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Node Servers not showing up in the ISY

Go to solution Solved by Illusion,

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Working to move to IoP and struggling on multiple levels. Working on the node servers now. Purchased WeatherFlow for PG3, got it installed and I believe set up. The node server is populated with lots of data that looks correct and up to date, but it does not show up in my ISY:


Those three node servers are from PG2 that is gone for me. I am not savy enough to flash my hard drive so I ordered a new one and am just going to start fresh from PG3. But I did try to restore from my PG2 backup file hoping the node servers would just transfer over. They did not.



So now I have these dead servers that I hope go away once I clean everything up in the ISY. Maybe I can delete them from the admin console and they will go away because I do not have a delete option from the PG3 interface.

I was working extensively on the WOL node server but could not get it to work, and the last time I deleted it and reinstalled it, it would not show up in the ISY either. So I moved on to purchasing the WeatherFlow.

And now it does not show up in the ISY either. I am at a loss and begining to think I am doing something very wrong.

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I'm not sure what you're doing (or not doing) at this point. But I might suggest you read the Polisy User Guide to help in some ways: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide

Any node servers you install with PG2 can only be managed by PG2 and will show up as "unmanaged" in PG3. And vise-versa. 

PG2 can only point to one ISY. PG3 (I believe) can point to multiple ISY. 

So, are you working with a Polisy and trying to send node servers to an (external) ISY994? Or are you on a Polisy and trying to send node servers to ISY on Polisy?

If you want to delete Node Servers you need to access the dashboard that installed them and uninstall and delete from there. PG2 is a two step process. PG3, I think, is a more simple solutions, but haven't gone through the process in a while to give you step-by-step.

If your Polisy is "old" and you're waiting for a new drive then I wouldn't do anything with it now until you get the new drive. You're going to cause more problems than good at this point by randomly trying to flip between two entirely different systems.


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If PG2 installed those node servers on the IoP then only that instance of PG2 can delete them.  PG3 only knows that something else installed them on the IoP, it can't do anything with them.

To remove them from the IoP, you're close with your screen shot.  Simply use that same menu to select the node server and you'll have a button called "Delete" that will remove the node server from the IoP.  After about 5 minutes, PG3 will see that it was removed and the dashboard should be clear of those node servers.

If when you install a node server on PG3 and it does not show up on the IoP, it means that PG3 is unable to communicate with the IoP.  Check the ISY configuration in PG3 and make sure the IP address, username, and password are correct for the IoP.  

If the IP address changed because you have the Polisy getting a dynamic IP address, you'll have problems every time it changes.  You can set the IP address field to which will always work for the IoP since both IoP and PG3 are running on the same Polisy.  Then it won't matter if the external IP address changes.

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@Bumbershoot ISY has a check mark next to it in the Polisy (PG3). Not sure what your reference to IPv6 is. It is on my local network with a regular IPv4 address and a MAC/UUID referenced.

@Geddy Thanks for all the info. I did read everything referenced before posting here. The ISY in the pics in IoP that I am trying to move to. My 994 is in a drawer at this point, but may come back out if I cannot get the WOL node server to work. That is a deal breaker for me as powering on my LG TV is a mission critical item.  PG2 does not point to anything. I have never started up PG2 on this new Polisy Hard Drive I installed. Those node servers were set up on PG2 that is on a hard drive in a drawer. If I have to access that to delete them, they are going to stay right where they are. But maybe I can delete them using PG2 on this Polisy. But that is a battle for another day.

@bpwwer Oh great. So that clean up will be easy. Thanks. I did have a major issue with a IP address change while trying to get this set up, but now I set up a DHCP reservation. Maybe I will try the, but confidence is low because I know the ip is correct and locked in now...

EDIT: Wait, the ISY is supposed to be HTTP, not HTTPS, right?

Edited by Illusion
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Yes, http.   https will only work if you configure IoP with a valid SSL certificate obtained from a known certificate authority.

The PG3 log file is the best source of debugging info when having trouble like this.  If PG3 is unable to communicate with the IoP (or ISY), the log will show it making multiple attempts (TRY 1, TRY 2, TRY 3) and eventually throw an error saying max retries exceeded.  It will also show the URL that it is trying to use to connect to the IoP/ISY.

If it is connecting the IoP/ISY but being rejected with a 401 error, that means the username/password is incorrect.

I've tried to make PG3 behave a bit better when it can't communicate with the IoP/ISY, but it is still not very good about popping up  errors and aborting the node server install in this case.

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Somehow the ISY connection in the PG3 had moved to HTTPS. It was not always like that because I had a node server working for a bit. Not sure what happened there, or how. But all fixed now. Indeed there was all that TRY 1, TRY 2, TRY 3 in the log.

It was a bit interesting, when I clicked over to HTTP, all my nodes in PG3 disappeared. When installed them back they were messed up. There was no configuration help panes in the PG3. Further, the message notification that "enter at least one station ID" and the one about "enter token" both showed up on your Wake On LAN poly, not on the WeatherFlow poly. That weirded me out enough that I deleted all and rebooted PG3. Then started fresh and it went perfectly smooth.

@bpwwer A thought from a novice: I think the configuration help pane could be a touch more clear. I (like another user here on this forum though that the custom field that we have to add be "Station ID" and then the number of the station in value. Then when that did not work, I assumed that I needed to also add the station id in the key field and then either "remote" or "Local" in the value field. Now that I know exactly how you want the information in there your configuration help pane makes perfect sense. But coming at it as a lay person there are a lot there.

Might I suggest an edit:

[Station ID] [required]: At least one station id must be entered in the format of XXXXX in the Key feild (where XXXXX is the station ID of your Device and the Value field is either remote or local.

Then in the example, I would also change the numbers to obvious nothings, because the numbers you are using look like they could be some kind or real port number or something to us idiots. I would also increase it to 5 digits, because I really did think the values meant something because they were a different number of digits...

click "Add Custom Parameter"

key = 4968 12345 value = local

key = 1398 67890 value = remote

Configures the devices associated with station ID 12345 to get data from hub UDP feed on the local network. Devices associated with station ID 67890 are configured to get data from the WeatherFlow server at shortPoll intervals.

On a separate note: I was fine with PG2 nodes. A big factor in me switching to PG3 was so I could purchase the node I am using the most and that is this. Thank you for taking the time to make it and I am happy I could be a customer instead of just a freeloader.

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21 minutes ago, Illusion said:

@bpwwer A thought from a novice: I think the configuration help pane could be a touch more clear. I (like another user here on this forum though that the custom field that we have to add be "Station ID" and then the number of the station in value. Then when that did not work, I assumed that I needed to also add the station id in the key field and then either "remote" or "Local" in the value field. Now that I know exactly how you want the information in there your configuration help pane makes perfect sense. But coming at it as a lay person there are a lot there.

Might I suggest an edit:

[Station ID] [required]: At least one station id must be entered in the format of XXXXX in the Key feild (where XXXXX is the station ID of your Device and the Value field is either remote or local.

Then in the example, I would also change the numbers to obvious nothings, because the numbers you are using look like they could be some kind or real port number or something to us idiots. I would also increase it to 5 digits, because I really did think the values meant something because they were a different number of digits...

click "Add Custom Parameter"

key = 4968 12345 value = local

key = 1398 67890 value = remote


The example station ID's are actually my station ID's.  There isn't a fixed number of digits for the station id. As they sell more units, the station id assigned are getting larger.  Some of the very first units might even have single digit station ID's,.

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