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Dualband Dimmer Status Issues...


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Thank you for the reply and kind words. Although, it still does not function the way I expected, and I still do not get a text when the kitchen light is turned on. Here is the program I've written, can you please glance over it and tell me if you notice anything out of the ordinary?




Thank you



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Reporting back... still not as accurate as I'd like it to be, whenever it's physically turned on (the switch is connected to a chandelier) it still does not report the correct status in the isy web interface some of the time, and i still only get the text 50% of the time, and usually only when I control it through the web interface or isy interface admin.


any ideas why?

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Watch the device status under the Admin Console as the switch is turned On and Off at the switch. If the Admin Console status does not track exactly that could explain the lack of email as the ISY is not aware of all the switch operations.


The actual command flow from the device can be viewed using Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level set to 3-Device communications events. Likely the event viewer will not show device traffic when the Admin Console does not show a device state change. Assuming this is not solid, that is, the event viewer never shows traffic from the device, there is likely a comm problem between the device location and the ISY PLM making communication unreliable from that location.

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I will check it out. I can control the device on/off and even dim from the admin console and all that, just not get proper status from it. the PLM is only about a total of maybe 20 feet from the PLM and ISY.


Also, yes the device status isn't always correct in the admin console. I will check into the event viewer once I have a few free minutes. Keep in mind also that when I did have my SmartLinc before my ISY, the status worked perfectly fine.

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If device status changes are never reported then the link records in the device and/or PLM are suspect. If device status changes show some of the time and not others then communication from the device to the PLM is suspect.


EDIT: I was not aware the SmartLinc kept track of device initiated state changes. The SmartLinc would have to be a Responder to each device which is not established by Set button linking the devices as Responders to the SmartLinc.

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The link record in the PLM is missing or corrupted. There should be more messages for each button press if the links were correct.

The above was when I thought the test was the requested in-bound test. There is information on link records until the inbound test is run.


Those are outbound messages initiated by the ISY.


Press the button/paddle on the device itself.

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The UI and Firmware lines must show the same values. It indicates the Admin Console is from 3.1.17 and the ISY is running 3.2.1. Either the Java cache was not cleared or the URL to access the 3.2.1 Admin Console is not being used.


Don't know if that mismatch would cause the results you are seeing but this should be resolved immediately before doing anything else. Then see what the results are. There are many causes for not seeing device status updates. Link record problems in the PLM and/or devices, powerline interference, powerline coupling issues, are some.

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The UI and Firmware lines must show the same values. It indicates the Admin Console is from 3.1.17 and the ISY is running 3.2.1. Either the Java cache was not cleared or the URL to access the 3.2.1 Admin Console is not being used.


Don't know if that mismatch would cause the results you are seeing but this should be resolved immediately before doing anything else. Then see what the results are. There are many causes for not seeing device status updates. Link record problems in the PLM and/or devices, powerline interference, powerline coupling issues, are some.



Thanks for the quick response. My bad.. I was using the wrong URL... called the ISY by the IP address, got the right admin console, but still encountering the issue:

- I moved my PLM into the garage right next to the switch box

- The devices are all Insteon dual band and were working fine with v3.1.13

- I have a SignaLinc plug-in phase coupler and am using 4 Insteon repeaters (4000 sq ft home)

- I have 160 Insteon devices. All were working well in dual band with v3.1.13

- If I query the device in the Admin console the correct status is displayed

- Device control is working fine in the admin console


I should probably know this put is there an easy way to "fix" or rebuild the Link records/table?

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To restore the entire PLM link database do a File | Restore Modem (PLM) function. If you have RF only devices do not put them into linking mode. They may produce failures during the Restore process but that is okay. When the Restore Modem (PLM) is fully complete look at the RF device nodes in the My Lighting tree to see if any are marked with a Red ! or Green Icon to the left of the node name. If so put only one of the RF device into linking mode, right click on node name and select Write Updates to Device. The RF devices have to be done one at a time to avoid one device cancelling the other out when put into linking mode.


There are a couple of items that stand out in your last post. You mention SignaLinc plug in couplers. Are these actually SignaLincs with the black external antenna? If so they do not couple extended commands and they operate on a different RF frequency than all the other Insteon RF devices.


A device Query and device control through the Admin Console use Insteon Direct commands which do not use link records. There can be issues with the link records in the PLM and/or devices and still have Query and device control work.

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