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Query once, email; query again, failed?


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eisy v5.8.4

Okay, I’m puzzled:  the first time I query a device (which happens to be offline), I get a dialog about mail server failures; that’s not expected.  But when I do another query, I get the (expected) “request failed.”  The event viewer is not elucidating.  I don't know of any connection between the queried device and any email notification (I do have notifications, but not for that device), so what's going on?

First query—mail.jpg

Second query—fail.jpg

Event viewer.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/20/2024 at 4:08 PM, Techman said:

What are your UI and Firmware versions?


I repowered the eisy, but still got the same odd sequence…the first query gives the "mail server failure" dialog; the second and subsequent queries get only the expected "request failed" dialog.  But now it isn't consistent; after quitting and relaunching the client, sometimes, but not always, do I get the "mail server failure" dialog.

It's like that other "authorization failed" dialog I get after every login, although everything seems to work just fine:  it's really not worth the effort to track it down.  Thanks for your offer to help, but let's table it for now, with the new non-Java interface forthcoming…

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I missed this!

Email is via a custom domain with icloud.com.  There are no mentions of email errors in the eisy error log or the event viewer, only dialogs like the one provided, and entries in the event viewer such as

[ZWAVE-TEST-AWAKE 10] Device 10 is not awake

The weird thing is that I just clicked the Query button; I didn't request any email services.  The second response is expected, since I didn't wake the device before querying it.

Maybe the new browser-based interface will resolve the issue.

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