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Everything posted by ISYhbsh01
I am not sure I understand what your goal is. Do you want the variable to be reset every time the ISY-994 restarts? If yes then leave your program the way it is. If not just add another line in your "If" statement "Init To" whatever value you want, and it will keep that value after a restart and you won't need a battery backup.
Did you by any chance have had power outages? That would reset the variables. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
MWareman, Do you have an ISY-99 or ISY-994? If you got the 994, what is supposed to happen after you paste the Cacert.org certificate in the "receive cert." window? I just upgraded to the 994 & I can't get this to work. See here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=12150 Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Help anybody? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
The following is from the guide on page 10 at the CSR request step: "Make sure to click the Save button on SSL Certificate Management dialog once done." However I don't have a save button on the SSL Certificate Management window. On page 8 of the guide there is an image of the SSL Certificate Management window with no save button there either. Thanks.
It does end with =.
I don't know how to check this if it's using SHA2, but a cacert.org had worked successfully with my ISY-99. I doubt the 99 supported something that the 994 doesn't. Moreover, my 99 was on firmware version 3.3.10 while the 994 was still on 3.2.6 when I made the switch and restored the 99 backup unto the 994. At this point the 994 worked fine with the old certificate from the 99. After I upgraded the firmware to 4.0.5 that's when I had to recreate the certificate using the dashboard instead of the old way thru the admin console & I have run into a problem. I rather think that I am doing something wrong & am missing some obvious step here. What is normaly supposed to happen when I paste the certificate and click ok? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Hi, I finally upgraded to my 994. I am trying to install a cacert.org certificate. I am doing all the steps till pasting the certificate into the receive cert. window, then I click ok which takes me back to the SSL Certificates Management window. Then according to the guide I need to click "save". But there is no save button there. The only choice I have other than the various certificate options & the cancel button is to click on the x on top which takes me back to the network settings window. That window does have a save button but it's greyed out. It seems that it's used only when making changes to the port settings and the like. When I x out from that window nothing is changed and the certificate is not installed. What am I missing here? Thanks
Hi Lee, Is adjusting the offset the same thing as calibrating or is it something else? I hadn't touched it for nine months so I don't remember exactly what I did. But I do remember that I followed the instructions in the manual to calibrate it and it was still off. Also the number of degrees it was off by was inconsistent, not like it would always be 2 degrees higher for example. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
hbsh01, It seems like we are in the same boat. Were you ever able to resolve the problem? ~Jerry I just put it aside & haven't tried to do anything again since then. It's interesting that there are a lot of discussions going on about a lot of issues with those thermostats, but almost nobody is mentioning this problem, while I had it with two of them.
Something was wrong with the link. I am trying again. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?p=76028#p76028 Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
I have had the same issue with two of them. See my post here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?p=5#p5 Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Thank you MWareman & Michel, I just went the cacert.org route & followed MWareman’s instructions to install it onto my Android and it now works with Tasker! I did try several more times to get the Godaddy certificate to work just out of curiosity, but after a while I just gave up. One thing I learned is that Android seems to be very finicky & unpredictable with certificates in general. Just one example: the latest thing that I tried with the Godaddy certificate was that I copied & pasted into the ISY window the contents of the mydomainname.crt file & right below that I copied & pasted the contents of the sf_bundle.crt file. After doing that the certificate was trusted by my browsers on my computer, by my non-stock android browser (which did not trust it when I only copied & pasted the mydomainname.crt file), but not by Tasker. Now with the cacert.org certificate that I ended up using, it is trusted by Tasker but not by my non-stock Android browser. So it seems that Android is very unpredictable on how the system & various apps will work with certificates. Both Godaddy & Starfield root certificates are actually in Android’s default trusted credentials list. I would like to share some more things that I learned along the way in the many hours I spent trying to get this to work and also explain & give detailed instructions on how I got it to work with DynDNS’ grandfathered free dyndns service without having to use my own domain and DynDNS’ paid Standard DNS service. I just don’t have the time right now. So in the meantime if anyone would like to get more info on this topic please post your question & I will try to help as much as I can. Thanks again Michel & MWareman.
I am copying & pasting here my question to MWareman & his reply from another thread. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12074&start=0#p93004 Is it?... http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=12098 Would this solve my problem? Thank you
Hi Michel, For this you need a Certificate that is signed by a CA (Certificate Authority) such as Verisign, CheapSSL, DigiCert, etc. Nothing else would work. Well, the certificate is NOT trusted because it's signed by YOU and not a CA ... see above please. It should work in IE if you follow http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... te_Install What I tried to do on Android was the same thing that's supposed to work in IE if I understend this correctly. I am supposed to be able to get IE to trust my self-signed certificate by installing it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store (even though I wasn't actually succesful myself in doing it but it should work according to the wiki that you linked to). Android also has an option to install certificates. So I thought that I should be able to get Android to trust my self-signed certificate by installing it. MWareman though wrote here that for some reason it would not work in Android versions below 4.2 even though the option to install a certificate is there in older versions. Godaddy gave me a choice between SHA-1 & SHA-2. The Network Security Configuration Guide for the ISY-994 though does mention "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA2", I don't know if it has anything to do with this. This I cannot explain! This is obviously my main issue that I am trying to resolve. While doing some additional research I came across somethng being mentioned on Godaddy's website about an Intermediate Certificate that might also need to be installed & "chained". Could the problem be something related to this? Then I found another tread http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=8976&hilit=godaddy where someone also had an issue with a Godaddy certificate & Android. You mentioned there something to the extent that the ISY-994 does not support this. But I found in the PDF guide on page 7 mentioned there "Please note that if you would like to support a certificate that goes through a chain to reach the root signing certificate, then you must import all the certificates in the chain and all the way up to the root." Since I don't really understand what all of this means, can you explain if any of this could help my issue & perhaps I would be able to get this to work on Android at least when I upgrade to the ISY-994? mydomainname.crt What is the sf_bundle.crt, does this have something to do with an inetrmeidae certificate that also needs to be installed? I tried & it didn't work. You might have to but it's free. I've used it many times At first I didn't understand since Godaddy charges for each certificate. THen I saw an option in the Godaddy control panel called "Re-Key" which it seems that I can generate again a CSR and a certifcate again. Was this what you were reffering to? Michel, I know my questions have a lot more to do with Godaddy & Android than with the ISY so I really appreciate your helping me in resolving this as well as anyone else who has knowledge about this stuff. Thanks.
Thanks MWareman, My Android version is 4.1.2 and this would probably be the last version avaialble for my Samsung Galaxy SII. So this explains then why installing the self-signed certificate didn't work. The question remaining is why Godaddy's certificate comes up as untrusted in Android. Thank you
Hi Micheal, I see that you replied to my earlier post just as I was writing my 2nd post. I will follow your instruction & report back. Thanks. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Update: After several hours of working with my ISY & having to reboot the ISY several times for not being able to access the ISY, the last thing I did was that I generated again a self-signed certificate. It seems that I am now safely back to square one & everything is working again the way it worked before I started this whole thing. So the questions remaining are: Would a godaddy certifcate be trusted on android? According to them it should. If yes what are the exact steps to install it. Perhaps should I first upgrade to the 994? Will I have a better chance to get it to work? Will I need to buy a new certificate from godaddy for the 994? Thank you. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Hi, I would appreciate any help here. I am currently on a ISY-99. While I am planning to upgrade to a 994 sometime in the near future I am currently still working with my 99. My knowledge about SSL certificates is close to nothing. From so much trial & error and research, I did manage to learn a thing or two about them but I still consider myself to be completely ignorant about this subject. So don’t assume that because you might see me write below a SSL term or two that I am anything short of knowing really nothing about it. My end goal is to be able to send HTTPS REST commands using Tasker on my Android. Yes Tasker currently integrates with Mobilinc but there are still some situations where I would rather prefer REST commands. Currently this cannot be done & you would get an error message that the SSL certificate is not trusted. So I would like to get a SSL certificate which should be trusted on my Android. I did try countless times in many different ways to export the self signed certificate using the browser on my computer & then import it onto my Android. But even though that the phone showed that the process was completed successfully, the certificate never showed up in the list of trusted certificates & I was still getting the untrusted certificate error message in the Android browser & in Tasker. BTW, the same is true on my computer as well. Even though I followed the instructions to so-called install the self-signed certificate onto my computer, I would still get the untrusted certificate message. But on my computer I didn’t care, it’s on my Android that I want it to work so that Tasker REST commands would work. So I guess obviously the only option would be to buy a certificate from a CA authority. I saw an ad that GoDaddy has certificates for $5.99 so I decided to go ahead with it. I won’t go into all the research I did until I figured out what the best & cheapest route to go is in terms of a domain name & dynamic DNS service so I can get a certificate, since I learned that you cannot get a certificate with a dyndns.org etc. domain name. If someone would like me to elaborate further on the exact steps I took about this please let me know & I will try to write it up later. So anyway I bought a SSL certificate from Godaddy, I selected Starfield as the certification authority, and SHA-1 as the algorithm (whatever those things mean). I then downloaded the certificate using server type “other†which consisted of a zip file that contained two files: mydomainname.crt & sf_bundle.crt.. I didn’t know which one is the one I am supposed to use or maybe both. Since I am writing this from my office computer I don’t remember exactly off hand the options presented in the ISY. But I tried to use the “import certificate†option which didn’t work. Then there is the option which brings up another window where it seems that something needs to be pasted there but I had no clue what. After several minutes of not knowing what to do next, I still don’t know what made me think that instead of just double clicking on the certificate file which opened up a nice window with various info about the certificate but nothing to copy & paste, I tried to right click on the mydomainname.crt file and selected “open with notepad†option. That’s when I saw the text which begins with the words ---begin certificate--- which I have seen mentioned somewhere on the forum. So I copied & pasted that into the ISY-99 dialog box and viola! It worked. So a side note: It should be made clear in the wiki as well as in the new Network security configuration guide PDF this simple step, that the certificate file needs to be opened in notepad & its text copied & pasted into the ISY dialog box, something that I have not seen mentioned anywhere, perhaps because it’s obvious to a SSL certificate expert which a lot of people are not. Back to my story, I tried the various browsers on my computer & sure enough I did not get the untrusted certificate errors anymore. Then I tried it on my android which was the whole point of it, but unfortunately, I am still getting the untrusted certificate error on the android browser as well as in Tasker. According to Godaddy’s website, their certificates are trusted by all android devices. What I did next was that I opened up the sf_bundle.crt file in notepad & copied its contents & pasted it into the ISY dialog box after the previous text. But now I cannot log in using https at all from anywhere, so obviously this was not the right thing to do. This is where I am up to now. So here are my questions: Has anyone managed to install & get an android to trust the ISY self-signed certificate? Which file was I supposed to copy & paste into the ISY, the mydomainname.crt or the sf_bundle.crt? If the mydomainname.crt which seemed to work with my windows browsers, why didn’t it work with my android? When upgrading to the ISY-994 what will I have to do to use the godaddy certificate. Will I need to get a new one from Godaddy or will I be able to use the same certificate? In my research I bumped into the fact that there are free CA authorities out there but which would also not be trusted by default. Has anyone had better success on an android with a free CA vs. a self-signed certificate? Any other help & suggestions? Thank you very much.
I don't know much about UPNP, but I don't have any media server/streaming devices at home. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
I am using the port forwarding settings in my router & not the "enable internet access" option, if that makes a difference. I will upgrade to 3.3.10 as soon as I get a chance & see if that helps. While it's on my todo list to switch to the ISY-994 for my home, I was still planning to use the ISY-99 for my office.
See the logs below. Note, that the last time I successfully controlled a device before I noticed that it was locked up was at 4:24 AM on 7/28. I restarted the ISY & PLM at 12:14 PM. Also I see quite some errors in the error log. I am including a little more than what you requested so you can perhaps tell me what's going on overall as some error codes are not mentioned in the wiki. I am currently on a ISY-99 & still on version 3.2.6. I actually bought an ISY-994 but didn't get around to do the upgrade yet. Thank you Log: FanLinc-Light-14.F5.A8 Status 30% Sun 2013/07/28 04:17:20 AM System Log MBR Bedside Status 100% Sun 2013/07/28 04:17:20 AM System Log MBR Door 1A.1D.2F.1.1 Status 100% Sun 2013/07/28 04:17:20 AM System Log M. Bed Light Status 100% Sun 2013/07/28 04:17:20 AM System Log FanLinc-Light-14.F5.A8 Status 0% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:27 AM System Log MBR Bedside Status 0% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:27 AM System Log MBR Door 1A.1D.2F.1.1 Status 0% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:27 AM System Log M. Bed Light Status 0% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:27 AM System Log A. Bed Light Status 100% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:28 AM System Log A. Bed Light Beep 5 Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:28 AM Program Log A. Bed Light Status 0% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:30 AM System Log MBR AC On 255 Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:30 AM Program Log MBR AC Status 100% Sun 2013/07/28 04:24:31 AM System Log 14.67.0A - Cool Control Status On Sun 2013/07/28 04:52:40 AM System Log 14.67.0A - Main Heat/Cool State Cool On Sun 2013/07/28 04:52:40 AM System Log 14.67.0A - Main Status 72â–‘ Sun 2013/07/28 04:53:22 AM System Log 14.67.0A - Cool Control Status Off Sun 2013/07/28 05:03:23 AM System Log 14.67.0A - Main Heat/Cool State Off Sun 2013/07/28 05:03:23 AM System Log 0 null Sun 2013/07/28 12:14:42 PM System Start Scene:My Lighting Status Query Sun 2013/07/28 12:14:48 PM System Log Error Log: Sat 2013/07/27 03:58:17 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=3 Sat 2013/07/27 09:06:29 AM System -100 No network connection Sat 2013/07/27 09:06:34 AM System -170001 [Network] Established Sat 2013/07/27 03:26:07 PM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=4 Sat 2013/07/27 08:28:16 PM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=5 Sun 2013/07/28 06:51:47 AM System -5 Start Sun 2013/07/28 06:52:07 AM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2013/07/28 06:52:10 AM System -60001 pool.ntp.org Sun 2013/07/28 09:01:20 AM System -100 No network connection Sun 2013/07/28 12:11:20 PM System -5 Start Sun 2013/07/28 12:11:40 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2013/07/28 12:13:45 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 12:13:50 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 12:14:42 PM System -5 Start Sun 2013/07/28 12:14:48 PM System -170001 [Network] Established Sun 2013/07/28 12:15:50 PM System -5012 26 Sun 2013/07/28 12:15:51 PM System -5006 uuid:26 Sun 2013/07/28 12:16:08 PM System -5006 uuid:26 Sun 2013/07/28 12:16:11 PM System -5006 uuid:26 Sun 2013/07/28 12:16:14 PM System -5006 uuid:26 Sun 2013/07/28 02:37:58 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 02:38:00 PM System -5012 27 Sun 2013/07/28 02:38:07 PM System -5006 uuid:27 Sun 2013/07/28 02:38:14 PM System -5006 uuid:27 Sun 2013/07/28 05:31:53 PM System -5012 28 Sun 2013/07/28 05:31:55 PM System -5006 uuid:28 Sun 2013/07/28 05:31:57 PM System -5006 uuid:28 Sun 2013/07/28 06:45:36 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:41 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 06:45:41 PM System -5012 29 Sun 2013/07/28 06:45:42 PM System -5006 uuid:29 Sun 2013/07/28 06:45:48 PM System -5006 uuid:29 Sun 2013/07/28 06:55:54 PM System -5012 30 Sun 2013/07/28 06:55:58 PM System -5006 uuid:30 Sun 2013/07/28 06:56:02 PM System -5006 uuid:30 Sun 2013/07/28 07:48:17 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 07:54:37 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 07:54:42 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Sun 2013/07/28 07:54:47 PM System -5012 32 Sun 2013/07/28 07:55:27 PM System -5006 uuid:32 Sun 2013/07/28 07:55:38 PM System -5006 uuid:32 Sun 2013/07/28 07:55:46 PM System -5012 33 Sun 2013/07/28 07:55:56 PM System -5006 uuid:33 Sun 2013/07/28 07:56:07 PM System -5006 uuid:33 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:38 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=3 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=4 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=5 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=6 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -10108 Check log Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=7 Mon 2013/07/29 07:07:39 AM System -10108 Check log Mon 2013/07/29 09:01:45 AM System -100 No network connection Mon 2013/07/29 09:01:50 AM System -170001 [Network] Established
This morning I noticed that programs were not working & the iSY was locked up. I unplugged the ISY and plugged it back in & the ISY was still locked up. I then noticed that the LED on the PLM was solid orange which I thought was unusual. So I unplugged both, the ISY & the PLM & that fixed it. Any ideas why this would happen & what a solid orange LED on the PLM means? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
While I did use a smartlinc of which the hub is a successor, I never used the Houselinc software so I don't know. Others here would know more. But I think the programming in Houslinc is limited to time conditions only. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2