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Removing Old Links - redundent links in device table


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I’m in the process of transition from HomeLinc2 to the ISY-99 and have a few issues. First some background. It was my understanding that I would be able to add all my devices (about 25) and links by Linking and specifying to “add devices and keep linksâ€. While this appeared to work just fine, modifying my scenes didn’t respond as expected. Thinking that I might have many unnecessary and unused links within many devices, I deleted each of the devices and relinked each device only this time, I specified to “add device and erase all linksâ€. To my surprise, the links remained and for the most parts, the lights continued to function as they did under HomeLinc2. As a last attempt, I erased all the devices again and prior to adding each device, I initialized the devices to factory defaults and then added each device. Things seem to work better but I’m confused about one aspect. When I read the links stored in each device (prior to creating any scenes), a device address shows linked to each device, not only once but twice. I assume this is the address of the PLM but I’m concerned there are two entries for each device.


Also, since I have many Outletlincs and In-Linelincs, which require removing of power to initialize (not very easy), is there an method in which I can use to erase any previous links, prior to creating Scenes within the ISY?


Thank you in advance

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If you want to do something simple you could use the trial version of powerhome. Download and install it then simply add the one device you're curious about into the database. Reinitialize it and then go to the insteon explorer window. It will show you all the links in it. You will have to do your own interpreting what the links are to by the insteon device addresses but that shouldn't be too hard. You'll also want to clear and restore your PLM afterwards as powerhome will make a PLM entry for the device when you add it.



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Brian H. – The PLM is new (serial version) which was purchased along with the ISY-99


Michel Kohanim – The ISY software version is 2.7.0


Mark James – Thank you for the recommendation. At this point, I’ll try most anything to understand what’s going on.


Thank you all for your support!



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Thanks so very much.


You can also use Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table and see the link records in each device. Devices that respond to controllers to which they are not linked have slave links in them pointing to the controller.


Alternatively, you can create a dummy scene, put the offending controller and responder in that scene and then remove the scene. This should remove the offending links.


At this point, my theory is this:

1. You have added controllers to ISY while the responders have not been added

2. The responders have links from prior installation and thus they are still responding. Once you add the responders using "remove existing links", I believe all will work


With kind regards,


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Thank you for your suggestions. I believe you are correct so I will try it. I do have one question, to clarify things for myself. If I add a device either by the "Start Linking" or "New INSTEON Device" and select "Remove existing links", shouldn't that Link the device and clear the devices Link Table, except for the linkage to the PLM?


Many thanks for your support.



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