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Support Thread: 5.0.16C (ISY994)


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I just received my Polisy in the mail. I see v 5.0.16+ is a requirement but it is not an official release as far as I can tell. Just curious because I noticed this release candidate is now 6 months old. Is there something I am missing or should I go ahead and use this version "Release 5.0.16C (RC1)"?

Thank you

I just received my Polisy in the mail. I see v 5.0.16+ is a requirement but it is not an official release as far as I can tell. Just curious because I noticed this release candidate is now 6 months old. Is there something I am missing or should I go ahead and use this version "Release 5.0.16C (RC1)"?
Thank you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What does this step in the prerequisites mean?

  -  If you have not already done so, reconfigure your Climate Module to point to HAM Weather Stations instead of WeatherBug. Without this configuration, ISY will not process Climate Information. This is especially important if your previous station didn't include a station close to you.”

I have the Climate Module but it hasn’t worked in some time as my understanding was that UD stopped supporting it. I don’t see HAM nor WeatherBug as an option.


What does this step in the prerequisites mean?
”  -  If you have not already done so, reconfigure your Climate Module to point to HAM Weather Stations instead of WeatherBug. Without this configuration, ISY will not process Climate Information. This is especially important if your previous station didn't include a station close to you.”
I have the Climate Module but it hasn’t worked in some time as my understanding was that UD stopped supporting it. I don’t see HAM nor WeatherBug as an option.

As of this writing the weather module is EOL. So nothing for you to do besides start learning about Polyglot / Node Servers as a weather module replacement.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Like 3

Anyone had issues with Variables?

I can't update a variable manually in state and integer ....however  I can do it through ekeypad or through a program...or if I press the little up and down arrow.

I also want to subtract "-=" from a number 13000.  All it does it reset to 0 and go into negative numbers.





3 hours ago, bigk29 said:

Anyone had issues with Variables?

I can't update a variable manually in state and integer ....however  I can do it through ekeypad or through a program...or if I press the little up and down arrow.

I also want to subtract "-=" from a number 13000.  All it does it reset to 0 and go into negative numbers.





Right click on your program, copy to clipboard, and then paste here. 


Some background.

I have a cistern...and it was always a guess as to how much water I had left before calling a truck. So I bought a water meter, tied it into my ELK as a sensor.  Everytime ELK detects a violation, its 1 litre.  I have tied a relay for my water pump into the ELK so that I can turn it on off (this is fun when the kids use to much water). haha.  or mass leak is detected by water volume.

So I had always counted up...but today, I thought I just want to know how many liters left...not just what I have used for the month.  So I just added the one new variable (water_Remaining).


Meter Output - [ID 0010][Parent 000E]

        Elk Zone 'Water Meter' is Violated
        $Water_meter_daily += 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly += 1
        $Water_Meter_Output += 1
        $Water_Remaining -= 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly Init To $Water_meter_Monthly
        $Water_meter_daily Init To $Water_meter_daily
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Here is what I found....out.  If I click in the variable to make it the number I want....without pressing enter....it blanks back to 0.  I didn't know you had to press enter. ( I would just click outside the box)

But the issue where it would blank out the actual number, return 0 and start going into the negatives was resolved by restarting the ISY.  That seemed to fix that glitch.

While everything is now working....seems kinda weird.





48 minutes ago, bigk29 said:

Some background.

I have a cistern...and it was always a guess as to how much water I had left before calling a truck. So I bought a water meter, tied it into my ELK as a sensor.  Everytime ELK detects a violation, its 1 litre.  I have tied a relay for my water pump into the ELK so that I can turn it on off (this is fun when the kids use to much water). haha.  or mass leak is detected by water volume.

So I had always counted up...but today, I thought I just want to know how many liters left...not just what I have used for the month.  So I just added the one new variable (water_Remaining).


Meter Output - [ID 0010][Parent 000E]

        Elk Zone 'Water Meter' is Violated
        $Water_meter_daily += 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly += 1
        $Water_Meter_Output += 1
        $Water_Remaining -= 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly Init To $Water_meter_Monthly
        $Water_meter_daily Init To $Water_meter_daily
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Here is what I found....out.  If I click in the variable to make it the number I want....without pressing enter....it blanks back to 0.  I didn't know you had to press enter. ( I would just click outside the box)

But the issue where it would blank out the actual number, return 0 and start going into the negatives was resolved by restarting the ISY.  That seemed to fix that glitch.

While everything is now working....seems kinda weird.





I have used a few methods to avoid negative tallies. Here is the simplest.

Meter Output - [ID 0010][Parent 000E]

        Elk Zone 'Water Meter' is Violated
           $Water_Remaining > 0

        $Water_meter_daily += 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly += 1
        $Water_Meter_Output += 1
        $Water_Remaining -= 1
        $Water_meter_Monthly Init To $Water_meter_Monthly
        $Water_meter_daily Init To $Water_meter_daily
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


On 3/22/2020 at 5:41 PM, jaygroh said:

The way I have it setup now by having the program directly access the Balance Dimmer instead of controlling the scene seems to be working 100%.

I may try your suggestion later this summer just to confirm your suggestion. The only thing that would puzzle me now is why just the Balance Dimmer in a scene is having the issue? Why do all my other scenes work from a program?

I'm hoping to buy at least one more Balance Dimmer this year. I hope smarthome has another summer sale so I can finish off my whole house and garage.

So I'm not crazy, I see what you're talking about here as well.

I'm been trying to figure out why some motion detectors and events are not triggering lights, and why the off events are not triggering.

I've found that it seems if I use the program to control dimmers directly rather than through scenes things are reliable.  My environment is full of scenes that are 3 way switches.  Where one 2477d is switching the light, and another 2477d is just there to act as a three way switch.

I'm having a hard time tracking down what is happening as it seems like when things are busy during the day,  many things happening at the same time I'd expect that I'd have the issues.  But the opposite is the case, I run into issues in the evening when very few things are going on.  


I'm going to start a new thread on this, and see if perhaps the way I've setup the programs is the cause rather than the trigger of the scene vs the device.


On 2/28/2020 at 1:56 PM, Boomer50BMG said:

Hi Michel,

I am using https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp and utilizing the Admin Console.  Last night, I tried to add an Insteon device after rebooting and it went into an infinite Linking loop.  I had to unplug the Insteon PLM and plug it back in and reboot the ISY.   Now, we are back to the System Busy..





I was trying to go to the options for a 2421 tiggerLinc v.43 and ran into this loop, I'm not able to close the application.  When I right click on the application and say close it does nothing.  I've killed the java task, cleared the cache from Java and reinstalled using the http://your.ip.address/admin.jnlp link.  Now it's doing what is described above.  I'm going to look at the logs remotely on the my.isy.io web stie.


Events don't show anything in the last 5 minutes.

4E 3B BA 4       ST        On        2020/04/19 13:00:21  System    5
n004_10520874    ST        Closing   2020/04/19 13:13:43  System    5
n004_10708784    ST        Closing   2020/04/19 13:13:43  System    5
n004_12145883    ST        Closing   2020/04/19 13:13:43  System    5
n004_10520874    ST        Closed    2020/04/19 13:14:08  System    5
n004_10708784    ST        Closed    2020/04/19 13:14:08  System    5
n004_12145883    ST        Closed    2020/04/19 13:14:33  System    5
4E 3B AD 1       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:14:53  System    5
4E 3B AD 2       ST        On        2020/04/19 13:15:54  System    5
4E 3B CC 1       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:16:55  System    5
4E 3B CC 2       ST        On        2020/04/19 13:17:56  System    5
4E 3B CC 1       ST        On        2020/04/19 13:17:56  System    5
4E 3B CC 2       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:18:57  System    5
4E 3B CC 1       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:18:57  System    5
4E 3B CC 2       ST        On        2020/04/19 13:19:58  System    5
4F C2 38 1       ST        100%      2020/04/19 13:20:59  System    5
4F C2 38 1       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:20:59  System    5
40884            DOF                 2020/04/19 13:21:04  D2D       -1
4F D1 67 1       ST        Off       2020/04/19 13:24:02  System    5
n004_10520874    ST        Open      2020/04/19 13:24:02  System    5
n004_10520874    ST        Open      2020/04/19 13:24:02  System    5
40884            DOF                 2020/04/19 13:24:07  D2D       -1


Error log has some items that I'll try and track down-

2020/04/19 13:06:51  System    -170001    <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:SetDebugLevel xmlns:u="u
2020/04/19 13:14:52  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B BA 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:15:53  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B AD 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:16:54  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B AD 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:17:55  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B CC 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:18:56  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B CC 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:19:57  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B CC 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:20:58  System    -6    AutoPin : L2G [4E 3B CC 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:21:59  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:23:00  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:24:01  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:25:02  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:26:02  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:27:03  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:28:04  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:29:05  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:30:06  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:31:07  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:32:08  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:32:31  System    -5012    34
2020/04/19 13:33:09  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:34:10  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:35:11  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:36:12  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:37:13  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C4 9B 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:38:15  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C2 37 1] (GP has it)
2020/04/19 13:39:16  System    -6    AutoPin : CSL55 [4F C6 69 1] (GP has it)


I initiated a reboot of the isy994i via the my.isy.io portal.  I opened the admin, and it went through a refresh starting a 1% and it took it a few minutes to complete.  When completed, the 3 open close sensor didn't have a status.  I cycled the garage doors, and then they all three had a status open.  I went to sensor 1 and clicked the options and received a platform_errors--7145 and a platform_errors--7123.




Not sure what you are trying to do. Open close sensors are battery operated so a) you cannot modify their setting unless they are in programming mode b) they have no state after ISY reboot and c) if you tried programming them while asleep, ISY will keep trying and not only you will see green or grey 1011 icons on them but also system busy. The only way to recover is to put them in programming mode and right mouse click/ Write update to device.


With kind regards,



I noticed that after setting the backlight for a device and then exiting the admin console, the backlight setting reverts  to 0/0  next time I open the admin console even though the updated setting is saved in the device.

Will this be corrected in a future release?


backlight .jpg

25 minutes ago, Techman said:

I noticed that after setting the backlight for a device and then exiting the admin console, the backlight setting reverts  to 0/0  next time I open the admin console even though the updated setting is saved in the device.

Will this be corrected in a future release?


backlight .jpg

There is also a related bug I noticed.

for background, I discovered this because i installed a new switch next to an existing, the new switch (both 2477D) new switch backlight was too bright, but then Ultimately I decided to adjust the old switch too.   To see the bug:

Adjust Switch B (new switch), go to adjust switch A and find it claims in the UI to be set to the level used for Switch B, (it's not) and to change switch A to that value, you actually need to change it to something else first then back to that value, or restart the admin console then set the second switch.

1 hour ago, Techman said:

I noticed that after setting the backlight for a device and then exiting the admin console, the backlight setting reverts  to 0/0  next time I open the admin console even though the updated setting is saved in the device.

Will this be corrected in a future release?


backlight .jpg

They are aware of it. I'm sure they'll get to it eventually

Posted (edited)

Sorry to bug but can anyone please explain why I can no longer access isy, it constantly wants to update all wifi devices, which in 7 years happened. Maybe 1 but not all. attached is a short log.  Thanks for response.

ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16B__Thu 2020.04.23 08.58.24 PM.txt

I did reboot and it dose stop after 20-30 min and can use isy correctly but if i resign in it starts all over again, after 20-30 min again isy functions as should

Edited by robandcathy1
lack of info
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, robandcathy1 said:

Sorry to bug but can anyone please explain why I can no longer access isy, it constantly wants to update all wifi devices, which in 7 years happened. Maybe 1 but not all. attached is a short log.  Thanks for response.

ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16B__Thu 2020.04.23 08.58.24 PM.txt 10.3 kB · 3 downloads

I did reboot and it dose stop after 20-30 min and can use isy correctly but if i resign in it starts all over again, after 20-30 min again isy functions as should

The log does not show WiFi devices, only Insteon etc..
You have a program that is in a tight loop, oscillating. This is usually caused by triggering a program by the same device you are controlling in the same program. Look for devices in your If sections that are sensing status.

Look at your program tree and look for flickering program icons.

Also look in the program summary page, click on the last time run title to sort them by time, and suspect  the top few programs.

Edited by larryllix
1 hour ago, robandcathy1 said:

tried to reset isy and loop stopped but here is my isy backup if anyone has time to look at why I have a constant loop. Looks like a program issus because it keeps trying to update programs.

ISY-Backup.v5.0.16B__Fri 2020.04.24 08.05.11 PM.zip 19.07 kB · 0 downloads

Sorry. I can double unzip your files down into programs but they are all encoded into script and would take days to decode manually.

Watch your program icons for flickering colours. You only appear to have 16 programs.


iv uploaded some screen shots I know its not all the data that needs to be seen but maybe someone can see something or anything strange, boot loop has stopped on its own but now alexa is not responding,




I just upgraded from 5.0.12 to 5.0.16C, and everything seemed OK until I noticed that the Z-Wave antenna had reset to internal instead of external.

When I tried to change it back to external, I got the attached Z-Wave error message, and when I checked the Z-Wave firmware information, I'm sure it was showing a Bootloader Version before the upgrade (I think it was 1.03, but now 0.00). 

I tried power cycling a couple of times and reloading the 5.0.16C firmware again, but got the same results.

Any thoughts?




Im a bit unclear from first post.


 -  You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.0.16).

Currently have 4.7.3 can I upgrade to 5016 directly or need to go to lower version first?


 - Upgrading from an ISY 4.x version to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct.  

What does verifying scenes mean?




1 hour ago, pikach said:

 -  You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.0.16).

Currently have 4.7.3 can I upgrade to 5016 directly or need to go to lower version first?

Under Install instructions there is a note under step 7:

  Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link to install the admin console and then upgrade with that program:

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.0.16/admin.jnlp


1 hour ago, pikach said:

 - Upgrading from an ISY 4.x version to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct.  

What does verifying scenes mean?

You will need to manually verify scenes, programs and settings.  

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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