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Everything posted by ISYhbsh01

  1. This is really the nature of technological advancement. New technologies come out all the time. At some point, if you want to stay up to date with the latest stuff, some of the currently owned technologies will have to be replaced. Take a computer for example, if you are fine with using your 10 year old software you might be ok with your 10 year old computer. However if you want to use the latest & greatest version, you will need to upgrade that computer. It's really unrealistic to expect that an ISY bought today is going to be able to support all kinds of new devices forever. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  2. Just saw that... So can I purchase the ISY-994i PRO on that page for $159 and that will replace my ISY-99i IR/PRO? The page doesn't make it really clear as to what the special price is an upgrade for... If you currently have the 99i Pro you don't need to buy the 994i Pro for $159. You can upgrade to the regular 994i for $129 and then contact UDI & they will transfer the "Pro" module from the 99 to the 994 along with the other modules you have bought. The difference between regular and "Pro" is not in the physical device, it's in the software. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  3. Shalom chaver! I cannot speak for UDI, but I think based on what I have read that this is not technically possible. Regarding Homeseer, my own experiance with homeseer goes back to several years ago when I tried Homeseer with Z-wave. I had a terrible experience with a less than 50% reliability rate and ended up sending everything back within the 30 day trial period. But this was the zwave devices' problem not homeseer's. So I don't remember much about Homeseer & I am sure a lot of things changed since then as well. I personally would not want to rely on a computer running 24/7 for my home automation. A computer, especially if also used for other tasks can sometimes crash, freeze, and/or needs to be restarted from time to time. BTW, speaking about Himezeer, the only one thing that I liked from Homeseer that the ISY does not have is the ability to have homseer poll an email account & respond to specific commands received in an email. At the time several years ago, the term smartphone did not exist yet, and this functionality gave me the ability to control devices in my home by sending a text message from my phone to the email address monitored by homeseer. Oh was that cool at the time... Today however we have smartphones and I use the Mobilinc app so this feature is not so important to me anymore. My wife though does not have a smartphone and for here this woupd come in nicely. Perhaps UDI will add this functionality one day. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  4. I don't think this is is even possible for UDI to do. The blame is squarely on Smarthome's shoulders for refusing to make a PLM for use outside of the USA. I have a brother that lives in Europe who would love to be able to do the same home automation stuff as I do, but he can't because of smarthome's stupid decision. Buying the hub is something he wouldn't even consider. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  5. I will add that if you are planning to do home automation stuff for the remainder of your life, you will need the 994 to support new Insteon devices. There are already now several recently released Insteon devices, which the 99 with it's older firmware does not support. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  6. If Ubi would have designed their product in a way that the UBI would be a central controller for $300 & then you would be able to attach much cheaper wired and/or wireless sensors/microphones/speakers in every room, that would be something to talk about.
  7. I checked out the UBI website again. They now officially call it a beta product. My personal issue with UBI is that I consider this an extremely expensive product. On the one hand, if I want to utilize it's full potential I would need one in every room in the house, which would cost a thousand dollars or two. While if I am going to buy this for only one room in the house, I consider $300 spent for only being able to use this in one room a very expensive purchase as well. I would stick for now to using an Android phone with tasker & Auto Voice for voice control, and a 1-wire sensor solution for environment monitoring. Those should cover for most of the features of the UBI. What do you guys think? EDIT:If Ubi would have designed their product in a way that the UBI would be a central controller for $300 & then you would be able to attach much cheaper wired and/or wireless sensors/microphones/speakers in every room, that would be something to talk about.
  8. That's a good one, LOL...
  9. I don't have a NEST. But honestly I would feel much better about Google buying it rather than Apple... With Google's open philosophy there is a much better chance of seeing ISY integration one day. If Apple would have bought it it wouldn't stand a chance. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  10. Network resources does not support variables yet. It is planned for a future firmware update. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  11. The ISY can only see the temperature used to control the thermostat. If the thermostat is set to use the external sensor, that's what the ISY will see. If it's set to use its own sensor the ISY will see that & not the external temp. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  12. I wish the heartbeat interval would have been customizable.
  13. I thought so. That's why I am very hesitant to change from an iolinc with a leak sensor to the battery operated leak sensor. With the iolinc I would get notified once power is restored if there is a leak. The same thing is true with the open/close sensor vs. Iolinc with magnetic sensor. And actually its not just a power outage that I am concerned about, it's also if for whatever reason the single message being sent by the battery operated device is missed, lets say because of communication problems, you will never get notified, while with the wired iolinc the ISY always knows its current status & its not just a single message that can be missed. Am I correct? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  14. LeeG, If there is a leak during the power outage, the ISY would never get the message & wouldn't know about it even after power is restored. Am I correct? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  15. "Buying devices or apps to fill a very basic gap like this is not desirable not is a 'solution' - for more complex things, like a Mobile UI, sure maybe but I don't like Mobilinc for a few reasons - and something this simple should not require a $20 "Fix" anyway." So please help me understand, what is the problem, is it that it's a 3rd party that developed an app for iphone & android and not UDI? If UDI would have developed the apps themselves & would have charged $20 more for the ISY in the first place, then it would not have been considered a "Fix"?... "Bottom line - dead simple use case... using an ISY 'native method' ... try to turn on Vacation mode (to enable your Folder conditions) using ONLY a push of ONE BUTTON. Lets say, on a web page from any device and where in the world -- that SUPER SIMPLE thing is not possible." That's very much possible and hundreds of people are doing this every day. I for example have a program called "away for 24 hours". I have a couple of folders and programs with conditions based on whether the away program is true or false & all I need to do is click on the "run then" to activate it and click on "run else" to deactivate it. Variables can also be used to accomplish that, but I set it up this way before variables were added to the ISY. This can bee done from any device with a web browser. "admin & dashboard requires Java... mobile devices do not use Java and I don'w want to install Java on every computer I might use. AND there is still no 'one button' way even with the Java apps. ... this is simple ON / OFF ... that is all." Admin console indeed requires java, I am not sure about the dashboard, but the standard web page from where you can control all the devices & programs, "simple ON / OFF" as you call it, does not require java and as I said can be done from any device with a web browser. Most people though would prefer an app like mobilinc rather than using the web browser on a mobile device, for the same reason that there are thousands of apps available for many things which can also be done from the mobile web browser. "I'm moving off this topic for now at least. I have too much to do." With all due respect, I get the impression that you have a minimal knowledge of the ins and outs of the ISY and how it works. On top of that, it seems that you are here searching for a problem not a solution, looking for questions and not for the answers. I might be wrong with my assessment and if so I beg your pardon in advance. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  16. Another benefit of scenes over programs: If the ISY stops working for whatever reason, scenes will continue to work.
  17. This is from their website: "Integrate with outside apps using command-based HTTP requests (post / get based on a specified command)" This means that you should be able to use UBI to control your ISY by issuing REST commands to the ISY. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  18. Are you perhaps referring to the symbol next to the program name which indicates that the program has not been saved? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  19. Integrating my ISY with Eventghost has been on my to-do list for quit some time but have never gotten around to work on it other than installing Eventghost on my computer. I would love to hear from you once you get it up & running how it's working out for you. Thanks.
  20. I don't really have any experience myself with Eventghost. But from what I have read I believe you can control eventghost via network resources commands so u don't need to use an IR blaster to get the ISY & Eventghost to communicate. Do a search on the forum for eventghost & you will come up with a couple of posts on this. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  21. Eventghost perhaps? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  22. Have any ideas on automating it using Insteon?... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  23. I am sorry for the mix-up. I was quoting the terminology out of my memory and I mentioned the wrong term as used by Go Daddy. What I actually meant was to use the re-key option which allows you to generate a new certificate right away not “Revokeâ€. I apologize. What error message were you getting?
  24. You need the server certificate only. Go into the godaddy control panel & revoke the certificate which will give you back the credit to generate a new certificate. Then generate a CSR in the ISY dashboard under server certificates & follow all the steps again. Edit: Once you download the new certificates from Go Daddy you should open your domain .crt file with Notepad or any text editor program. The file should start with -----Begin certificate----- and end with ------End certificate-------Copy & paste its contents into the receive certificate window. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  25. Yes, this will do what you want.
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