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15 hours ago, kewashi said:

All the uom values are "unit of measure" and can be safely ignored. If you are curious, the uom is what created the bug. uom values of 17 signal that the ST field is actually a temperature instead of a switch. The others are fields that contain details of the node with things like humidity, state, active, etc.

Thanks, I'll upgrade and let you know how it goes.  I figured UOM was the unit of measure, my thinking was the number represented the uom symbol (%, F, etc) but it didn't seem to be ASCII or hex.

The other values I was referring to were the un-highlighted nodes I listed earlier, for example GV10, 11, 3, & 4 don't seem to map to any of the values in the ISY node.

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On 8/2/2020 at 3:19 PM, kewashi said:

The CSS code snip can be put in your skin-housepanel/housepanel.css file or your skin-housepanel/customtiles.css file or even the customtiles.css file in the main folder if you want it to apply to all skins. 

You can also use :before to add text in front of fields. The tile editor currently does not support adding ":after" or ":before" items, but I might add it in the future.

Hey @tazman I added the ability to add :after and :before text to items in Version 2.317 that I just posted, so you can now do this without manually hacking the CSS file. Here is what the new TileEditor dialog box looks like. Notice the two new input boxes near the bottom.


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kewashi your the man! Thank you so much for adding that when I did not even tell you I failed the text editor way. My humidity stuff was coming  through with double %% at the end so in the future you might want to leave it up to the user to put it in where it is needed but I know that will not work on the one you are working on for Polyglot. When I have time I will do the update and report back how it went.

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Yea - some items use the formatted field which includes % or other units and others don’t which is why having it in the editor is better than editing the CSS file. I hope it works for you. In my testing it works well but proof will be when someone else has success with it.

My progress on the Polyglot version is slow but steady. Just have been swamped with my day job that pays the bills. So far I see no show stoppers preventing this from coming together

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Hi @kewashi

I've been experimenting with the rules a bit more, there is a lot of flexibility!  I tried to add a single light bulb to the scene (264) to see if I could create a single bulb that would turn on and off rather than 2 separate bulbs.  Using a link and 2 rules I got it working.  Then as I was editing the tile, the rules stopped working.  So I deleted those and went back to the basics that had worked before.  I have created 2 rules for tile 55 that turns on/off tile 58.  These were the exact rules I created previous to emulate the 3 way switch function before you had incorporated scenes.  But now they don't work for some reason.  Toggling tile 55 has no effect on tile 58.  The scene (264) however still works correctly toggling both 55 and 58.  I tried a reboot of house panel but that did not help.  Side question, do all of the rules created need unique names within HousePanel or just the Tile? There was a time I had 2 rules created with the same name but in different tiles.  I don't know if that would messed things up.

Thanks for your help,

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4 hours ago, tmorse305 said:

Side question, do all of the rules created need unique names within HousePanel or just the Tile?

Rule names just have to be unique for the tile they reside within. 

Regarding your rule in tile 55 not working any more I don’t know why that would happen. Double check that the tile numbers and rule syntax are correct. I have done lots of testing of the rule feature but there is a lot there so bugs are still possible. If you can’t get it working turn on the rule debug constant and send me the debug printout in the popes log file. I think the number is DEBUG11 but not sure. It will be obvious in the hpserver.js code near the top.  

edit: I noticed you used “on” ... try using DON to see if that works. I think I check for on and DON but not sure. 

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2 hours ago, kewashi said:

edit: I noticed you used “on” ... try using DON to see if that works. I think I check for on and DON but not sure. 

I tried DON but still no luck.  However I did find out a few things.  I changed the rules to point to a different tile (33) and the rules work just fine(with on or DON).  When I switch the rule back to tile 58 still no luck.  I then discovered that if I click on Tile 58 I can no longer turn it on and off, the lamp remains gray and there is no communication with ISY (doesn't go busy for a second or 2 like with other tiles).  So it seems like I have broken Tile 58 somehow which is curious because I never wrote a rule on that specific tile.  I set DEBUG11 to true, the log is attached.  The log includes the activity where I change the rule from tile 58 to 33 and back.  For  the very last entries, I went into the customizer screen and checked the rules tom make sure they were set to Tile 58, then clicked tile 55 on then off.

Thanks again for your help.

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It seems I always have to redo most things to update to the new version but it was worth it. I had to keep the old tileeditor.css file or else putting the same resolution numbers in did not work. My colored temperatures are not showing the decimal points for some reason?? Adding the devices from ISY seemed to be out of order the way tiles had the wrong pictures. Thanks for your work kewashi!


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On 8/14/2020 at 9:28 PM, tmorse305 said:

So it seems like I have broken Tile 58 somehow which is curious because I never wrote a rule on that specific tile. 

Your log file looks normal. Tile 58 is not working so the rule can’t operate it. Try restarting the server. Also check the device in the ISY console to make sure it is working there. 

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4 hours ago, kewashi said:

Your log file looks normal. Tile 58 is not working so the rule can’t operate it. Try restarting the server. Also check the device in the ISY console to make sure it is working there. 

Rebooting the server does not resolve.  Tile 58 does respond in HousePanel when activated by the scene (264) so the device is working.  Manually activating the scene with the switch also works.  It does not work directly or through the rules on 55.  Is there a way to delete it and rediscover it?

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4 hours ago, tmorse305 said:

It does not work directly or through the rules on 55.  Is there a way to delete it and rediscover it?

This is very odd. You can reconfigure by doing a hub reauth. But I don’t think that will help. The fact that it doesn’t work on the panel is the problem. If we fix that the rule will start working. Let’s check what fields show up for tile 58. My guess is switch isn’t showing up but DON is. Take a look at the Show Info page and show here what tile 58 gives for the fields. You can also get this info by inspecting the tile with Chrome. You could tie the rule to DON=DON instead of switch=on

I am very curious about this because it could be a sign of a bigger bug  thanks for helping me find it.

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On 8/16/2020 at 5:29 PM, kewashi said:

This is very odd. You can reconfigure by doing a hub reauth. But I don’t think that will help. The fact that it doesn’t work on the panel is the problem. If we fix that the rule will start working. Let’s check what fields show up for tile 58. My guess is switch isn’t showing up but DON is. Take a look at the Show Info page and show here what tile 58 gives for the fields. You can also get this info by inspecting the tile with Chrome. You could tie the rule to DON=DON instead of switch=on

I am very curious about this because it could be a sign of a bigger bug  thanks for helping me find it.

switch is present within tile 58, see screen shot.  I tried the reauth but HousePanel crashed and will not restart, see log attached.


Thanks for your help.

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4 hours ago, kewashi said:

Looks like your ports are messed up and the websocket didn’t load. Are you loading two ISY hubs? Different ports?

No just 1 ISY and 1 Hubitat. When I first setup ISY, the default websocket port would not work so I changed it to 1381 I believe.  Is there a way to delete the ISY data so that I can restart HosuePanel and re-add the ISY again?

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13 hours ago, kewashi said:

Yea - it is clunky but easy. Stop the server then edit hmoptions.cfg and remove the ISY section in the hubs json part. make sure you remove the comma in between the two hubs. Save the file and restart the server. 

HousePanel is running again. There were 2 entries for ISY in hmoptions.cfg, so I messed up the re-auth somehow.  Instead of editing it I deleted it.  On restart I reauth'd ISY and Hubitat and all is good.  See screen shot, I added a link and 2 rules to tile 268 which is a scene.  The link connects to 'switch' in tile 87.  The rules are trying to sync tile 74 to the 'switch' status in 87.  But they don't work for some reason.  If I create the rules in tile 87 instead it works correctly in tile 268.  Should it work with the rules applied to tile 268?  I attached the log for reference in case there is a clue there.  The last entries in the log were clicking the 'switch' bulb in tile 268.  The motivation for this was to see if  I could create a single bulb in the scene that would toggle  rather than 2 separate bulbs.  I think for 3 way switch scenes, the better solution is to write the rules on the tile 87 but I was just curious if I could do it.  Thanks again for your help.

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Hi @kewashi,  I've discovered an issue related to the 6 button KeyPads.  None of the tiles work for the 4 smaller buttons, the load controlling button is working.  In contrast the 8 button KPLs are working fine.  Here is an example, see screen shot.  Tiles 35 - 39 represent the 4 button KPL.  35 is the load controlling button and is operating correctly.  When I press 36 - 39, the bulb does not change from off to on.  Tile 74 is a button on an 8 button KPL.  See the log snippet, I pressed 74 twice then 36 - 39 twice.  74 works correctly but the rest as you can see do not toggle the lamp from on to off.  I was also monitoring the ISY event viewer (level 3) while doing this.  There is no communication with ISY when buttons 36 - 39 are pressed.  74 produces activity in the event viewer.

The log is attached for reference.  Thanks for your help with this.

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@kewashi  Thanks for a great product. Just learning how to set things up. I did run into a little problem , something I did where an icon is added to the tile and I can't seem to get rid of it unless I reinstall  npm. If I hide everything the icon is still there. Installing npm again cleared the tile just fine without affecting anything else.  Here is a screen shot of the phantom icon. The On and Off icons are accounted for. Just wondering if there may be an easier way to delete that third Icon which appears to be stuck to the tile. 



On another note it would be nice if a curtain icon was available to show an open or closed state similar to the garage doors.

Thanks for your great work.



UPDATE: I just discovered that doing a reset fixed the icon issue.

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On 8/20/2020 at 10:36 PM, tmorse305 said:

I've discovered an issue related to the 6 button KeyPads

Thanks for all of your "battle testing" -- it is very appreciated.  I don't have any of these devices so I can't really troubleshoot this. All ISY devices are basically handled the same way so there must be something unique about this device. Let me look into it.

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11 hours ago, garybixler said:

On another note it would be nice if a curtain icon was available to show an open or closed state similar to the garage doors

Yea - this is on my "todo" list... I have some Grabber z-wave shades that work great with HousePanel linked through SmartThings and there is no icon for them so I am motivated to get to this some day soon. I haven't tried linking these devices into my ISY hub.

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22 hours ago, kewashi said:

Thanks for all of your "battle testing" -- it is very appreciated.  I don't have any of these devices so I can't really troubleshoot this. All ISY devices are basically handled the same way so there must be something unique about this device. Let me look into it.

Are there other logging options that I could turn on that might help to identify the issue?

EDIT: disregard this whole issue, it is working correctly.  Brain fade on my part, you cannot control the buttons directly, it can only be done as part of a scene, except for the A button.  Guess which button is tile 74... 'A' which is why it works.  Thanks, sorry for the fire drill.

On another topic, I also noticed on program tiles, the 'status', 'last-run', & 'last-finished' nodes don't change with updates.  The values load from somewhere when you un-hide them initially but then that's it, they're stuck on those values.  Thanks again for your work on this, the more I play with it the more I like it!


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