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Everything posted by Teken
I don’t agree having standards will cause a have vs have not market. Mandating standards (think anything) has insured a predicable outcome, performance, reliability, etc. If makers didn’t follow 120 / 240 VAC @60 Hz where the hell would anything be?!? Since others mentioned so called EV’s this is a prime example of having standards! Right now there have been no less than ten fatalities as it pertains to Tesla so called AutoPilot. Why?!? Because like the iSheep there are people who truly believe sitting in the drivers seat is no longer a active process?!? You want to surf the web, watch a movie, go to sleep??? It’s called a passenger . . . [emoji3516] Those services called taxi, Uber, Lift, Bus, Train, Boat, Fairy etc exist for those who don’t want to be Active In the driving Process! So every time I read how some imbeciles is nothing but a smudge in the road I laugh! Because they were too stupid to live and do the only thing their supposed to do - Drive! We don’t have any real standards as it pertains to self driving vehicles because this technology is so new. This is made worse because those responsible for creating laws and standards are just dragging their feet. Self driving vehicles is literally the dumbest thing that’s being pushed by companies. Why?!? Because they simply don’t grasp they can not ever compensate for stupid. The existing infrastructure also doesn’t offer enough support or capability to insure the tech works. Every time this same discussion comes up I always remind people self flying, self take off, self landing has existed in airplanes for ten years! If this proven technology is so freaking great why isn’t everyone sitting in a plane with a computer at the helm?? Better yet the true litmus test if this is so great why doesn’t mommy & daddy put little Alice in a car, plane, train, boat and let the robot get from A-B??? The answer is quite clear because anything can and will happen and thus Human must be present to correct that what if! The only reason Tesla and their likes have been able to allow stupid to use autopilot is in the guise of TOS, Eye ball check, and interval hand monitoring. Which obviously doesn’t work because you guessed it no *standards* as to how to compensate for stupid! Who insists upon circumventing the need to be a active DRIVER. The best thing to happen is to let more stupid people die if they choose to ignore the basic instinct of survival. Standards matter, and would make so called auto pilot a real thing I could get on board with. [emoji1785]
You’re confusing standards with competition and wanting to gain market share while making profit. There are endless examples of racing to the bottom yet there are countless others that don’t. All of the market leaders from Apple ~ Sonos continue to command a high premium for their wares. They don’t worry or bother to play in the $0.99 isles because there’s no profit in it! The so called race to the bottom exists in almost every industry. If that wasn’t true how would the vast majority of bids not go toward the lowest bidder?!? The space shuttle literally was built on the lowest bidder! Almost every major infrastructure from road, bridge, ship was awarded to the lowest bidder! Keeping in mind the obvious of meeting STANDARDS in those respective industries which we can ignore back room deals, I owe you a favour, etc scenarios. You’re correct my analogy of Steel was to convey there are standards depending upon where the material is being used. For example Any firearm barrel used today follows the most basic standards of metal composition so the thing doesn’t explode in your hand when a projectile comes racing out - using industry standards. The so called racing to the bottom is in large part simple competition. The Chinese have simply filled the gap where the public has a want / need. This has directly made the market leaders to do what?!? Offer the same at a cheaper price! Do you truly believe Crapple offered the first ever large screen phone because they are so smart?!? No, because that idiot Steve Jobs if still alive would have kept the iPhone at 4” forever because he said anything bigger is stupid?!? If he was still alive the iPad would also NOT exist and you guessed it. It’s because he truly believed that market segment was stupid?!? Some more history for those who didn’t pay attention to the growth of Crapple. The only reason Steve Jobs caved in and integrated the X86 Intel architecture is because his sh^tty computers had literally 0.001% of the global market. Never mind not even 1% of the North American market! He finally accepted that for his company to ever gain market share was to do what?!? Follow the industry standard! [emoji2357][emoji1787] That was coupled with Tim following everything the industry was doing and using! Think Microsoft Office! Now, as of this writing CrApple indeed has a race to the bottom mentality like everyone else. They simply hide it and promote it differently to all of the less than bright iSheep! Think every four generations of hardware still for sale?!? Why?? Because it cost them nothing to produce five year old hardware and sell it at cellular companies from ATT, Verizon, Rogers, Bell, etc for $0.00 ~ 99.XX. Keeping in mind this stupid company over night convinced the entire world and industry that nothing could be replaced from battery, memory, storage, video etc!! This level of stupid has now been hidden in the guise of being green! So stupid believes they just parted with $1K for a phone and it doesn’t even come with any chargers, cables, headset?!? [emoji1787] Their race to the bottom is to give you less while taking more! The first time I saw and worked on that stupid over priced garbage can shaped computer they touted as the best blah blah. Only to turf it like that cheese grader turd they came out with I burst out laughing! The clients I had to come on site to repair these turds were the a typical iSheep. I just laughed at the one guy who parted more than $15K on a garbage can and since it was made by the Apple Gods it had to be the best! Yeah?!? Than why am I here servicing this turd and going to charge you $5K? Oh I forgot because these people have more money than brains! $15K and this company only gives you 1 year warranty? Oh I guess he could have bought the $1K extended warranty because Apple hardware is just so awesome and reliable - not! Racing to the bottom happens everywhere. This is proven each day by the three domestic automakers that as of this writing continue to lead in every TSB / Recall since cars existed! So racing to the bottom exists in various forms. [emoji3516]
I believe people are losing sight of what is being asked as it pertains to STANDARDS. The entire world follows millions of standards and it has not stopped anyone from innovating or become dominant in their respective field / industry. If NEC / CEC didn’t exist electrical installation methods would vary and safety would be compromised. If everyone didn’t follow, design, and build their equipment to use TCP/IP there would literally be no internet. All motor vehicles are tested and mandated to achieve a minimum standard of emissions, crash safety, and fuel consumption. Almost every nation in the world uses the metric standard! The UL / cUL standard was created to insure products were safe and met specifications in what ever class they sell in. Every ship sold today must comply and meet global Standards as it pertains to single / double hull designs never mind the millions of other standards to allow them in the water or allowed to enter a foreign port. The following standards were created to insure anything connected would operate as expected: HDMI, USB, VGA, RS-232, RS-485, RCA, Coaxial, 120 / 240 VAC, etc There are millions of standards as listed up above and NONE of them has stopped anyone from making profit or owning a market segment! What some of the forum members are asking and questioning is why hasn’t the same been done for HA?!? It’s easy for me to say because I’ve had to work with some of these companies / industries. Plain greed . . . Next, is wanting control think Crapple. Think Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc. It has always been Profit before People! As it relates to say a video system there are you guessed it - Standards! Which allows anything to Plug & Play which is championed by ONVIF! Any door bell, intercom, security camera that complies with ONVIF will offer basic to advanced features and literally just connects to one another without fuss! Video compression such as H.264 / H.265 which you guess based on STANDARDS is what allows us to stream, watch, record video in 2K / 4K / 8K without taking down the entire network - internet. If the various audio compression methods such as MP3, FLAC, name any of the dozens used in every industry didn’t exist we could not listen to audio. If the FCC / CRTC Standards didn’t exist there would be literally no TV, Radio, Cellular, Home Automation, nothing. Groups like Z-Wave / ZigBee alliance have tried to bring everyone together. But some went a different direction because their standards were utterly sh^t! Anyone who has ever had the displeasure of owning Z-Wave knows this! ZigBee has to be one of the worst in large part to having people in power that take 9999999 years to decide on anything! This is why sometimes governments must force everyone to follow basic standards as I listed up above. Then everyone can build upon that basic standard and iterate as technology advances or knowledge is gained. The NEC / CEC / UL / cUL didn’t remain the same over the course of 60 years. It continued to iterate and change as science and experience showed how things could be made safer and better. Think of the first of anything from tires, light bulbs, steel, plastics, IC. So no, it’s not hard to have a template that everyone follows so everything works! This has been proven by every idiot thing connected to the so called Cloud - You guessed it following no less than 50 standards to get that POS Ring to operate! [emoji1785][emoji2357]
You're correct after thinking about the smoke / fog machine. I would have to be producing a hell of a lot of smoke or have it contained in a small area for it to display correctly. I really didn't want to go the dry ice route to make some of the displays look all spooky and fun for the caldron. ?
Just wow loved the dancing skeletons! [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why am I not surprised to see the all mighty Thanatar show case yet another epic feat of home automation with us mere mortals?!? [emoji106] As was the case with Julie U.S. which continues to operate flawlessly and rock the Teken household! Thank you my friend . . . [emoji3577]
Every year when Halloween comes to our city I am always so impressed with the amount of work and dedication people invest in this annual event. I've been seriously considering doing the same for many years but rampant theft and vandalism has always been ever present. I thought I would buy a few cheap ornaments as seen here to start and if they get broken or stolen it wouldn't be the end of the world. I would be interested to see what some of you who are avid fans of this annual event do or have seen in your area. Always wanted a giant spider hanging off somewhere like this: https://amzn.to/3A3O7iz Really wish I had a much larger mature tree to use something like this because for what ever reason it makes me laugh when I see this: https://amzn.to/3tzz6SZ I have considered buying some inflatable decorations as they offer that larger presence on the property but obviously requires power. Given our area is always prone to extreme cold during the Halloween season and high winds I'm not sure going with a large ornament is a good idea without some kind of shelter etc: https://amzn.to/3la69JA Always wanted to put some of these fake tomb stones on the property but the GF feels its bad mojo to put something like that in front of the home. https://amzn.to/2VyXlEh This inflatable 8' pumpkin string seems fun for the kids? https://amzn.to/2YDKYYI Always wanted to have my own smoke / fog machine to add that extra ambience and this model seems to be highly rated: https://amzn.to/3liX4xY Love to see what you guys plan to do or have seen in your area. Given its still fairly early I don't expect to see too many replies until we are in the thick of Halloween season.
And people think I'm the only one to stir the virtual pot! ? Some quick information for those interested in the same. Nokia is and has a large presence in networking hardware industry. Like other companies some of their revenue comes via IP patents which we'll just call passive income. As it relates to Smartlabs using the Nokia brand if it helps drive sales to sustain the Insteon technology I'm fine by that. The proof in the pudding is seeing how the hardware is made and the components used within. As I've stated more than 999999999999999999 times here and in past threads if we see the exact same junk parts. Sh^tty soldering and more failures in their latest Hub it just affirms the whole lipstick on the pig analogy. Any person who is serious about building a new brand would learn not to repeat the same failures as was seen in the past. I'll give the new hardware a chance to prove themselves but once I get one of these things in my hands and take one apart. If everything I see is exactly the same I'll spend the rest of my life relaying the same! If people are honest they can affirm the exact same behavior continues to exist. - No public communication what so ever on anything - No third party support whether it be API, Documentation, Partnership - No global release on anything much less expanding product options As it relates to lilyoyo I can affirm he speaks and shares the facts when and where he can. He and I don't always agree on things as it pertains to Smartlabs but can agree to disagree. He is also right Rob has a vision and path he intends to follow and its not anyone's position to tell him otherwise. Having said this, anyone serious about success would take a few moments to really accept and understand the past failures and do better moving forward. This was shared with us as it pertains to multi colored LEDS, Upgradable firmware, and four button KPL. All of these features and enhancements were long time in coming but they are here. What I am interested to see is (IF) they iterate anything instead of throwing things out into the wild to see if it sticks. That has literally been the hall mark of Insteon . . . Nothing ever gets iterated and fixed even its a simple firmware update?!?!?
First thing to do is turn OFF internet access. It doesn’t operate as one would expect read the WiKi or search as to how that option when enabled is active.
If the starter kit includes the Insteon Hub you’re good to go. [emoji106]
Yeah, that’s why I don’t put too much effort as to whether it will display correctly or not. What is more pressing to me is the fact the forum insists upon double spacing a single space paragraph! [emoji107] It truly looks stupid and my replies appear to be formatted by a 5th grader. [emoji1785][emoji90]
New house, clean slate. What ecosystem do you use?
Teken replied to rorichmond's topic in Coffee Shop
Smart panel as the cornerstone of the electrical system. Add on any HA protocol you believe offers the reliability, features, and integration with the hub that ties everything together. Smart panels have been in use for decades in enterprise and industry because it offers features not possible in a point of use system. Think remote control of an entire branch circuit to manage power consumption. Prevent fire, theft, waste of electricity to ToU to capitalize on lower tier rates or reduce the load on the grid. The vast majority of smart panels support all types of loads and are not impacted by RFI, EMI, range, and dirty power. Keep in mind only a few smart panels offer remote breaker level (tripping) on-off. As many simply allow the user to turn off (trip) a breaker and manual intervention to reenable the same. This is separate from relay vs dimming of the load. Lastly, the bulk of these smart panels incorporate or allow as a add on to monitor the energy. Some do better in this area while others just suck! Conditional logic and astronomical clock are built in to allow scheduling to meet the users needs. Since this equipment is literally at the power source the hardware is 5-10 times more robust then a standard service panel. As you can’t have a surge event / brown out (SAG) take out the main power distribution centre! -
The vast majority of time like many here I use Tapatalk to reply. Using a iOS device also when I reply I just select whatever emoji that best reflects my inflection. The app doesn’t call out problems and displays them fine here?!? So gather the web forum does as many of them are not supported. I find it odd some are not listed in the web forum and display fine. While others just barf and don’t load. I should probably try harder to stick with common ones but then my replies wouldn’t be reflective of me! [emoji1787][emoji2957][emoji2956][emoji2285]
In the ideal world the generator would provide a pure clean sine wave. Since you’re working with the hardware in hand the most reasonable and expensive solution is to install an inverter that supports a ATS and provides clean 120 / 240 VAC. As you noted you could also go the route of a LiPoe4 battery bank which offers more redundancy and fail over while offering less fuel consumption and optional renewable power via PV. If this home is intended as a shelter in place / SHTF - smart switches are not following best practices of KISS. You’ll never see any serious so called disaster bunker, shelter in place, safe room use any form of smart switch. Standard toggle / decora switches almost never fail especially due to electrical faults whether it be a sag, lull, rise, spike / surge. KISS, Power of 3, and 1 is none 2 is one, is the cornerstone of disaster preparation. [emoji106]
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
If I was running it all of the same people who left NASA to go to Space X would still be there. Along with a third generation of reusable self landing main engine! [emoji3516] -
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
As it relates to cost this is true pertaining to $50 vs $15.00. I’m not opposed to paying $50.XX because Canadians already know paying $70-99.00 for the same damn thing! What I’m opposed to is something that costs that much and doesn’t last at least ten years! Having spent a large portion of dead time in 2017-2021 reading all the space forums and talking to friends in the industry etc. Lazy isn’t the correct phrase for NASA it’s zero focus and wasting time on things which are truly stupid and moronic. I mean it’s every year some imbecile is going on about water traces and so called life on Mars etc?!? Who the f^ck cares if there was ever water on a red ball?? It’s not like it’s going to help anyone right now in any way. Instead you have idiots wasting billions to send yet another robot and a super expensive drone that doesn’t operate correctly?!? [emoji90] The world have satellites that can see and measure almost anything from space. Why wouldn’t these yahoo’s send one to determine everything they need to know? Better yet drop a missile from orbit to determine everything under the freaking ground! There are seven types of ground penetration radar / sensor arrays in use today. It can determine more than 300 basic to advanced data points. You take the same technology and load it into a missile and let gravity take its course and drop hundreds around whatever planet / moon. Guess what you’re going to find out almost everything you wanted to know about that area! Oh gee wiz guess who is going to use that freaking idea???? Not NASA, name any lazy space agency, but a private company??? So instead of spending billions abs billions never getting any real information besides stupid pictures and half aszz videos. Someone will get everything and more in one shot for billions less and have what - FACTS. NASA not lazy just incompetently run and managed! [emoji107] -
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
Oh look at the negative Nancy here! [emoji1787] Just sh^tting on Z-Wave like it’s going out of style. Which I agree on all points made by you. [emoji106] -
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
As it pertains to NASA or any space agency when the public is footing the bill and it’s endless piles of cash coming your way each and every year. No, I don’t accept NASA or anyone else couldn’t have come up with a reusable self landing main stage rocket. It came down to once again people at the top who need to retire and just go away because they had pet projects or was driven by kick backs to line their own pockets! NASA could have come up with three generations of self landing rockets more than 15 years ago. Why?!? Because every rocket engineer that made it happen came from NASA / Other to do the same at Space X! [emoji3516] Read any forum as it pertains to how and why this came to be under Space X vs NASA. As it pertains to racing to the bottom just look at the space shuttle. Literally built and based on the lowest bid?!? [emoji2357][emoji1787][emoji107] I also agree R&D is expansive and history has proven failed products can make or break any company especially small ones. Let’s see what comes out in the next five years as it relates to HA. Dollars to donuts more than 60% of the wares will be based on cloud first topology. BLE will continue to gain adoption, technical speed / distance, market share. ZigBee will forever be left behind in the HA space while. Z-Wave continues to expand into various market segments regardless of how I feel about their protocol. They have their eyes on the prize and continue to iterate and update. Sadly, you will not see LoRa technology adopted by any of the major vendors. Nor will you ever see self powered RF switches gain any traction in the world! [emoji3525] This simple, battery free, self generating technology should have been the gold standard long ago. Came down to poor marketing and lack of vision to get others to sign on and adopt! -
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
I truly believe competition in any form is good for the general public. This generally speaking pushes other laggard companies to finally innovate and do better. Think every phone maker caught off guard by apple’s iPhone! Two of the largest phone makers in history (Motorola / Nokia) decimated by a computer company?!? The problem today isn’t about competition it’s about companies insisting upon pushing a walled garden product, service, protocol. Think any proprietary software or hardware in the wild today. This time four years ago there was another thread about four new protocol standards from the likes of Samsh^t and others. None of them have taken off or gained market share regardless of who signed on like you constantly read about. Why?!? As it pertains to IP devices generally speaking it allows easy integration to existing infrastructure. The problem is nobody serious about security would consider such a thing. The market and the public attitude as it pertains to security & privacy has changed and people just don’t care to invest the time and resources to lock down their own network. It only took the router makers 25 years to move away from using admin / admin!! [emoji2357][emoji1787] Then again when you read about every major institution from hospital, school, business, financial, government being hacked / held for ransom. All on the heels of half the Internet being taken down by DNS, DDOS, none of this registers on the public! Gee making your entire home one giant network open to the public. Can’t see that being a epic fail eh?!? [emoji2957] The best thing to happen sometime in the near future is the entire internet shuts down for an entire month. Even this won’t stop the less than bright fools in adopting IP devices connected to the cloud! At this juncture depending upon which market segment. There isn’t a lot of real competition or innovation just rebranding, colour, and lipstick to stand out. Lastly, I’m not a fan of Elon Musk but have to say that he has single handily pushed innovation and competition in markets that never innovate! I mean you literally have guy school every space agency in the world in making a self landing rocket??? Like the tens of millions of people around the world couldn’t do this 25 years ago??? Just shows you how lazy NASA and every other space agency has been in 50 years! Then you have his electric cars which every maker is trying to push out now to catch up? Automakers = Lazy Next you have tens of thousands of constellation of satellites to offer ISP, GPS? Satellite Providers = Lazy Next we have power storage to help offset high loads and the use of peaker plants. Now he’s going to be his own POCO in Texas?!? Utility = Lazy The above is true competition and innovation! Not what you see from the likes of Samsh^t who if people recall was found guilty in the court and international trade for stealing dozens of elements from Apple! Samsh^t = Lazy This just explains why the president of Korea and Samsung CEO were sent to jail for being corrupt, and you guessed it, stealing IP because they are too lazy to innovate! -
There is a train leaving and we're not on it. (Matter and Homekit)
Teken replied to jlegault's topic in Product Requests
Absolutely hate agreeing with you! [emoji2357][emoji1787][emoji106] I’ll add, the major cornerstone of the ISY Series Controller is Local First vs Cloud First. As Cloud First products and services began rolling out and the public at large started adopting the same. UDI slowly if *begrudgingly* rolled out their integration for IFTTT, Amazon Echo, Google, etc. Unlike a lot of other companies the foundation of the ISY Series Controller for local first hasn’t changed. It has simply allowed more flexibility and integration of using cloud first services via ISY Portal / Polyglot Cloud. Given they are a small but agile company they need to focus their limited resources on products / services that balance profits, support, and overall costs. The world has always had people who blindly follow X vs Y brands. All the while losing any common sense and having the ability to stand back and be objective! [emoji107] Apple has spent decades honing their brand while convincing the less than bright iSheep everything they make or sell is top shelf?!? [emoji2357][emoji1787] The reality is this company (Apple) is like Google, Microsoft, name whoever . . . Profit before people . . . One only needs to search for every failed product and services they have released. Look up the millions of computer systems that have known design flaws - yet continued to sell! Only because Americans love to sue, Apple was found guilty hundreds of times for selling faulty hardware! If it wasn’t sh^tty hardware it was sticking it to the consumer to ring out yet another wooden nickel! Think early battery failures after a iOS update. Think 4 generations of Mac Books with defective wiring, video, and LCD issues. Think bendy phones, and exploding batteries (well not on the same order as Samsh^t battery explosions) Think stealing IP from other companies and found liable and guilty by the courts and international trade commission. The most famous trying to steal the round face clock in their iOS and thinking a company who created the same for more than 100 years was just going to let it go?!? This is Crapple, and their insistence in controlling every thing in the market! HomeKit like the many other companies such as Sony have this innate ability to push out a so called standard in hopes of controlling the same! Think Sony Beta, MD, every stupid proprietary plug or connector they ever came out with just to screw the general public. Think Apple, stupid aszz 99999 pin connector for iPod later to push stupid once again with lightning, thunder port etc. Only to come full circle to use and follow standards used by EVERYONE. Think USB Type C . . . Crapple decided and thought we’ll release a speaker for five times amount and the iSheep will gobble it up. Guess them dropping both versions do to poor sales only to try another 3rd iteration of sh^t?!? I mean if one looks at the comical and stupid concept of a F keys on their Mac Pro?!? Oh geeeese, that was killed off might quick eh? Then again it only took them 3 generation to fix those cheap and unreliable butterfly keyboards! [emoji1787][emoji107] Then again this is the same company that convinced the entire world to adopt a product that has no method to upgrade the memory, hard drive, video, battery on everything! HomeKit is so great - Not Like all of their wares it was created for the less than bright population. I mean does anyone remember Steve Jobs insistence that wifi / cellular problems were caused by every customer holding the freaking device wrong??!? The sheer hubris and stupidity of that guy! So no, HomeKit isn’t the market leader Apple wants it to be. Companies integrate with it in hopes of driving sales not because it’s so awesome. If that wasn’t true how come Amazon / Google continues to kick Apple Siri in terms of adoption, use, and shear integration & accuracy?!? -
It’s more akin to lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig going oink oink. [emoji200] [emoji1787]
I’ll note you didn’t even try to address my statement of facts as it pertains to the MSII. Which is they once again released a piece of hardware and left it out to die. At some point a person of average intelligence would have taken the time to see how the customer liked / disliked the new hardware. Given it’s been what five years since the MSII came out how come they never addressed the way this device operates in FIRMWARE???? I’ll also note you did not even attempt to address the bull sh^t surge protection Smartlabs has indicated on some hardware. So the material facts are once again what I am stating is a issue. How does that translate to the new guy / new hardware?!? Well I don’t know it’s not like he’s in command and control of the company and what direction it’s going. It’s not like he couldn’t take five minutes and open his fawken eyes and ears as to how to do better. What we do have is more than likely a rebranding hoping to distance themselves from past mistakes and failures. Yet history will repeat itself again - why?? Same management, same people, same I don’t give a sh^t mentality. How can I say that without even holding a new piece of hardware? Once again history . . . Once again the same status quo of nothing . . . Once again no reaching out to UDI / whoever to help bolster the new line. So the great debate and discussion will rage on so long as Daffy Duck is sinking the ship [emoji568]
I’ll wager someone will say it’s a feature vs a bug?!? Think MSII and how it operates vs the first generation motion sensor. You’d think having read all over the internet someone would update the firmware to mimic the same use ability where and how it operates the time out?!? This is the perfect example of releasing another half baked product into the wild and left to die! I mean we already know Smartlabs can and will make changes to hardware via firmware updates. Think leak sensor and how there were no less than three different behaviours. All the while this company was too stupid to advise the public at large of the new change or so called feature enhancement?!? [emoji2357][emoji107] So why haven’t they ever updated the MSII firmware like they did for the leak sensor? I could keep going on to cite examples which you know are rooted in facts. Not some random guy spouting off just for fun. [emoji1787] As it pertains to 120-277 VAC support. I was simply affirming this is standard fair and to provide those less technically inclined that insight. It in no way even comes close to the product offering any serious TVSS / SPD protection. If anyone has paid close attention they will see, find various hardware that call’s out some kind of surge rating. On the surface this really sounds great! Because the company has called out themselves this was one of the major killers to their hardware. As noted simply designing a piece of hardware to operate in 120-277 by default helps address voltage sag / rise conditions. But in no way does it supersede the need to incorporate real TVSS / SPD technology that span from simple RLC networks, SAD, GDT, MOV, etc. There are none in the hardware. This is even made worse because they call out a value say 1000 volts which isn’t referenced to any known *standard* or qualify how and when it reacts! They certainly do not cite any certification as seen in any SPD / TVSS that their hardware meets X. What we do see is a value indicated marketed to the public like they are dumb! So there’s my examples which you call a rant! [emoji2357][emoji3525][emoji1787]