1 * AtticTCel) - 112).

Attic Humidity was inadvertent left out of the equation

Also it should be noted that this formula uses temperatures that are Celsius. 



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Thanks Larry and bro!...
Where is the best place to get the whole...
  -Polyglot initial setup and integration to the TagManager?...
and then...
  -Integration / setup between the Pi and Isy? (setup on ISY)?
and then...
  -I can use your Pyton script!... 


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You are in the right place.  Jimbo is credited for putting Polyglot on the pi.  Just go to the beginning of this category for the wireless tag node server and you will find a link to the excellent step by step videos he put together for getting polyglot onto your pi.  Once you have followed those videos and loaded the node for the wireless tags, you should be set.

Have fun

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Thanks Larry and bro!...
Where is the best place to get the whole...
  -Polyglot initial setup and integration to the TagManager?...
and then...
  -Integration / setup between the Pi and Isy? (setup on ISY)?
and then...
  -I can use your Pyton script!... 
Do you have an RPi?

Sent using Tapatalk

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