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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. @Goose66 For whatever reason, it has started reporting last user now. The cleaning crew showed up and their code reported. Perhaps it doesn't report the user until the exit delay is finished. I armed and disarmed without allowing it to finish the exit delay when testing. I still can't say about reporting "ready". I also rebooted polisy so maybe that did something. However, there is one thing that is really important to a bunch of my programs that seems to be missing. And that is status "disarmed". Is there any chance this could be added? I suppose I could go through and put "not armed" and "not exit delay" and not "entry delay" and not so on but that is really sloppy. Since nodelink had "disarmed" I assume that is something that is reported. Nodelink also had a heartbeat which was very helpful for me to know if something was going wrong with the system or internet or whatever. EDIT: Actually, I don't think it would work right using the "not" statements. I get notifications when the system specifically becomes disarmed from an armed state as well as turning the water on and some other things. thx
  2. @Goose66 Thank you for the response. I missed where it said I had to configure the number of partitions/zones. I didn't have to do that with nodelink and just assumed it pulled it down. I added those and it appears to be good. When I am back onsite I will see about the last user and the status going back to ready. Currently the system is armed and it says that. But it says 0 for the last user.
  3. CAI webcontrol boards can accept multiple 1 wire temp sensors and there is a node for that. I have a CAI webcontrol running some of the pumps on my pool and a 1-wire thermometer monitoring the pool temp.
  4. I had ioguy's nodelink running great on a pc for many years. Well, I had an issue with that PC and had to redo it. I am not able to reinstall nodelink and it doesn't seem like anyone has the answer for how to reinstall nodelink now that ioguy has taken the downloads offline. Anyway, I had to shorten password to 6 characters and now it connects. However, I have two partitions setup and a zone connected to a keypad and neither of those are showing up. I know that they can be controlled/queried because nodelink worked with all of that. Does this node not have the capacity to see these things or do I need to do something? EDIT: Also using the command outputs. but am not have any success. There is an "activate" but no "deactivate". I need to be able to turn the toggle the output on and off. EDIT 2: OK, it looks like the button "activate output" toggles the output. But the status always says "active" once you have hit the button the first time and never changes after that. EDIT 3: Also, I have noticed that the partition state is not updating to "ready". For example, I armed the system, it changed to "exit delay", then I disarmed the system, and it continued to say "exit delay". I then opened a door and it changed to "not ready", I closed the door, and it still says "not ready". EDIT 4: Also not getting the last arming/disarming user. I armed then disarmed it from the keypad and it continue to say "0". @Goose66
  5. I updated the node today and now I am getting an accurate percent on the battery.
  6. I had a PC issue and had to redo the PC that was running nodelink. I never had any issues with nodelink and have 4 nodes on it and bunches of programs all integrated with those nodes. IOguy seems to have stopped supporting it. I copied my entire nodelink folder to a backup prior to reinstalling windows, but can't get it working after copying back to the redone pc. I was able to get a really old version of nodelink running but it is not linking to ISY properly. When I try to run the newer versions of nodelink I just get a flash of a cmd screen. I installed the latest .net from microsoft (.net 9.0 sdk). Anyone who could help me here with info on how to get this working I would much appreciate. I really don't want to go through the maze of programs and figure out how to redo it all and then debug it and so on. Below is what I get running the super old version of nodelink. It does link to the targets (DSC alarm panel, several webcontrol boards and the date program), but not to ISY. And I am using Polisy Thanks. 2025-01-12 14:30:45 - ISY NodeLink Server v0.9.34 started 2025-01-12 14:30:45 - OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 2025-01-12 14:30:45 - Web config server started ( 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - ISY Error: Web Error (FILE_NOT_FOUND) - Forbidden (profiles/family/10/profile/1/download/EDITOR/I_EDIT.XML) 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - ISY Error: Web Error (FILE_NOT_FOUND) - Forbidden (profiles/family/10/profile/1/download/NODEDEF/I_NDEFS.XML) 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - ISY Error: Web Error (FILE_NOT_FOUND) - Forbidden (profiles/family/10/profile/1/download/NLS/EN_US.TXT) 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: Repeater started on port 4025 [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: Connected to [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - ISY Error: Web Error - NotFound (climate) 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 5053CD[C][L] [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 505 - Login Interaction (Password Requested) [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: EVL User Login - Password Sent [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 5000052A[C][L]5051CB[C][L] [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 500 - Command Acknowledge (005) [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 505 - Login Interaction (Password Correct, Session Established) [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: Status Request Sent [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: Data Sent - 00191 [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC TCP: Polling DSC [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 50000126[C][L]61000128[C][L]60900231[C][L]6100032A[C][L]6100042B[C][L]6100052C[C][L]6100062D[C][L]60900736[C][L]6100082F[C][L]61000930[C][L]61001028[C][L]61001129[C][L]6100122A[C][L]6100132B[C][L]6100142C[C][L]6100152D[C][L]6100162E[C][L]6100172F[C][L]61001830[C][L]61001931[C][L]61002029[C][L]6100212A[C][L]6100222B[C][L]6100232C[C][L] [dsc1] 2025-01-12 14:30:47 - DSC: 500 - Command Acknowledge (001) [dsc1]
  7. I have updated to the latest version and this still is not working. My car is currently charging and the phone app shows it as charging and currently 75%. This is what the node says. I assume "status" should be saying 75%. And of course the other info should be saying it is charging. If I click "honk horn", it does honk the horn. So clearly it is connected in some fashion. And the climate page shows 0 degrees c in the "node connected" field. That makes no sense. My phone app shows exterior temp as 81 and interior temp as 92. EDIT: After a bit, not sure how long, it did update to say it was charging, but still reporting 0% status.
  8. I have used Java for other things without issue, but the admin console for ISY is very unstable and buggy. Lots of hidden windows that you can't find/close and it just hangs, refusing to shut down by anything other than a ctrl-alt-delete. Again, I regularly access ISY from 3 different computers and all 3 experience the same problems, so it isn't my PC. And then you have to keep re-installing the applet and updating it, and then I have had Java updates that don't install correctly requiring a complete wiping of Java from my system and starting from scratch. It would be so much nicer if EISY could host a local web page like so many others do.
  9. Totally agree. UD mobile is great, but can never be an efficient place to do lots of editing.
  10. Oh it would be so wonderful if the new version ditches the Java console. That thing stinks and has only gotten worse. Back in the old days, like 15 or 20 years ago, CTRL-ALT-Delete was something you just got used to doing to kill frozen apps. Skip to today, and CTRL-ALT-Delete is all but forgotten, but for the ISY Java console which, if left open for more than a few hours, requires a CTRL-ALT-Delete. You might say it is my computer, but then you would have to say it is all of my computers, like 5 of them that I commonly use for ISY. And it has gotten slower and slower. Trying to edit lots of programs just gets so painful waiting several seconds after every change to take affect and allow you to move on. Please let ISY have a snappy high quality browser based console!
  11. In "From/To" programs, the "from" time and "to" time are both triggers. At those two times, the program will run. At the "from" time, when it runs, it will be true (and thus execute "then" clause), at the "to" time, it will be false (and thus execute the "else" clause. In between the from and and to time, the program will have a status of "true", and likewise, outside of those times, it will have a status of "false". Should the program be triggered from some other trigger besides the "From" and "to" times, it will execute the "then" or "else" accordingly. For example, you may have additional items in the "if" clause or you may have a separate program that calls the "if" clause on this program. However, without some 3rd party trigger, this program will do nothing except at those 2 times. So if the lights were somehow turned on at noon, this program would not try to turn them off until 11pm.
  12. Re-entrant is correct terminology, however, around here we all call it "re-trigger". It looks like you have a handle on this and I am sure you will succeed in programming your ISY. There are lots of little tricks and best practices and unusual situations (like a reboot while a program is running) and the forum is a great resource to help you save time and avoid pitfalls.
  13. I am doing essentially that exact same thing. It requires 2 programs so that it does not re-trigger and end the wait. Doing it this way avoids using variables. "All off" is the name of a scene that includes basically every light switch in my house. I use it to turn everything off with a single button press, but it also works great to have all the switches in the house beep. I also have a program that disables the program for an hour that I manually activate if I want to. Driveway Entry - [ID 0173][Parent 0172] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Disable Program 'Driveway Entry Trigger' Set 'All Off' Beep Set 'All Off' Beep Set 'All Off' Beep Wait 5 minutes Enable Program 'Driveway Entry Trigger' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Action run by driveway trigger. Seperated to allow for a 5 minute time out between entries. Driveway Entry Trigger - [ID 00AA][Parent 0172] If 'Blue Iris / Front Entry' Triggered is True Then Run Program 'Driveway Entry' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Lots of brands out there have an app that controls their devices and do it for free. The advantage to ISY is that it is a brand agnostic controller. You can mix and match all sorts of devices from all sorts of companies and have them work together as if they were all on the same platform. So there is no flipping through apps and a device from one company can, through ISY, control and respond to a device from another company. I am a big fan of local control, so that even if the company goes bankrupt or just up and decides to stop support, I can function. That is why I like Insteon. Companies like Yolink must continue to sell new products at a margin sufficient to support their servers. ISY servers are not necessary to use ISY locally, and even remotely (you can use open ports or VPN and go direct from your phone app to the ISY without the portal). And the portal has nothing to do at all with using all the other functions of ISY. With UD charging for the portal at a price that is consistent with the costs, you can have a reasonable degree of confidence that it will continue to function.
  15. At one time PLM's were not available. So fixing it was of course your best option. Since you can just buy a new one, I would do that. They don't cost much more than sending an old one off for repair, and then you have a new one. If you have a soldering station and easy access to the correct capacitors then fix it. In summary, I would buy a new one to have as a spare and put this one someplace as a just-in-case unit that if worse came to worse, you could fix.
  16. Here is an IFTTT webhook I use for reference. This is not to send a text, but how it is configured would be the same, you would just call a different webhook.
  17. wow, way back in 2011, man am I getting old. LeeG hasn't been around in a long time, but that guy new ISY better than anyone. I don't think he was an official full time UD employee, but I do believe he was contracted or in some way privy to the ISY internal code. Whenever he said something, it was always correct. Michel would regularly defer to him.
  18. The discussion i recall.was like 10 years ago and involved UD people. Certainly response time would affect observed order. But the issue was doing math where order of operations matter. A long time ago before node servers, I wrote a bunch of programs using variables and math to allow for wild card date programs. Order of operations mattered. But I still use those programs and they have never not worked.
  19. status is always a trigger when the status changes.
  20. I replaced almost all of our thermostats in the church with venstar Insteon ones. They are much better. Unfortunately, not made anymore so I had to troll ebay for a while. The Insteon one above is a heat pump version, but I assume the pcb layout is the same for the standard one.
  21. As I mentioned, it works like it has indexed all of the events contained in all of the programs. Should something in the index match a current event (not a condition, but an event, or trigger if you will) then it executes the program(s) that contain the item in question. ISY receives an event => Event is checked against the indexed list of events => matches point to program(s) containing event => program evaluates "if". EDIT: If you think of it as looping through all the programs, you are going to expect it to execute on the status of the conditions instead of only the "event" of the condition. "For sure . . " Not according to the people at Universal Devices when this was discussed many years ago. But in my experience, I have never seen a then/else clause not execute in order. But I have been told it is possible. Perhaps if the first line is computationally complex and the second line is not, the second line might finish before the first line. But I haven't seen it.
  22. @Guy Lavoie I have done a good bit of PLC programming and a ton of ISY programming. The PLC works quite differently. PLC clearly loops through the code and executes based on the state of any given line. ISY does not loop through the "if" statements looking for conditions. It works on triggers. Again, I don't know how the actual engine works, but if you think of it this way, it will get your programs to work as expected. So, here is how I think of it: Consider that all of the if statements' conditions are indexed. For every event that ISY encounters (a node value is changed or the clock ticks to the next second), it goes to that index and sees if any program matches that event. If so, it executes the entirety of the program. If two(or more) programs match that event, there is no telling which it will execute first. Within a program, I have been told that ISY will not necessarily execute then/else clauses in order. Meaning if you have 2 or more lines in a then clause, it could execute them in any order. However, it has always been my experience that the lines in an then/else clause do execute in order. I have a number of programs that do math where order of operations matter and they always work correctly.
  23. Yeah, I should have been more clear. No two "control switched x" can ever be true simultaneously, but the "if" clause can be true if you connect them with "or". And for anyone new to ISY, a little trick is to connect two opposites with control. In this fashion, one program will be able to do 2 things. In this way, both hitting the on paddle and hitting the off paddle are triggers. The on paddle goes true, the off paddle goes false. If control switched on or not control switched off then do something else do something else
  24. I'm pretty sure a blank "if" clause evaluates as true during a "run at startup" and hence, you get execution of the "then" without any "else" clause needed.
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