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Unable to add ANY Insteon devices

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Hi, All -


I've got ~ a dozen & a half devices working fine so far. Now, I'm no longer able to add any additional devices. The error I get is:


Failed writing the highwater mark


Node not added- failed removing links




This happens with all different type of devices. Signal propagation throughout the house is not an issue, as I've got a test rig for the devices plugged into the piggyback on the PLM.


Current firmware: 3.1.3 (previously had last non-beta 2.x release, & don't recall if this problem surfaced under it)

PLM: EZICOMM (have tried factory reset/restore from ISY)




Thanks in advance,


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Can the current devices be manually controlled through the Admin Console (verifying PLM is working)?


What type of device is failing and what technique is being used, New INSTEON Device, with what options ?

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LeeG -


Thanks. I was hoping you'd weigh in. I was suspecting the PLM, and had forgotten to mention I was beginning to see some intermittent comms problems with some existing devices.


As for devices, various (all new) including Icon Dimmer (2876DB), Plug-in Icon ApplianceLinc, EZIO8Ts, ... Tried all 3 permutations of Add New Insteon Device. Even tried putting the ApplianceLinc into linking mode manually.


Guess I was just looking for confirmation that I need to seek out warranty replacement of my PLM.


What's the latest thinking on the 2413S Dual Band PLM? I got the impression that for a while at least people were avoiding these for use with the ISY.




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Anything new on the powerline, TV, cell phone charger, some new CFLs, something like that. No one unplugged or changed the location of an Access Point. There have been cases where the better half has moved one to vacuum not realizing location is important.


Enough folks have moved to the 2413S PLM to make that a safe choice. I'm still running with an old 2412S. Likely will move to a 2413S if/when this one dies. Remember to order an external power supply.


Try the ApplianceLinc plugged near the PLM to see if that helps. New INSTEON Device with the default Remove existing links should be the option of choice. Either the PLM has become marginal or something on the powerline is generating interference. I think it more likely something on the powerline, UPS attenuating signals, something generating noise, is the more common than a PLM failure. However, PLMs do fail so that cannot be ruled out from the symptoms. The worst thing that happens is a good spare PLM is added to collection of devices.

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Given that I've been testing the new devices using my test stand plugged into the pass-through on the PLM, and that I've been completely unable to add any new device at all, I'd guess that would have to be a huge amount of interference!


I'm pretty convinced it's the PLM. That said, though, I'll get a plug-in filter so that in the future I can isolate the PLM + test stand to rule out noise issues.

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Michel -


ISY-99i/IR PRO, nowhere near limit.


I get the error dialog before completion of every Add Device attempt.


Is there something else I should try before attempting to exchange this PLM?




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If the PLM is around PC/UPS equipment that is not on a FilterLinc, plug the PLM and ApplianceLinc into a good 3 wire extension cord and plug the extension cord as far away from PC/UPS stuff as you can get it. If installed device control is better that way, try adding the ApplianceLinc.

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