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Everything posted by Teken
I believe he's asking if there's a way to reuse the Insteon HUB. If so this and other threads discuss going the Home Assistant route / similar.
You'll need to purchase both Insteon & Z-Wave dongle for the Polisy. You can purchase the Z-Wave 700 Series dongle directly from UDI. The other Insteon dongle good luck so keep your eyes open for the same.
I could go on about this for days as this was one of the major failings of not expanding the Insteon brand. There's only like 8 billion people on the planet and Asia / Europe / Middle East represent more than 70% of the worlds population! Yet, this senile imbecile never ever added the same hardware for our brothers across the globe?!?! Literally free money left on the table by this inept aszz clown . . . Every new piece of hardware was already dual frequency and multi-voltage. It would take almost nothing for them to change the frequency for the battery only devices and have them tested and certified for domestic use. Yet, more than ten years goes by and the ring leader operating this circus doesn't move an inch to take market share . . . This only gets worse in North America because you guessed it . . . Clowns are us does absolutely nothing to improve the existing hardware line. Not once do they take a great idea and make it better they simply throw sh^t at the wall and wait for it to stick. Anything that was solid, moved, and made money they dicked around adding things that should have been present 20 years ago! To add insult to injury this incompetent fool decides to launch a new line hoping to negate the bad press the existing Insteon line had. He spends all this money to buy the rights to use Nokia adds lipstick to a pig. Goes through the effort to file all the FCC documents and testing. Spends more money on sh^t software for yet another POS HUB, opens the doors to preorders and charges everyone's CC. Than . . . Wait for it . . . Takes all the customers money, closes the doors, and runs away without a peep! Like a bad **** in the wind it just lingers with a taste in your mouth!
What really has me amped up is the fact even on their last day. Not a soul took the time to post something on any of their social media accounts. All they did was shut it down and remove their work profile from the same . . . ? Can you imagine you're Craig or that other guy who has worked there for more than twenty years?!? What are you supposed to put on your resume that you've been doing nothing for 25 years??? Rob's a dirty slimy mangy kunt - end of line . . . ? He makes that epic imbecile (Past CEO) of Microsoft Steve Ballmer actually look great! ?Even that mouth breather took the time to inundate you and everyone else with senseless emails, memo's, team meetings, etc.
A perfect example is the forum you’re typing on right now! UDI has been in business for more than fifteen years and over those years continues to add more value, features, and integration to their ISY 994 Series Controller. The CEO of Universal Devices Incorporated is Michel. He literally works the support line via email, telephone, remote assistance! One of the rarest things he does is provide feedback on the forums?!? Name any CEO / Company that has the head of the company do this??? His team is small, agile, and talented and works toward progress not perfection each and everyday. The hallmark of UDI is communications to the customer base. The phrase skin in the game describes Michel and UDI. Another perfect example of leading by example and supporting the hell out of their customer base is the premier energy monitoring company Brultech! Brultech designs and makes the worlds best enterprise class energy monitor. I’ll stress again what do these two companies offer each and everyday?!? Open communication to their customer base. What did anyone ever see from the CEO of Insteon - Nothing! The guy is a piece of sh^t which has been stated many times here as to the why’s.
Here’s something to consider for everyone given how the Chinese are as it relates to stealing IP. To this very day not a single Chinese maker has tried or offered the Insteon technology. I won’t lie if that same manufacturer decided to rebrand and sell Insteon devices I’d buy them! If only to stick it in the eye to those dirty kunts at Smarthome / Smartlabs!
As many UDI forum members know Smartlabs / Smarthome the maker of the Insteon protocol and hardware has shut down everything that has to do with Insteon. Information from one of our long time and trusted forum members has also indicated the latest unreleased Nokia branded hardware and service has also been shelved. Today, I received an advert from HomeSeer indicating their controller and Insteon plug-in. It goes without saying there are opportunities for many other companies to capitalize on this moment of easing the pain for existing HUB owners to find a alternative controller while increasing their own user base and sales. Good luck to those going with HomeSeer, Home Assistant, or what I consider the premier home automation controller which is the ISY-994 Series Controller / Polisy Pro. [emoji106] All of us look forward to assisting those to transition / migrate to the new platform.
Sure, let's give them the benefit of the doubt as to what you propose. Does this in any way explain the lack of respect and decency to advise the customer base??? Consider just a moment you literally purchased new hardware with a so called 2 year warranty. The item breaks for whatever reason because we all know their track record for hardware reliability! ? Regardless, all they did was pull the plug like a dirty mangy dog and ran away! ? Even on your last day even if the news was something you really didn't want to hear. They could have said: Nobody would have liked that news but it would have put pen to paper and stated the facts and what is happening. To this very day this stupid idiot and all those who supported this aszz clown have failed to provide any material information to the general public. I'll stand by my words and statement . . . This guy is a dirty little weasel, incompetent sh^t, and waste of oxygen mouth breather.
Well, played . . . ?
You paid the premium vs the retail price?
I have to say I’m very surprised to be honest. None of this makes any sense to shutter a new brand even before it comes to market! This guy is ten kinds of stupid . . .
Good luck finding a RPI! [emoji1787] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Lew, If you intend to migrate to a new third party controller (Polisy Pro) you'll need to quickly pick up a Insteon USB dongle from eBay.
Nokia has no relations to what is happening to Insteon - None. Smartlabs purchased the rights to use the Nokia name for Home Automation using the core Insteon dual band technology and protocol.
As @lilyoyo1 mentioned if the Insteon smart application is still accessible to view the Insteon ID that would be the easiest approach. If that isn't available then you tap and add each device manually to add it to the ISY Series Controller. Anything you can not reach or see for tap & add you will need to read the Insteon ID label.
I'm going to offer you some advise that will on the surface sound like a lot of work. But, in the long run will save what little hair is on your head and keep your blood pressure down to a single bar. - Factory reset all existing hardware as outlined by the full users manual. - Take a picture of all the Insteon ID's and record it to a spreadsheet. - Add all of the hardwired devices first - Add the wireless devices last Once the entire system is fully operational with scenes, programs, timers etc. Make a back up of the same and place it on three different locations and media: Cloud, USB, Computer system(s). The ISY Series Controller allows you to save a topology map and their associations. So if you ever have to start from scratch you can reference this to speed up the deployment. In the device tree when you right mouse click is the option to create a *Note*. Use this to track what ever from replacement of hardware to battery changes. If you decide to use what people often refer to *Crawling the network* you're going to living with a time bomb and less hair on your head . . .
As I recall from one of our members the Nokia device can be added to the ISY Series Controller. It shows up as a unsupported device in the Admin Console. I don't recall if he said the Nokia device could be directly (manually) linked to a Insteon device. I call this out because there have been incidences where the company (Smartlabs) changed something to disallow niche hardware from linking directly to other Insteon hardware. One specific example is the Floodstop sensing grid . . .
Just to be clear to everyone who reads my reply. Almost all of the hacks involve the older generation of Insteon HUB's. I have not seen any hacks that relate to the last generation of Insteon HUB's. Why is this a problem?!? Because somewhere down the line that HUB had changes that precluded the previous hacks and integration. As I recall one of the major stumbling blocks was the fact the internal web site was locked and thus would not allow it to accept new enrollment / modifications of the device tables. So please keep this in mind as there were other changes I don't recall and hence why nobody has tried to hack the same.
As noted there is / was a company that performed a retrofit to allow the HUB to act as a PLM to integrate with the ISY Series Controller or any controller. This is just one example of the information as to what one person found and what they did to make it work as a PLM. https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeKit/comments/912rjm/insteon_hubpro_teardown/
I'm not sure if there is a question here but let me add my $0.00000000000001. Assuming the Nokia branded hardware ever came out it uses the same technology as Insteon. One of our forum members has proven the Nokia branded hardware can be included to the ISY Series Controller but it shows up as a unsupported device. Regardless, the only options as it relates to hardware is to repair existing ones - if you can. Buy used or NOS if and when they appear on the used market. Lastly, it behooves every single person to install a SPD at the service entrance / service panel to offer some form of protection on their Insteon investment. Dirty power is the primary killer of all electronics but especially true for Insteon. As almost every component used in their hardware is sub par junk!