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Install Polyglot v2 on a Raspberry pi 3b+


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HI All,

I've been attempting to install the polyglot server from UDI for a couple of days now with no luck.

I've been following the instructions here: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2
i flashed a new SD (32g)card with Raspberry Pi OS Lite(legacy) 
Everything seems to install correctly but when i try to access it at, nothing
after some reading/googling if added a .env file to .polyglot dir and now i can reach it vis the web but get

Not connected to server... Try refreshing the page. This will disappear once the connection is re-established.

and if i remove the file it goes back to nothing.

I don't see any errors in the logs either

4/11/2022, 08:27:20 [polyglot] debug: Created PID file: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
4/11/2022, 08:27:24 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
4/11/2022, 08:27:25 [polyglot] debug: Created PID file: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
4/11/2022, 08:27:27 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.11
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] debug: Checking for DB Maintenence needs...
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] debug: DB Version Found: 2 no maintenence necessary.
4/11/2022, 08:27:28 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] info: MQTT Client Service: Started
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] info: HTTP Interface Service: Started - Address: Port: 3000
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot authenticated successfully.
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: Node server Ring [1] added to running config.
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: Node server MyQ [2] added to running config.
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: Node server TimedataPGC [4] added to running config.
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: Node server Climacell [5] added to running config.
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MongoDB: 4 Node server(s) retrieved from database
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/connections/# QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/frontend/# QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/frontend/settings QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/frontend/node servers QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/frontend/log QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/ns/# QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: MQTTC: Subscribed to udi/polyglot/profile/# QoS 0
4/11/2022, 08:27:29 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 -
4/11/2022, 08:27:30 [polyglot] info: ISY: Got Version 5.3.0
4/11/2022, 08:27:30 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 -

any ideas would be great


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Just now, PeteEaston said:

I have the hardware and it was working great with polyglot cloud but with that removed I need to either rebuild it locally or find an alternative 

The alternative is to purchase a Polisy. The current V2 node servers aren't being updated nor is polyglot V2 itself. You're wasting your time taking this route as it's only a matter of time before this setup breaks as well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any news on this? I'm trying to install polyglot v2 and I'm getting the same problem. I'm kind of at a crossroad as to where I want to go with home automation and I don't want to buy a polisy until I'm sure which direction I want to go.

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31 minutes ago, ryarber said:

Any news on this? I'm trying to install polyglot v2 and I'm getting the same problem. I'm kind of at a crossroad as to where I want to go with home automation and I don't want to buy a polisy until I'm sure which direction I want to go.

My ISY994 and RPi combo work just fine. I abandoned it for polisy for a few months but resurrected it again until some things settle down. The install was completely new and took some port redefining but works well for again the last few months.

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8 hours ago, ryarber said:

Any news on this? I'm trying to install polyglot v2 and I'm getting the same problem. I'm kind of at a crossroad as to where I want to go with home automation and I don't want to buy a polisy until I'm sure which direction I want to go.

The second link in the second post here will show you how to fix the issue. Did you read that?

EDIT: Actually - read the info at both of those links. Before I bought my Policy, I installed PG2 on an RPi and had the same problem until I found those posts.

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