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I have the Baldwin Touchscreen Z-Wave lock which is a Kwikset 916 underneath. There is no separate app, but it works well with IoX. My one gripe is that the ability to set and delete users is missing from UD Mobile (you can do it in Admin). I can write programs to notify me of which user locked or unlocked the door (manual operations are indicated as User 0.)

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17 hours ago, Steve L said:

I have the Baldwin Touchscreen Z-Wave lock which is a Kwikset 916 underneath. There is no separate app, but it works well with IoX. My one gripe is that the ability to set and delete users is missing from UD Mobile (you can do it in Admin). I can write programs to notify me of which user locked or unlocked the door (manual operations are indicated as User 0.)

If functionality is in the admin console but not in UD Mobile, you should flag @Javito insure he is aware of it. That way if it is a feature he needs to add, he can. If it's a bug, he can track it and correct it.

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On 3/6/2023 at 1:23 PM, DennisC said:

If functionality is in the admin console but not in UD Mobile, you should flag @Javito insure he is aware of it. That way if it is a feature he needs to add, he can. If it's a bug, he can track it and correct it.

I entered a feature request on Github for this a while back - @Javi is aware.

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On 2/24/2023 at 6:11 AM, JTsao said:

Ultraloq Pro Z-Wave


I am ordering one of these.  I've had Schlage's for years, and they just have too many issues.  Gets here Tuesday, based upon other posts, seems like this is much improved, and I like the fingerprint . . .

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