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Desperate Help Needed - Possible PLM issue but maybe not

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Thanks for all the replies. To try to answer all of your questions:

The bootup sequence for the lights on the ISY seems OK. What remains are two bright blue left lights including the RX one. The wiki clearly says this is a problem with the communication to the PLM. 

I have already opened a ticket with Support and Michel is standing by his opinion that both PLMs are bad (as rare as that may be). I even hypothesized that maybe the original ISY caused some sort of short to the first PLM and then did the same to the second PLM. But both he, and this forum, said it was impossible.

Don't forget, I have also tried different cables, different outlets and even different ISYs with both the PLMs. In every combination, I am getting the two solid lights.

Next step is to send the PLM to the person from Binghampton on ebay for a repair. I already paid the $92 and will ship it out this week. Of course, my fear is that if, in fact, the ISY caused a short, then it could happen again immediately.

I have a recent backup of my ISY if need be. 

I do not believe this is the issue but I will throw it out there anyway - if I did a hard reset of the PLM and then plugged it back into an ISY, I shouldn't get the two blue lights on the ISY, correct? If that is expected behavior after a PLM reset, then I have hope. But I don't think it is.

Any other ideas?

PS - after further research, I don't think I can go with Caseta. I don't like the way the switches look, they are capped at 75 devices (including Picos) and the Pico is not really a good substitute for a keypadlink. Since I love the IFTT of ISY, if I can't get this fixed, I may need to go with a Polisy and Zwave. But that really worries me too.

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1 hour ago, gadgetfreak said:

Thanks for all the replies. To try to answer all of your questions:

The bootup sequence for the lights on the ISY seems OK. What remains are two bright blue left lights including the RX one. The wiki clearly says this is a problem with the communication to the PLM. 

I have already opened a ticket with Support and Michel is standing by his opinion that both PLMs are bad (as rare as that may be). I even hypothesized that maybe the original ISY caused some sort of short to the first PLM and then did the same to the second PLM. But both he, and this forum, said it was impossible.

Don't forget, I have also tried different cables, different outlets and even different ISYs with both the PLMs. In every combination, I am getting the two solid lights.

Next step is to send the PLM to the person from Binghampton on ebay for a repair. I already paid the $92 and will ship it out this week. Of course, my fear is that if, in fact, the ISY caused a short, then it could happen again immediately.

I have a recent backup of my ISY if need be. 

I do not believe this is the issue but I will throw it out there anyway - if I did a hard reset of the PLM and then plugged it back into an ISY, I shouldn't get the two blue lights on the ISY, correct? If that is expected behavior after a PLM reset, then I have hope. But I don't think it is.

Any other ideas?

PS - after further research, I don't think I can go with Caseta. I don't like the way the switches look, they are capped at 75 devices (including Picos) and the Pico is not really a good substitute for a keypadlink. Since I love the IFTT of ISY, if I can't get this fixed, I may need to go with a Polisy and Zwave. But that really worries me too.

If you believe it's the Isy and are hesitant about using polisy with your insteon , I'd get another isy. 

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2 hours ago, gadgetfreak said:

@lilyoyo1I have two more ISYs. But everyone swears it can't be the ISY that caused both PLMs to die. Can you imagine if I get the repaired PLM back and it works for an hour and dies again?

No one believes it because it hasn't happened that we're aware of. If you believe it to be, why not use another one of your Isys with it to find out

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I have never see a report of one or two PLMs damaged by an ISY994i. As a repair technician I would not say Murphy's Law has not struck. Stranger things have happened to me.

Ask the repair vendor what was bad. I would suspect the power supply capacitors. If the RS232 interface chip on the Daughter Board was bad. Maybe the ISY994i damaged it.  At V2.3 the chip was upgraded to one with a better ESD rating and 2.4 a redesign of the board with the new chip and a signal protection network on the serial signal lines.

I did a check with my ISY94i. With the normal software version that checks for a PLM on boot up. No PLM connected results in the No PLM  Safe mode condition.  I suspect the unconnected receive signal causes it to have both the Blue Power and Receive LED lights on.

A flaky interface inside the ISY994i could also cause the issue but If you tired more than one ISY994i a bad one would be ruled out. Holding off for the repair of the PLM results maybe a better idea.

Edited by Brian H
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I did a hard reset on my second ISY Pro. As expected, I connected it to both PLMs and they both have errors with the two blue lights and the ISY boots into safe-mode. One PLM is en route to Binghamton for repairs. While I wait, I can at least control scenes with existing switches that were already programmed. I just have no timer or Alexa functionality - nor remote control of devices.

As I wait, I am also going through the spare (wiped) ISY to make sure it is ready for when the repaired PLM comes back. It boots to safe mode. There is a recent (enough) firmware:


When I go to Programs, I get an error:


When I click OK,  it goes away. I have also gotten a different error under the programs screen sometimes:


 I am not sure if that is something I need to address. When the PLM comes back, I will hope that I have a good connection. If so, I will restore my last backup.

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I upgraded to 5.3.4 (needed to upgrade the admin console too). Logged in, safe-mode prompt, then went to programs and got this error:


Keep in mind, I didn't restore my backup yet so there are no devices, scenes or programs in the ISY. Here is my About screen:


And here is status:


I am not sure if there is anything else for "System Configuration". Thanks.

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You may have some corrupt ISY config files stored on your computer that need to be deleted.

I don't recall where they're stored, but someone on this forum will have the answer

Are you using the ISY launcher (start.jnlp) to access the admin console?





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I used to have those errors before but they never seemed to affect anything so I wasn't too worried. But, if there is a way to remove them (esp now that I am waiting for my PLM to be repaired) I am happy to try. Thx.

And yes - I am using start.jnlp to access the admin console.

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42 minutes ago, gadgetfreak said:

I used to have those errors before but they never seemed to affect anything so I wasn't too worried. But, if there is a way to remove them (esp now that I am waiting for my PLM to be repaired) I am happy to try. Thx.

And yes - I am using start.jnlp to access the admin console.

If you are at the empty ISY state, you could factory reset, then re-install the firmware of choice again, then restore.

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If you don't have a working PLM attached, and you have Insteon selected on the configuration, you will get an error (can't swear it is precisely this one, but probably is) when trying to switch to the Program page.

* Orest

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Makes sense. The clock is ticking waiting for my PLM to get back. It is only set to arrive tomorrow and he said he takes up to 10 days. I guess there is nothing more to do now but wait. Thank you all for the advice and psychological support :). I will keep you posted. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am curious to see how the repair goes, since that seems like a good service provider, based upon the detailed listing description, and the option to choose the various options, like repair of communication issues.

I have a spare 2413S PLM (V1.c 1425) that was in service from 9/2014 to 5/2018. It still powers up, and I don't have any recollection of what the issue was, but it was probably communication errors. I checked my post history and DMs (cannot find where to check support tickets), but there is no information about what was the issue with the PLM. Given other posts about the serial daughter board RS232 interface chip upgrades in later versions, it seems likely that is the issue.

My current 2413S PLM (V2.4 3817) in service was purchased 5/30/18, so during the Memorial Day sale. That is an indicator that perhaps I did not experience a total failure, but rather intermittent communication issues. I just cannot remember.

Since my current PLM is getting old, I would rather have my spare PLM functional and ready to swap out. I know that Insteon was purchased by some enthusiasts, but it will probably take some time for hardware to show up in the store, if that is even in their plans. Therefore, it seems like the smart option is to pay for the repair of my spare.

I welcome any input while we await for (hopefully) good news from @gadgetfreak


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The upgrades serial chip was just to add some added protection to the two serial signals. I saw a Smarthome post indicating they had serial signal lines effected by a static discharge. I would suspect that would cause a communications problem between the PLM and ISY994i.

The rebuild should get you the properly rated caps we all have used in our own repairs.

Edited by Brian H
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8 hours ago, giomania said:

I checked my post history and DMs (cannot find where to check support tickets

Support tickets are on UD's main site. When you log into your account there there should be "my tickets". I'm not sure how far back the current site goes for support tickets, but it might be worth a shot there if you had them connected to an account with UD's side. 

Otherwise, your post might have been archived and the only way to find that in search is with Google Site Search


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/30/2022 at 4:51 PM, gadgetfreak said:

@lilyoyo1I have two more ISYs. But everyone swears it can't be the ISY that caused both PLMs to die. Can you imagine if I get the repaired PLM back and it works for an hour and dies again?

@oskrypuch I am not sure if it matters, but your sad reaction to one of my posts seems to have given me a bad reputation on this forum (whatever that means).

And, to all, I should be getting the repaired PLM later this week and will keep you all updated. 

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@gadgetfreak A bad reputation? How so?

Here was your post ...


I have two more ISYs. But everyone swears it can't be the ISY that caused both PLMs to die. Can you imagine if I get the repaired PLM back and it works for an hour and dies again?

That would make me sad, who wouldn't be sad by that. It is not that likely, but would be real frustrating!

But, I can remove that reaction token, if you wish.

* Orest

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If you click your profile it shows your reputation. I am guessing that a sad face may bring down the number, can considering he has only reputation of 4 this would weigh against his reputation more significantly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK all. I have an update for you. The first PLM arrived back around 10 days later and I plugged it into the second ISY I had (more on this in a bit). No communication error! I restored my configuration, had to rebuild my (only) four Alexa command, had to contact UD support to move my license (I likely did something wrong) and I am back up and running!


I have now sent my second PLM for repair and will test it out when it gets back.


Now I am still scared to plug the PLM into the first ISY - the one that was attached when each PLM originally broke. Michel from UD cannot believe that the ISY would "fry" the PLM and it was just a coincidence. So, if anyone has any suggestions on the best way to test this all when the second PLM comes back, let me know. I can't risk my system going down again - especially when it is working fine now.

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12 minutes ago, gadgetfreak said:

OK all. I have an update for you. The first PLM arrived back around 10 days later and I plugged it into the second ISY I had (more on this in a bit). No communication error! I restored my configuration, had to rebuild my (only) four Alexa command, had to contact UD support to move my license (I likely did something wrong) and I am back up and running!


I have now sent my second PLM for repair and will test it out when it gets back.


Now I am still scared to plug the PLM into the first ISY - the one that was attached when each PLM originally broke. Michel from UD cannot believe that the ISY would "fry" the PLM and it was just a coincidence. So, if anyone has any suggestions on the best way to test this all when the second PLM comes back, let me know. I can't risk my system going down again - especially when it is working fine now.

I doubt the Isy fried your plms as well. However, if you're certain that it did, why bother testing it... Especially since things are working well now. It's cheaper to get another Isy than it is to replace your plms again  if you're right.

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21 minutes ago, gadgetfreak said:

Because the second ISY is a newer version and, if I have a spare one that I may need in the future, it is good to know that it will be available when needed.

There's not much difference in 994s...You can do what you've been doing to find out if it works or not and spend the same equivalent amount fixing your plms again or just buy another one and be confident that it's not the issue. They're roughly the same price....

If you're correct, not only are you still purchasing a new Isy you're out of a PLM as well (and paying again for that along with what you spent the last time), vs spending 100 bucks and having confidence in your system

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