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Every time baby monitor is I lose connection on some links

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Is it possible that my wireless baby monitor Interfers with my isy99? I'm not 100% positive that's the problem. What happens at night mostly is some devices lose connection like my thermostats and some switches and dimmers. It's kind of annoying me lately, and the worst part is I have to hear my wife abuse me telling me I don't know what I'm doing. Also when I have the monitor on I get static constantly, especially when I try to turn devices on and off. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks. Joe

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When you say wireless baby monitor, does the monitor send an RF signal (on what frequency) or send the audio over the powerline?


I have a wireless intercom that sends over the powerline. Insteon and the wireless intercom interfere with each other. I had to stop using the wireless intercom.



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