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Release 3.2.6 Is Now Official

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What version of Java are you running? There has been some trouble with Java 7 reported.



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I'm running Java here without issues as well. Does the upgrade fail at the same point each time of at different points along the way ? If always at the same point, I would suspect a bad download. What is the status of the front panel LEDs at the point of failure ?



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I just turned off the admin console. Cleared the temp files in Java. Deleted all IE temp/cache files. Closed all IE windows. Redownloaded the firmware zip file retaining the original name. Opened the admin console via http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/admin.jnlp. MS Security Essentials remained off.


My isy info is located below.


Computers are running Windows Vista and 7. A mix of 32 and 64bit. Connection is DSL. All wired computers and ISY are connected to the same HP Procurve switch. A Belkin wireless rounter and two Belkin APs (same model routers in AP mode) are attached to the switch as well. ISY has static IP. WAN is dynamic from ISP. Remote access (not used for update) is update via DYNDNS. Using ports 8887 local and 4443 remote. Have tried both wired and wireless updates from local computers.


The error has occured at both 12% and 13%. 13% is the more common. This time it failed at /WEB/chart.jar 12%. The errors when the two posted above.


I will have to check the LED status upon failure later on tonight. I am currently remotely connecting to a home desktop from work. The home desktop is wired to the same network switch as the ISY. Previously had the same failure from wired computers while local to the ISY. I am rather sure using a remote in this manner that I am is not the issue. I have done it sucessfully numerous time in the past via both windows and ipad as the remote.


Thanks for the quick reponses and assistance,



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I'm currently taking a Home Automation class at the local community college to unleash the power of my home. The professor is the best I've ever had in over 300 credits. Making subnet masks seem interesting is a feat on its own. I kinda figured by taking this class, if I learn the more technical stuff, I can will able to use some of the more sofisticated commercial pulls that sell for pennies on eBay. Okay back to the point:


I can replace/format the SD when I get home in a few hours.


By trying the update via httpS, are we talking about loading the firmware from a remote source? Outside of the modem, https//......? or does the S mean something else? Sorry for possibly being nieve.


As a note, I had never used (for my own purposes) the SD card until recently. While the running the previous firmware, I did load some pictures on the card. Could this be the issue? I was able to view the pictures both locally and remotely. They are still on the card.


Finally is it possible to wipe/format the card via the ISY. I don't necessarily need the specific details, I can search that, however can it be done.


Thanks again,


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I remotely connected to a machine local to the isy. Formated SD via telnet. I used the FS command, it asked me if I wanted to proceed. Typed Y, it gave me a new prompt. See below. Exited (XS) and reopened the Admin Console. Tried the update and had the same failure.


I will try a new SD when I return home.




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Hello ds10,


I am so very sorry to hear. One thing that I need to clarify is whether or not rebooting ISY fixes the problem (i.e. not rebooting the PLM)? If so, the problem could be the unit itself and not the PLM (though quite unlikely).


Another question is whether or not you have any old INSTEON thermostats.


And, finally - and when this happens - do you see INST-ACK in the Event Viewer? If so, then the problem is neither ISY nor the PLM but something is causing a major disturbance in INSTEON network.


With kind regards,



Most devices came back to functioning after power cycling both the PLM and the ISY.


In the event viewer we do see INST-ACK. Since I've got no point of reference for this protocol, I didn't know if that was good or bad.


We have no thermostats. We do have some dual-band devices, including the PLM and one lamp module. We do have a wired signal bridge at our breaker panel. We do have the RF repeaters too. If there's some disturbance, it'd be really useful if there were a way to diagnose such.


We do have UPS equipment in various places in the house, since I do run a business and have equipment that needs to stay up. We have an auto-start generator for occasions when the power fails, so the UPSs really just run for a short time until the generator starts (5 seconds). But we have not had any power outages lately (the generator sends me text messages in the event it has to start).


Last time we had a major set of issues, you went through my list of devices and pointed at one that needed to get replaced. It was replaced, so I'm guessing it's not a bad device at this point. Can't fathom what else we need to do, aside from possibly ripping out all of the Insteon gear and giving up.


Tonight I came home and found one of the outdoor lights did come on by program, the other did not (one comes on at dusk, the other at dusk plus 20 minutes). So clearly we still have issues.

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The ISY, and this post, NEEDS to come with a bright orange warning label. !!!WARNING!!! If this post seems spotty, I was 'locked in' (corny Social Network reference) from 10 last night until I rushed into the shower and off to work early this morning. For a guy that that normally gets up at 6am, works until 5pm, heads to night classes just for the fun of it, and finally goes home at 930 to blab about 'wires' before falling asleep at 10-1030; last night was a fun rarity. I felt like a college kid again.


That being said, I fixed my ISY firmware r3.2.6 upgrade issues, before deciding to contumplate an entirely new automation structure for my ISY. Again I said contemplate, not execute. Seemingly 7 minutes of deep comtemplation was in reality, 7 hours of rapid mouse movements and arrow key pressing. It was only interupted by the sun peeking into a 2'x2' window in an attic crawl space. I sat with a laptop to my right and an insteon 'set' button being pressed with my left hand. A time lapse video of it would have made an excellent ISY advertisement. Especially seeing the beautiful blonde that entered the frame at 11pm, 12am, and then again at 3am, before greating me with an obscure smile at 5:15am. One of those, your crazy but I still love you smiles. Almost a smirk.


Ok, the overview: ISY would not upgrade over several attemps preformered during the last week or two. It lock up at around 10-13% at ...WEB/cache.jnlp Multiple computers and connection types were tried. Java updates and temp files were removed several times. All of the different admin console login methods were attempted. Errors show invalid space (read a few posts above for the specifics.) The SD card was formated via telnet to the ISY. All of this was done with no apparent luck.


Now the fix (and the troubles): When I arrived home last night (10ish), I did an ISY backup, unplugged the unit, and pulled the SD (256MB) card due to a concern that it became corrupted. I plugged into a Windows 7 laptop, 64 bit (not that it matters), and did a quick format. Reinserted the card and powered up the ISY.


Unfortunately I could no longer see the ISY Admin Console locally or remotely. I soon located it in my network with its normal ip Telnet proved it was still there and responsive, though the login didn't work. Trying the defaults got me in. (admin/admin) It could be seen that all settings had be set back to default except the local IP. I have no idea what prompted this. I changed the ports to 4443 and 8887 and exited telnet.


I still could not access the Admin via My Network, My Lighting icon, though I did succeed using http://www.universal-devices.com/99i. Everything inside of the Admin Console was gone except my original IP and my newly changed ports. I changed my login and password, and then did an ISY restore of my most recent backup. The ISY rebooted and I was able to use the My Network, My Lighting icon for access.


On a side note: Why is it that the find my location button never works for me? Bath, PA 18014. Though the time does seem to be up to date. Sorry I have both ADD and OCD traits!


Anyway...I tried the auto-update. Success, and frankly it seemed faster that normal updates though that is not confirmed.

Another quick backup.


This in now where the begining of this very very long post began. A vitrual ISY blur.


Hopefully it will help out someone else.


Thanks for a great product, great support, and a great gathering of creative people on this forum,




PS....My new structure seems to function amazingly well considering I remember very little of it whatsoever. Honest to god truth, it was litterly a blackout, hold the alcohol. Over the next few weeks I find out via WAF and ease of trouble shooting. In the mean time I will be challenging Zuckerberg to some speed chess! Even with the multiple references, I am not a current Facebook user.

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Are there FilterLincs on the UPS devices. They are common sources of powerline signal attenuation. Each UPS should be on a FilterLinc.


I assume each and every surge protector in the house too, then? And should the wired-in whole-house lightning protector be removed?


Of course none of this explains why a dual-band (wired & wireless) PLM can't talk reliably to a dual band lamp module in the next room. The RF signal should have no trouble reaching.

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My old eyes must be playing tricks as I cannot find anywhere I said a surge suppressor needed a FilterLinc. It may be that the collection of devices plugged into the surge suppressor would need a FilterLinc but that is two very different things.


I also cannot find where I said anything about removing a whole house lightening protection.


I guess you are frustrated with your environment and decided to take out your frustrations at my expense. I really do not like to be misquoted or given attribution for something I did not say.


What I said was UPS devices should be on a FilterLinc. Any assumptions beyond that point simply reflect a lack of knowledge on how surge suppressors and lighting arrestors work.

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Hello snownh2o2,


Excellent post and thanks so very much for sharing the details. I do not want to sound pessimistic but I really do think that you should get a new SD Card as the one you have is pretty old and has already been corrupted once. I have a feeling that it may crash again.


As far as Locate Me, the service provider changed the URL ... this is fixed in the next beta.


And, finally - and just for you reference - all your configuration information is stored on the SD Card and thus the changes to ports and passwords.


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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As LeeG suggested, your UPS (which are basically big transformers/batteries) must be plugged into our outlets through a Filter.


If you are still having problems, please do contact our tech support (link below) and we'll do our best to help diagnose the issues.


With kind regards,


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Was the PLM reset during the upgrade process? That would account for every device if the PLM link database was cleared. A File | Restore Modem (PLM) will rebuild the PLM link database.


No, it was not reset. When I click this restore PLM, it tells met hat I need to put all of my Motion Sensors in connect mode. I've tried something like this once before and it seemed that as I put the second and third one into link mode, they seemed to affect one another.


Any advice there?

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Ignore those instructions as the devices will interact with each other. Any update attempts to the RF devices will fail because they are asleep. The ISY will queue the updates for each RF device. When the Restore Modem (PLM) is complete, any RF device that has a pending update (Icon to left of node) should be put into linking mode followed by a right mouse click and select Write updates to device. Do the RF devices one at a time. There may not be any pending activity at the end of the Restore Modem (PLM).

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Ignore those instructions as the devices will interact with each other. Any update attempts to the RF devices will fail because they are asleep. The ISY will queue the updates for each RF device. When the Restore Modem (PLM) is complete, any RF device that has a pending update (Icon to left of node) should be put into linking mode followed by a right mouse click and select Write updates to device. Do the RF devices one at a time. There may not be any pending activity at the end of the Restore Modem (PLM).


Okay, thank you. I've done this and it seemed to go fine. I'm not at home now, so will have to "test" it tonight. thanks again.

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My old eyes must be playing tricks as I cannot find anywhere I said a surge suppressor needed a FilterLinc. It may be that the collection of devices plugged into the surge suppressor would need a FilterLinc but that is two very different things.


I also cannot find where I said anything about removing a whole house lightening protection.


I guess you are frustrated with your environment and decided to take out your frustrations at my expense. I really do not like to be misquoted or given attribution for something I did not say.


What I said was UPS devices should be on a FilterLinc. Any assumptions beyond that point simply reflect a lack of knowledge on how surge suppressors and lighting arrestors work.


A good and well designed UPS serves two purposes: it provides power continuity during outages, and it filters noise from the power line. A surge suppressor of any quality provides the latter alone. A whole-house suppressor provides the sanme service, removing noise from the power lines.


Insteon signals are in effect power line noise. They are in effect AC waveform signals not near 60Hz.


It would be a big help to understand the design of the filterlinc module and it's goal. There are two possible goals: to block attenuation of Insteon waveforms by devices designed to suppress transients, or to block other transients at the frequencies used by Insteon.


My remarks reflect my expectation that the server-class UPS gear I use does not impose noise on the grid (something that I am now curious about and will look at with an oscilloscope when I get a chance). Making that possibly incorrect assumption, I then supposed the filterlinc must be designed to prevent attenuation by the UPS, and if that were the case, then by extrapolation surge suppressors could be a culprit too.


It would seem what I most need is to see a circuit diagram of the filterlinc, so as to understand what its purpose really is. Clearly my line of reasoning was flawed. I'm sorry you took my attempt at reasoning out a root cause as a personal attack. That certainly was not intended.

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