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Everything posted by ISYhbsh01

  1. Hi Chris, When someone changes the setpoint manually at the thermostat the ISY obviously detects it & shows the change immediately, so shouldn't it be possible for the ISY to use it in a program somehow? Thanks again.
  2. Hi Michel, That's the way it is with all Insteon devices. However, with the thermostats, when selecting “if control†I only get the “is/is not†“on/off†choices, (Which is not something that can be directly done locally. The only thing one can do locally is changing the setpoint or change the mode, none of which is available when using “if controlâ€), I don't get a choice of any changes in the setpoint (Which is what someone can change locally at the device, no one can actually force cool on at the device), and when the a/c goes on because the temperature in the room is higher than the setpoint the program is triggered. The main thermostat node is not even in the drop down list when using “if controlâ€. As a test I tried again the following program: If Control '14.67.0A - Cool Control' is switched On Then Send Notification to 'isy99@' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I then lowered the setpoint using the admin console so that the a/c should go on, and sure enough I got a notification. Am I missing something?
  3. Hi, It seems that unlike all other insteon devices, when using the "if control" condition with the Venstar thermostats it will be triggered even when the change is not done manually at the thermostat. Is there a way to make a program to get a notification whenever someone makes a change manually at the thermostat? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. The Venstar T1800 & T1900 both support humidity & dehumidifier control and are Insteon controllable so they would be natively supported by the ISY. For the T1800 you would need to buy an additional humidity module for about $30 while the T1900 has the humidity module built in.
  5. Thanks.
  6. Thanks Michel & all, I will setup a static IP from within the ISY. I do use manual port forwarding not the UPnP. On a side issue, does changing the default port numbers from 80/443 to something else make it more secure against outside attackers since they won't find anything at the normal web server http/https ports?
  7. Hi Michel, I had a power outage that lasted for about a minute on Saturday, and after that the ISY was unreachable. Both the Mem & Err LED’s were blinking & the error log was full of -100 error messages which means that it was unable to get an IP address from the router thru DHCP. (BTW the error code -100 is not listed in the Wiki). Normally my ISY is assigned a static IP from the router. After rebooting the ISY it went back to normal. According to the post below in another thread this should not have happened as of release 2.8.16 and above. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?p=62802#p62802 Any thoughts on why this happened? And should I rather assign a static IP address in the ISY outside of the router’s DHCP range to avoid this problem In the future? Or is there something else wrong here & this should NEVER occur with 2.8.16 and above? By the way Michel, this is the first time I had any issues since you logged into my ISY & fixed my problems. Thanks.
  8. These cameras are re-branded by several companies. The last time I checked you could get on Amazon similar cameras in the range of $50.
  9. Hi all, I ran the following test program last night: If On Sun From Sunset + 3 hours and 32 minutes To 12:05:00AM (next day) Then Send Notification to 'isy99@' content 'From Sunset + Hours Test' Else Send Notification to 'Exchange 2010' content 'Next Day Test' Three hours and 32 minutes after Sunday’s sunset was 12:02 AM Monday morning at my location. At 12:02 Monday morning I got the first email. Three minutes later at 12:05 Monday morning I got the 2nd email. So in conclusion we can confirm the following: 1. Using X amount of hours after sunset will execute correctly even if it happens to go into the next day. 2. The “Next Day†in a program always refers to the day checked off in the program regardless of when the program will actually start running. Thanks Xathros, Lee, and Apostolakisl.
  10. Lee, Your question in your edit is well described exactly what my question is.
  11. Lee, It is an actual case that I will be using in various scenarios. Remember, in the winter months this would be at about 8:30 PM.
  12. Here is another question: When multiple days are selected, and I then pick ‘Next Day’ in the ‘To’ section, is it the next day of the last day in the selection? For example if I select Sunday & Monday, would the program end on Tuesday?
  13. Hi all, If I make a program that looks like this: If On Fri From Sunset + 4 hours and 1 minute To 11:15:00AM (next day) Then Set '14.67.0A - Main' Mode Cool Set '14.67.0A - Main' 70° (Cool Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Now here is my question: Currently in summer time 4 hours after sunset happens to be about 12:30 AM which is already Saturday. So when I choose ‘next day’ in the ‘To’ section, will it be Saturday 11:15 AM or Sunday 11:15 AM? Thanks.
  14. Xathros, I do not have Kaspersky & Avast. Michel logged into my system & worked hard to resolve the issues. The problems were a combination of a bad SD card, a corrupted 3.2.6 firmware file download that I used to upgrade, and some firewall issues. Everything seems to be working fine now. I can login to the ISY locally & remotely, I get the devices’ status on the main tab, the devices are being turned on/off correctly, and I am getting the proper email notifications. As far as the lockups are concerned, which was my original problem, it’s been about an hour since Michel had finished & it’s still up & running. It used to lockup after a few minutes. Michel wants me to do a Restore PLM locally when I get home & monitor further, and then see if I can get the Conductor app to work again as well. Thank a million again Michel! Thank you Xathros and everyone!
  15. Xathros, I did the restore PLM. Am I supposed to get a confirmation or something when it’s done? I didn’t get any. All issues are still there except one change: Now when I turned a device on/off thru the console it did send me an email notification. The associated programs though still did not update its true/false status in the program summary tab. Michel, I submitted a ticket, thanks. I disabled the firewall on my computer before I started the process yesterday & it’s still disabled, so it’s not that. Thank you.
  16. Hi everyone, Ok here is an update after working on this for another day… I will try to describe everything that I encountered maybe it will give you a clue of what could be wrong here. I started last evening trying just to do a reformat of the old SD Card. First I made a backup. Then I followed the Wiki instructions & did a telnet to the ISY and issued the FS command and hit Y. According to the Wiki I am supposed to see a “Goodbye prompt†when it’s done, however in all the formattings I was doing in the last day I never got any prompt. It was just the “Y†that I entered there, and after a while when I saw nothing happening I hit enter. At first nothing happened, then after hitting enter a couple of times I got a message saying connection to host lost. After that I logged in to the admin console thru Universal’s website. Interestingly the firmware stayed the latest version 3.2.6., and even more interestingly the IP address stayed the same static IP address that I assigned earlier thru the ISY outside of the router’s DHCP range in accordance with Xathros’ instructions. I then restored the backup that I had just made. All my Insteon devices showed up, but I had a couple of issues: 1. The SMTP settings were lost & the default box was checked (Afterwards I did a restore again, and this time it restored the Gmail SMTP settings that I had before). 2. The user name & password were not restored (Maybe that’s normal) 3. The main window showed all the devices but not their status even when doing a query. 4. I could not for the life of me login into the ISY. I tried everything, http, https, from the local network & thru the internet, changed port numbers to the default & back, changed from static IP to IP being assigned by router & back, nothing worked. The only way I could login was logging in to the admin console thru the Universal website. Today I went out & bought an 8 GB SD card. I did the format. When I did the restore from yesterday’s backup I first got a message “UPGRADE FAILED: FAILED UPLOADING FILE (REPORTED WRITTEN SIZE IS INVALID)â€. I tried to restore again & this time it finished without an error message. However I got the same exact problems as yesterday with everything. So this time however I tried a couple of more things. After restoring the backup that I made yesterday & getting the same problems as yesterday, I tried to restore the backup that I made right after upgrading the firmware last week Wednesday (Yes it’s a week already that it’s down!). I got the same popup “UPGRADE FAILED: FAILED UPLOADING FILE (REPORTED WRITTEN SIZE IS INVALID)â€. I then tried to restore the backup that I made BEFORE I did the firmware upgrade & when all problems began, this time I got a different error message: “Upgrade Failed: Java.Lang.NullPointerExceptionâ€. I retried a few times and got the same message again. So to do a quick recap, after spending countless hours in the past week here is where I am now: 1. The main window shows all the devices but not their status, even when doing a query. 2. I cannot login into the ISY in any way except into the admin console thru the Universal website. I did a few more tests now: I turned one device (The IO Linc relay that I added after the firmware upgrade) that was next to me on & off thru the main window in the admin console & it did actually turn on & off, so it seems to work to some extent, but the console did not show the status whatsoever in the main window, it did not send me email notifications as it’s supposed to, and checking in the program summary tab the programs did not turn true/false the way it should. Please help! Thank you all very much.
  17. Xathros, Thanks for edit #1, I wasn't aware of that. I tried this already. Thanks.
  18. The backup after the upgrade had completed successfully, and after doing a reboot now I can probably manage to complete a backup real fast before it will lock up again. The question I have is if using a current backup wouldn’t bring along some problems and corrupted files with it, or if the backup completes currently it means that the files are fine for use to restore on the new card. According to the Wiki, from version 2.7.15 & up it supports up to 16 GB. My current card has 512 MB. If I get a new card, does anyone know if there is a benefit in buying a more expensive/high class/high read & write speed card? For example, SanDisk has various models: Standard/Ultra/Ultra II/Extreme, which have different read & write speeds with noticeable differences in performance when used in cameras & phones. Would it make a difference in the ISY’s performance? Thank you
  19. Michel, Xathros, Ok here is an update: I just finished changing the settings. I assigned a static IP from within the ISY which is not in the router’s DHCP range, and I setup the proper port forwarding. It still locked up a few minutes afterwards, I rebooted and it locked up again after a few minutes. By the way, before I changed to the static IP it was locked up, and this time the LED were as follows: Power, RX, and TX were constant on, MEM was off, and error was blinking red. After the changes when it locked up again it was the Power & MEM LED’s that were constant on as was the case most of the times before. I started to think as well that it might be the SD card the problem. Though I don’t understand why it would act up only after upgrading the firmware. Do I need to follow the exact procedure in the Wiki to change the SD card? Just copying & pasting the files from the SD card to a new one won’t do it? If copying & pasting is not good enough, what would be considered a “good backup� Can I make a backup now, should I use the backup made right after upgrading the firmware, or should I use the backup done right before upgrading? Thank you
  20. Xathros, I had tested the light version in the past & it looked excellent. It's just a bummer that after paying $10 for the Conductor app I should have to pay now $20 for Mobilelinc... It’s hard for me to believe that this is the problem. Right after rebooting, which is the time when the ISY is requesting the IP address from the router and is being assigned a static IP by the router, its working fine. It’s only after a while that it get’s locked up. So why would I think it’s the DHCP the problem? Besides, I never had this problem before upgrading the firmware. But if you say I should still try it I will do it. Both the power and MEM LEDs were on constant. My ISY is about 2 years old. Thank you
  21. I uninstalled Conductor already & will switch to Mobilinc but it hasn't solved the ISY locking up problem. This morning my ISY was locked up again even though conductor was already uninstalled.
  22. Xathros, I upgraded from firmware version 2.7.15. According to the instructions on this forum I wasn't required & did not install a new certificate. Could this still possibly be the problem with Conductor?
  23. One other bit of info which might be relevant: Right after I upgraded the firmware, the SMTP settings which I used for the last couple of years from Optimum Online stopped working. So I changed the settings to use Gmail's server. After testing the gmail settings a couple of times I got an "OPEN SOCKET etc." error message & that's when the ISY locked up for the first time.
  24. Hi Michel I got your email. 1. I double checked my router settings. The ISY is being assigned a static IP address by the router so nothing changed on the router's part. 2. is my Android phone's IP address when connected to WIFI at home using Conducter. The credentials setup in conductor are the same as always. The IO Linc does not control anything. I use the sensor part of it to connect to my smoke detector in the house. I added it on Sunday after the problems began. I stoped using Conductor since last night & still it was locked today. Thanks.
  25. Here is the error log. By the way I realized now that I actually upgraded on Wednesday not on Friday which will be reflected in the log. Time User Code Message Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:20 PM System -5 Start Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:30 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:40 PM System -60006 n/a Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:50 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:50 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:50 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:22:51 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:25:50 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:25:50 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:33:21 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:33:41 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:33:52 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:34:12 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:37:23 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 06:42:35 PM System -50001 -14 Wed 2012/06/06 08:50:37 PM System -5 Start Wed 2012/06/06 08:50:42 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Wed 2012/06/06 08:50:52 PM System -60006 n/a Thu 2012/06/07 08:50:43 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Thu 2012/06/07 10:58:47 PM System -5 Start Thu 2012/06/07 10:58:50 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Thu 2012/06/07 10:59:00 PM System -60006 n/a Fri 2012/06/08 10:58:58 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2012/06/08 04:17:26 PM System -5 Start Fri 2012/06/08 04:17:29 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Fri 2012/06/08 04:17:40 PM System -60006 n/a Sat 2012/06/09 04:17:39 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Sat 2012/06/09 04:17:49 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Sun 2012/06/10 03:30:03 AM System -5012 27 Sun 2012/06/10 03:53:44 AM System -5012 28 Sun 2012/06/10 03:55:24 AM System -5012 29 Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:43 PM System -5 Start Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:46 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:53 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:35:57 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:02 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:07 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:12 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:17 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:22 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:27 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:32 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:37 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:42 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:43 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:43 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:47 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:57 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:57 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:36:57 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:02 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:07 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:12 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:17 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:22 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:27 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:32 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:37 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:42 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:47 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:37:57 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:02 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:07 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:12 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:17 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:22 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:27 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:32 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:37 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:42 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:47 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:52 PM System -50010 smtp.gmail.com Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:38:57 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:02 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:07 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:12 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:17 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:22 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:27 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:32 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:37 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:42 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:47 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:39:57 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:02 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:07 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:12 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:17 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:22 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:27 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:32 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:37 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:42 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:47 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:40:52 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED Sun 2012/06/10 02:41:54 PM System -5 Start Sun 2012/06/10 02:41:58 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2012/06/10 02:42:08 PM System -60006 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 02:44:06 PM System -5006 uuid:27 Sun 2012/06/10 02:57:51 PM System -5 Start Sun 2012/06/10 02:57:57 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2012/06/10 03:04:22 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:32 error:6 Sun 2012/06/10 03:04:33 PM System -5012 27 Sun 2012/06/10 03:10:54 PM System -5 Start Sun 2012/06/10 03:10:57 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:04 PM System -10011 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:07 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=3 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:07 PM System -10011 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:09 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=4 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:13 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=5 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:13 PM System -10011 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:15 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=6 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:15 PM System -10108 Check log Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:16 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=7 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:16 PM System -10108 Check log Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:16 PM System -10011 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:18 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=8 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:18 PM System -10108 Check log Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:24 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=9 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:24 PM System -10108 Check log Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:24 PM System -10011 n/a Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:26 PM System -170001 [Auth]>99, Num=10 Sun 2012/06/10 03:45:26 PM System -10108 Check log Sun 2012/06/10 04:15:59 PM System -5 Start Sun 2012/06/10 04:16:02 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2012/06/10 04:40:13 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:32 error:6 Sun 2012/06/10 04:40:22 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:32 error:6 Mon 2012/06/11 08:20:12 PM System -5 Start Mon 2012/06/11 08:20:15 PM System -170001 [Network] Established
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