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Everything posted by Teken

  1. Are you asking about a Insteon HUB or a 3rd party controller? If its a Insteon HUB it makes no difference if you purchase a new / old one as the Insteon servers are shut down. If on the other hand you want a controller that will provide you even more control and integration: https://www.universal-devices.com/#powerful
  2. Given you're an obvious DIY, HAM, and over all tech guy. None of this will be hard for you besides an investment of time and effort. Regardless, the community at large is here ready to provide insight, guidance, and feedback - if needed. Rock On . . . ? ?
  3. Yes, when the member (Mr.Worf?) came out with this terrific hack it opened the doors for a lot of folks who were in a (2413S PLM) jam. As there are cases where replacing the capacitors does not fix the unit at all.
  4. Just to clarify this a little more for those who have no reference as it relates to the USB PLM's. Customers are taking the 2413U and removing the top network interface card and swapping it with the old broken 2413S PLM. This allows a quick two minute swap with no soldering / capacitor replacement. Those who can't find a 2413U PLM have repaired their defective 2413S PLM via capacitor replacement. Lastly, customers have purchased the 2448A7 USB dongle to integrate it with the current Polisy Pro. It should be noted prior to the Polisy Pro supporting the 2448A7 USB dongle one of our esteemed forum member provided a *How To* to integrate the USB dongle with a ISY-994 Series Controller . . . ?
  5. I hate to add more to burst your bubble. But, the 2412N has a higher failure rate than the 2413S PLM. There's something wrong with the network card on that specific unit so don't put too much time on that device. For a band aid it will work to get the most basic things but given it has no conditional logic, real timers, its a waste of time. As it relates to a new controller you simply can't go wrong with buying either device. But, for the long term it makes a lot more sense to purchase the Polisy Pro.
  6. It's always a pleasure to see and help out a long time forum member and customer. Hope this message finds you and yours doing well! ? Can't believe its been a decade since you and I walked the Insteon path! ?
  7. There wasn't anything to argue about or debate as everything you stated on the forums was - True! ? Like you I come on the forums to read the latest tech, learn new things, and help out where and when I can. I don't come here to argue or to force my views on others . . . The only reason I came back this week was (again) you and others provided critical insight as to the current affairs relating to Insteon. I won't lie part of me wanted this to be a chip shortage and just slow aszz management. But you know what they say about hope. *Hope don't float* ?
  8. I think we need to step back for a moment and ask a relevant question. As of this writing there is / are not / has not / been any Nokia HUB released into the wild. If its true the Nokia line has been shelved this doesn't help you or anyone else. The next problem is the current Nokia HUB & Smart application does not support the inclusion of the Insteon hardware. This was stated to be TBA at some point but given the current state of affairs probably not.
  9. The Nokia HUB is like any of the Insteon HUB's which are dual band. So it does send Insteon signals via Power Line & RF.
  10. The Nokia HUB is a PLM . . .
  11. Nobody will every truly know what the overall intent was with this guy. But, his and the companies actions prove out their plan was a epic failure. I could understand the whole lets start up a new company under a different brand. I can also see and understand shutting down Insteon . . . I can also see and understand shutting down Smarthome and selling it off. What I and every person with more common sense than the lead imbecile at Insteon can't understand is the complete distain and lack of communications to the customer base. That they would shut down everything over night without a word to anyone?!? That makes the lead imbecile running Insteon into the ground and everyone involved a aszzhole . . .
  12. Given there are only five capacitors on that board and all are cheap sh^t. Replace them all because you're only buying & wasting time otherwise.
  13. Yet this company has no decency or consideration to advise their customer base they have folded?!? I'm so happy the Nokia launch was restricted to America only. I would be going postal if they charged my CC and ran away with my money and had no intention of providing the hardware.
  14. A number of years ago there was an Australian company modifying older Hubs to be used as a PLM to tie into the ISY Series Controller. There are at least two archived threads in this forum and others that talk about this solution. Having said this, I've not seen any new threads where someone has tried the same on the last generation Hub. The archive thread has a couple of photos of the internal wiring modifications.
  15. Let me preface by stating and clarifying why my replies as it relates to the Insteon Management is so harsh. I will also say calling people names is really unnecessary and doesn't help foster a positive outcome in a conversation. Having said that, specific words and phrases must be used to describe a person and company when they go out of their way to fail. They have failed to offer any public statement since the lead imbecile took over. In the what five years since he bought out the Insteon brand he and his team have never ever offered a road map of where they are heading or the difficulties they are seeing like everyone else due to market and environmental changes like COVID-19. As such there was never a line of communication with the public - ever. Those who have tracked the ongoing events and behaviour such as I. Along with the fact in my previous life was what the industry calls a *Head Hunter* knows the signs of a company pending failure. As they say all the signs and the writing was on the wall foreshadowing things to come. As noted so many times here and across the Interwebs I've stated thousands of times. When management is void of any common sense or real leadership as it relates to business. You're doomed to failure . . . Any person who has any modicum of basic finance knows the key pillars of staying in the black vs going into the red. Those in business also know relationships and networking are also key to long term success and continued growth. All of these kill pillars have been void from the people who run and manage this company. Why would anyone expect to see something so basic like selling off their IP to someone else happen??? It's not hubris, its just plain stupidity and the inability to have any common sense.
  16. This is true the last generation of their HUB incorporated a stronger RF and better antenna's. Regardless, given their isn't any cloud support the Hub is a brick in terms of schedules, timers, adding / removing devices. Any links created prior to the shut down of the cloud service will continue to operate as it does for any stand alone system. As others have stated and I will affirm this is why Cloud First services really can't be used in a serious way as it relates to a persons home. You literally have a ticking time bomb ready to go off anytime . . .
  17. All existing Insteon hardware is supported. I would suggest you reach out to UDI via support ticket and they will give you a ETA.
  18. Appreciate that as you're the only Nokia line the public has even though not official. ?
  19. I'll try to be positive for a moment and say until someone indicates the Nokia site goes off line. I really hope this doesn't apply to the Nokia line of hardware. It really makes no sense to invest all the time, R&D, and certification just to pull the plug at the last minute. Than again, we are talking about a company run and operated by a complete imbecile. ?
  20. Both the the ISY / Polisy are Local First controllers in their default state. They have the ability to connect to other Cloud First services if required via their Node Servers. Your old Insteon Hub is a brick and not involved anywhere if you go this route. Both ISY-994 Series Controllers & Polisy do not require a 24.7.365 computer to be run as they are a self contained computer system.
  21. This information was provided by @lilyoyo1
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