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Unstable program execution with zwave


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I am experiencing unstable performance when execution program controlling zwave devices.  I can have a program that turns on the device waits 5 min and then turns it off.  When execution the device will turn on but not turn back off after 5min.   

I have not upgraded to Zmatter - would that help?  I can control the device reliable from AC so it does not seems like a connection / range issue 

Any deas?

Posted (edited)

You're certain that the program conditions are not changing to false during the 5 minutes? Without seeing the program it sounds very much like that

Edited by paulbates
22 minutes ago, Panda88 said:

The same program works with a zigbee device.  My understanding is once the program has triggered it will run to the end even if conditions change


Depends on how the program is written. Post your program and we'd be able to help. 


Here is an example - on executes - off does not.  I realize I can add an off delay to fix it, but there are multiple other examples.  It is a Zooz ZE77 switch


In general is it not stable - I have other programs that just turn on, but it is not reliable with Zigbee devices (other are fine)

Is there a benefit to update to Zmatter - I have not do that yet



Have you tried moving the statements to another program and calling that program from the one you posted? It would not take much to test the hypothesis 

34 minutes ago, Panda88 said:

Sure, I can give it a try - but it worked before with a zigbee device I used (replaced it with a Zwave)



I'm confused. How did you try it with zigbee if you don't have the zmatter board?

6 minutes ago, Panda88 said:

I tried 2 programs - result is the same 

Can you post the 2 programs you tried? This time right click the program and paste as text.

The initial program seems that the IF would become false would then run the "ELSE" during the wait period. In the case the light wouldn't turn off. Technically shouldn't have worked with zigbee, but you say it did. Was it this exact program?

What @paulbates was suggesting with 2 programs is to trigger a program without an "IF" statement and allowing the "wait" to run as expected. 

What is the icon color of the program you posted above? (without testing/running it again). If it's partially red then it last ran false. Might have been false during the wait period thus not finishing the "Then" progression. 


Here are the 2 programe - the second is disabled 

Even if I select run Then - on the second it does not work - it turns on but not off after 5 min

BTW - I faid it hard to believe that if conditions change after a program is triggered it will stop execution.  E.g. say I have a program to run at 10.00pm - One second later it is false so all execution must happen in 1 sec 



s DS Hallway Light Copy - [ID 00AB][Parent 000D]

        From    Sunset  - 15 minutes
        To      Sunrise (next day)
    And 'Alarm Panel / Motion DS hallway' is switched Opened
        Run Program 's DS Hallway Test' (Then Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

s DS Hallway Test - [ID 00AA][Parent 000D]


        Set 'Z-wave / DS Hallway 9 / ZW 009 DSHW Multilevel Switch' On
        Wait  5 minutes 
        Set 'Z-wave / DS Hallway 9 / ZW 009 DSHW Multilevel Switch' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



What make switch are you using?

What type of load is connected to the switch?

I think you either have a bad switch, interference from the load, or poor communication between the switch and the controller.

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It is a Zooz Zen77 - 3 LED lights

It is not the only device having issues - Other Zwave devices have issues as well 

Also, I can turn it on and off using the mobile App without issues 

Posted (edited)

Can you turn it on and off from the admin console?

It's possible that one of the led bulbs has a bad/noisy driver. Try removing two of the bulbs then run the THEN clause.

What's your controller firmware and UI version?



Edited by Techman

Keeping on the program track, you could try putting a notification at the end to see if the program is finishing regardless of what the device does.



One of the questions above is whether or not the program is completing. 

This should be easy to tell adn possibly eliminate by watching the program execute in the AC.. it should show solid green for five minutes and then change to a background green for idle / true. This should also show in the summary tab as to last run time and last finish time.. 

My guess is a load interference. Can you remove the load and see if the switch goes on and off as expected? 



The program is executing to the end 

In the tracelog I see ST changing to 1 and 5 min later back to 0 - it did work then 

I need to look once it does not work

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