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Not a Geek - Installing my new Polisy Pro - Issues


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3 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:

@asbril, no port. Just https://xx.xx.xx.44.

With kind regards,

I sent you a screenshot of my router showing the address of the Polisy. 

The name "polisy" came directly from the connection between Polisy and Router. I did not manually input the name, so I am sure that this is it.


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19 hours ago, TexMike said:

Installed ISY-Inventory as a test and it works fine. Then tried Presence-Poly and it wouldn't install. Is it because Bluetooth is not yet implemented on Polisy?

Can I get an answer to my Presence-Poly question? Because I'm running ecobee and Ring in the cloud, my Polisy is currently a solution in search of a problem. I'm currently using Automagic on Android and Locative on iPhones for presence and it would be nice to offload presence detection to the Polisy.


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Backed up my rPi. Turned it off. Turned on polisy. Connected. Then uploaded the backup. Continues to say disconnected. Log shows it trying to auto connect to a weird IP. I manually set up but does not connect. Does however pull and display the firmware version of my ISY.

tried restarting poly and ISY  

anyone have some tips?


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Backed up my rPi. Turned it off. Turned on polisy. Connected. Then uploaded the backup. Continues to say disconnected. Log shows it trying to auto connect to a weird IP. I manually set up but does not connect. Does however pull and display the firmware version of my ISY.
tried restarting poly and ISY  
anyone have some tips?
Set up address to ISY then restart Polyglot. Make sure to reload backup once connection to ISY us fixed, otherwise ISY will still think Rpi is the nodeserver.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk

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31 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Set up address to ISY then restart Polyglot. Make sure to reload backup once connection to ISY us fixed, otherwise ISY will still think Rpi is the nodeserver.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk

I cant seem to fix the connection.  I'm getting error as follows:  Maybe best to do a factory reset of the POlisy?? if possible, how?

2019-12-27 19:55:09 [polyglot] info: Settings Saved Successfully.
2019-12-27 19:55:14 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
2019-12-27 19:55:14 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
2019-12-27 19:55:19 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
2019-12-27 19:55:19 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT


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I cant seem to fix the connection.  I'm getting error as follows:  Maybe best to do a factory reset of the POlisy?? if possible, how?
2019-12-27 19:55:09 [polyglot] info: Settings Saved Successfully.2019-12-27 19:55:14 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT2019-12-27 19:55:14 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT2019-12-27 19:55:19 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT2019-12-27 19:55:19 [polyglot] error: ISY: connection failed. Retrying... Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT


Did you set the address and port, save, then restart Polisy?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk

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24 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Did you set the address and port, save, then restart Polisy?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk

yes.  very odd.  What is most strange is that the only nodeserver I have installed : Push seems to work.  I added a new custom parameter and it showed up in ISY  admin.  Then sent some messages with pushed correctly. 

So that node shows connected but the poliglot server shows disconnected .

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11 hours ago, uffy said:

yes.  very odd.  What is most strange is that the only nodeserver I have installed : Push seems to work.  I added a new custom parameter and it showed up in ISY  admin.  Then sent some messages with pushed correctly. 

So that node shows connected but the poliglot server shows disconnected .

I woke up this morning to Polisy showing "connected." I didn't change anything.  Very weird, but I'll take it!

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@Michel Kohanim

I installed Polisy today and the initial startup went fine. Polisy started up and I was able to connect to it with direct IP address (DHCP set). 

First issue was changing the time zone. Selecting NYC followed by "change" resulted in a notice that timezone was changed, however the field returned back to LA. After trying this several times with the same result, I rebooted Polisy and tried again. This time the change stuck.

Connecting to ISY was not an issue, after updating the IP address and login information. 

                          Question: Information on Polisy Configuration screen for Networking is showing strange IP and MAC address'. Is this information to be ignored if DHCP is selected? These                                                   fields are not available to update with DHCP selected.

Moving on to updating Polisy, not updates were showing as available until I completed a reboot of Polisy between checking for updates. Polisy found 8 updates and after installing them, no further updates were found. However, checking for updates after a Polisy reboot discovered 14 additional updates. However, I couldn't get them to install until after an additional reboot. Further checks for update return ")", however, the message still indicates to select the update button.

After all was connected and updated, I restored a Polyglot back up, with Raspberry Pi powered down. After completing the restore, my Nodeservers show as "disconnected". I made several attempts with 2 different backup files and I tried rebooting both ISY and Polisy.

Checking the log, I see the following:

           2019-12-28 10:39:23 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-Fgz1Q authenticated successfully.
           2019-12-28 10:39:23 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
           2019-12-28 10:39:23 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 
           2019-12-28 10:41:00 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-Fgz1Q read ECONNRESET
           2019-12-28 10:41:00 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:

I am not sure what the above means or what to attempt next? The Nodeserver store doesn't show any of my nodes as being installed. Do I need to reinstall the Nodeservers?

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Received my Polisy Pro yesterday- https://polisy wouldn't locate it but I used an IP scanner and was able to log on- The Time Zone change wouldn't stick-  I next changed the IP address to conform to my other devices/network paradigm and rebooted- the Polisy is no where to be found!  I've tried isolating it with just the router and pc but the DHCP table lists only the PC.  I've power cycled it more than 10 times- tried resetting it via the front hole switch- still not locateable.  It appears to boot fine- 2 beeps and the left LED stays lit.  I've even tried another spare router and it doesn't matter if I use DHCP or a static IP using it's mac address.  After digging up old cables- I tried connecting to the serial port with Putty but there's no log in like RPI.  Is the OS corrupted??  I sent a ticket to UD Support but I was hoping to get this set up over the weekend.  Next steps??



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I've had a few "issues" with my new Polisy...starting with it never stopping beeping on "first boot" (btw...the incessant beeping gets old as you're trying to figure stuff out :) ).

I tried the debugging steps on the wiki page. The quick-start suggested that you "should" have on the same network as the isy (not "must")...I had just plugged it into a port on another vlan (being lazy)...ultimately I worked through all the update steps and whacking the /var/db/mongodb, plugged it into the a port on the isy vlan...honestly not sure "which" of those steps finally allowed it to finish "first boot"... @Michel Kohanim ...what does the "beeping" signify?

I'm also unable to update my timezone...so any thoughts appreciated on that.

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13 hours ago, DennisC said:

Try rebooting your Polisy and after you login go immediately to update your timezone. Be sure to click on "change" afterwards.  

I'd done this once yesterday (didn't stick)...did it again this morning and it "stuck"...so not sure this is solution...or just coincidence with trying multiple times...thanks for the suggestion though.

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The below worked for me to get Chrome to trust the Polisy self signed certificate. Unless any of you network security geeks has a reason not to do this, I recommend.

I'm on Windows 10 Chrome 79.

How do you get Chrome to accept a self-signed certificate?

  1. Navigate to the site with the cert you want to trust, and click through the usual warnings for untrusted certificates.

  2. In the address bar, right click on the red warning triangle and "Not secure" message and, from the resulting menu, select "Certificate" to show the certificate.

  3. In the window that pops up, select the "Details" tab (immediately to the right of "General"), and click on the "Copy to File..." at the bottom right of the tab.

  4. This launches the Certificate Export Wizard; click "Next" at the bottom, which takes you to a radio-button dialogue for selecting the format. Leave the default "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)" and click next again.

  5. Use the "Browse..." button to select a filename Documents (or wherever you'd like to leave the exported cert), and remember the name and path. Click "Next" to export the cert and then "Finish".

  6. You should get another pop-up window telling you the export was successful. Click "OK" to dismiss it, and again in the original "Certificate" pop-up window to dismiss it too.

  7. Next open the Chrome settings page, scroll to the bottom, and expand the "Advanced" section; in the "Privacy and security" panel, click on the "Manage certificates" area.

  8. In the pop-up "Certificates" window, select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab, and click on the "Import..." button; this will launch the Certificate Import Wizard.

  9. Click "Next" and, on the next page, select "Browse..." and use the explorer window to locate the certificate you exported at step 5 above.

  10. Click "Next" again, then "Finish", and, in the "Security Warning" pop-up, click on "Yes"; you should see yet another pop-up letting you know that the import was successful.

  11. Restart Chrome, and navigate to the webpage again; this time you should see the closed padlock and "Secure" annotation to the left of the URL.
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On 12/31/2019 at 1:12 PM, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello all, the reason time zone does not still is because one of the packages need update. So, please use the menu System | Upgrade Polisy to update your packages first.

With kind regards,

@Michel Kohanim...in the Polisy wiki, there is recommendation to "sudo pkg upgrade" when the beeping won't stop...I went through all these steps when my system arrived by necessity.

...is this command line different than what the menu does?

If so, how/why? If not, I had done this and my timezone wasn't sticking (without many retries).

And "what does the beeping signify?"


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