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[emoji50] Let me check this thing out. Have you done a review of this product anywhere? Would you mind offering one in a new thread if not and provide any insight about this product. Key things for me is what local control is available. Open API and if so those reference links. Which protocol are supported whether Z-Wave, ZigBee, WiFi, POE, BLE, Power Line etc. Viewing angle, power consumption, screen response, camera, speakers? Can the screen be customized to display other things like weather, security, energy? Thanks! [emoji106]
You have to agree some of mikes one liners are pure gold! [emoji106][emoji1787]
Before doing so what does the system indicate as the PLM connection state? Connected and displays the Insteon ID? If you also press on a switch (locally) does the status reflect the same in the AC and vs if you turn on / off via the AC? If you select query (right mouse click) and it turns back to normal you’re good. If it remains red dollars to donuts the PLM restore needs to be done for at least the new 2413S PLM. As you can’t just plug it in and hardware will operate as the PLM isn’t linked correctly to the Insteon hardware / ISY Series Controller.
Wrote into Tripp Lite twice about receiving more technical documents and tests as it relates to this new product line. Never received a single reply! [emoji107]
I don’t recall was this product touted before Amazon / Google came on the scene?? Because today everything in that promo video can be done. For me the first company that offers a standard sized switch that offers touch OLED interface to connect to everything in my HA - I’m in! [emoji106] Thus far nothing has come to market that allows this.
Go find what ever firmware you’re using on the forum. One link will say without PLM / Z-Wave. That will tell the ISY (controller) to ignore a 2413S PLM connection.
If you have a card reader just connect it to a PC and select format. You can format the card in the ISY via SSH too. Just a reminder the maximum capacity is 32 GB.
Just as a FYI to others there are two versions of the ISY Firmware. One ignores the presence of the 2413S PLM and thus will not cry and display a safe mode state. I don’t believe that’s the solution to be honest but wanted to put that out there for more clarity. You could update your controller to see if that simple update offers any benefits. [emoji106]
This would be the time I’ll reaffirm the importance of having a layered SPD (surge protection) in the home. All of this starts with a direct path to a low resistance (below 25 ohms) earth ground. A SPD would not offer any protection for short cycling and thus a use of a UPS system is important. Of the four electrical voltage faults seen in the home short cycling is easily solved by using a UPS. Ideally one that is a pure sine wave vs PWM. More advanced versions incorporate AVR technology to boost / trim the voltage & frequency if required. It’s important to note one must review the specifications as to when said device will kick in vs not. This is why it’s imperative that as many devices in the home offer wide voltage range and frequency. Anything that says 80~277 VAC operations and 50/60 Hz will easily sustain short blips in line voltage. Keep in mind the most dangerous voltage condition is a voltage sag (under voltage). As many electronics that are either heavily regulated will increase current draw when voltage drops! This is counter to what Ohms law states which only applies to purely linear resistive loads and not reactive or ones that incorporate buck / boost power management. Good luck [emoji106]
Swap out the PSU to the ISY Series Controller in case it took a hit. If that doesn’t change anything could be the Micro SD Card is corrupt. You could replace it and restore the same from a backup. As a hell Merry Pass (Don’t believe this will work) is to complete the PLM Restore on the new 2413S PLM.
Of course it has! [emoji2357][emoji1787] Always a day late and dollar short. [emoji1785]
Best line today . . . ?
This is the snippet of next steps! [emoji106]
As I stated early on nothing but pure greed. Now big brother is going to come in to find out who is gaming the system? [emoji106][emoji1787]
As always having a discussion with you is always fun. I’ll take that jab about CA vs CA it’s true! [emoji1787][emoji2357] As it relates to what Larry was eluding to my statement holds true. I provided no less than three examples affirming the same. Wood prices had nothing to do with chips at all but plain greed. Oil / gas exactly the same where you have greedy aszz holes holding back supply so prices go out the roof! I’ve said this 99999999999 times that the first time someone has the balls to regulate this sector will either get assassinated or become the supreme leader of the world. Why?!? Because there are trillions of dollars on the line and these greedy [censored]ss won’t let that slide. [emoji3516] As it relates to shortages in general I agree COVID-19 is killing every sector without consequence to who you are. The fact people keep saying there’s this 1-10 chips in a car that has slowed down or stopped production is not only untrue it’s exaggeration to the extreme. People are comparing a fridge to a car??? Yet millions of companies are kicking out every known electronic device that span A/V, Stereo, watches, gaming systems, name anything and it’s flying off the shelf and production line?!? Every device I just listed has more IC and components than any fridge, stove, microwave, never mind car. But these systems are churning out like hot cakes . . . Again, the problem is not a so called shortage it’s due to the fact people are screwing around with the supply chain in hopes of driving up prices! The reason some companies haven’t seen a hit is because they have legal contracts that protect them from the same. Other smart companies have multiple sources to acquire their wares to insure these issues are not a problem. Think Apple spending billions to create their very own silicone to run their computers. Intel has failed to release on time or performance vs others which impacted apples long term sales goals. Hence AMD / Hysilicone / Samsung / other have taken away sales from Intel. Qualcomm is the perfect example of offering the very best cellular technology but Crapple figured let’s f^ck with this company like Walmart does every year to squeeze out another wooden nickel?!? That’s why other companies that used Qualcomm technology offered superior performance vs Crapple! It’s only because you guessed it the high courts ruled in favour of Qualcomm that’s why Crapple yielded and paid what was owed! Now Crapple can once again offer what everyone has been using for 3 years! [emoji2357][emoji1787] Regardless of the above Crapple has dozens of supply channels that offer them buffer and protection so their production isn’t affected. Is that the same for the big 3 - no. Because you’re talking about people who consistently churn out the worst vehicles on the planet! It’s not because they can’t make better, or know better. They simply have people who live and breathe cheap sh^t. The most famous historic event was when these companies laughed and chuckled at the little Japs. All walking around taking photos of their production lines and methods. America with its blinders discounted what the east would produce year’s later. Nobody is laughing at the Japanese as it relates to anything to do with high technology much less vehicles! Just plain hubris as it relates to what if! How does that relate to this so called chip shortage??? Supply chain management as outlined by my Apple examples. These companies are always a day late and dollar short!
He’s inferring this chip shortage will be used as a excuse to increase the price on Insteon / Nokia hardware. All of the examples he’s cited at some point in time are / were real! Everyone saw this on lumber . . . There was no problem as it relates to lumber because the system is very regulated. Yet the people who physically make the product simply cut their production output and the net result was sky rocket prices! A few months later the same dropped back to the same price levels or below as there was a glut of supply. This exact scenario has played out with gas / oil. The biggest difference is OPEC and other none OPEC nations (Iran, Russia, USA) have finally agreed to f^ck the consumer together! That’s why oil is $85-119 a barrel vs below $45.00 a few years ago! This is made even worse by moronic idiots who think a **** in the wind is going to cause the world to end! [emoji2357][emoji107] Think, the Suez Canal stuck ship - so called end of the world emergency?!? The only time things truly go up is if something gets wiped out say due to a natural disaster. Think when that flood wiped out all the major HD, memory, chip plants. That was real because the f^cken building was literally gone or all the equipment was damaged from water! There was a massive fire that wiped out a very specific tree and guess what that’s a real supply vs demand issue because it takes that tree 50-100 years to grow before it can be used! Not any of these fake shortages called out by endless companies which are not even related to chips. If people said there are cascade failures due to the above - sure! But don’t keep saying that microwave isn’t available because it’s a chip - it isn’t! I literally went to four major stores to see appliances that span fridge, freezer, stove, microwave, dishwasher, washer, dryer. Every major brand that spans LG ~ Whirlpool was there ready for buy & go! The prices spanned $250-5500.00 depending upon what the appliance was. How many IC chips are in a fridge?!? There’s probably four models that offer stupid people TV / Computers in those offerings! That has no baring on the other 9999999999 fridges that don’t! Yet people are being told a chip shortage has caused a dumb fridge to be delayed for 3-6 months bull sh^t. It’s just plain greed as it has always been.
No, all of the models I have offer two dry contact wiring ports (N.O / N.C). I simply connected the appropriate wire to the internal port on the Insteon open - close sensor. That allows instant integration with Insteon / ISY Series Controller. [emoji106] Here’s a really old video of me validating the proof of concept prior to deploying it enmass. The next step was to add on various systems to prove common things would operate as I expected such a receiving SMS, email, activating custom KPL keypad. As noted that progressed to more fancy and elaborate methods from Julie U.S. speaking to my Reader Board.
Just found my new Avatar! [emoji1787][emoji2357]
People have often said a person can make a difference whether it be good or bad in the world. There are countless examples how a single person has either changed the course of history or directly impacted a outcome. In today’s news that silly platform via TikTok has been able to disrupt and skew scientific research?!? Kids . . . [emoji2357][emoji1787] https://flip.it/bnQvjD
Nobody really knows if the plug-in module of whatever will come back in the new line or left abandoned in the Insteon line. Like you there are endless use cases for a plug-in module vs outlet. I use both where it makes sense like a open area to keep that clean look while offering relay vs dimmer. Other areas I use the so called wall warts because it allows me to move something anywhere when needed. Since I live in Canada and the vast majority of JB are metal. The plug-in modules insures the RF signalling to proper bridging / coupling is always present. If past experience is any indicator units failing along with housings breaking clean off would be some reasons for the two hardware to be killed off. [emoji2357] As it has been noted by me 9999999 times Smartlabs rarely if ever iterates an existing piece of hardware and simply lets it die. The jump from Appliance Link to the new modern style housing was literally the only major change along with integrating dual band and some really great diagnostics features into the relay version. Look at the I/O Link 20 years later the company is still too lazy to update this very important integration tool! [emoji107] MS II - Nothing to correct the existing bugs on this unit?!? Only to turn around and release another MS under the Nokia moniker?!? Toggle switch as outdated and ugly as this design is. 20 years later this lazy company won’t update the same to dual band! [emoji1785] The argument is slow sales blah blah blah. When you don’t improve upon the technology from 1908 is it a surprise sales go down the toilet?!? So no I’m not surprised they killed it off as stated up above because this isn’t a serious company wanting to improve. [emoji2357]
For those interested to up their game as it relates to leak detection and actually do something when present. I’ve been using the Flood Stop hardware since it’s first release. This is a small home grown American company that offers automated valves for washer, sinks, toilets, water main, and hot water tank. All of mine are integrated with Insteon and the ISY Series Controller where upon a leak detection the system will send out and initiate verbal (Julie U.S) alerts, email, SMS, and display the same on custom KPL buttons and my Reader Board. Washer: https://amzn.to/3i3hLxj Sink: https://amzn.to/39B3h3a HWT: https://amzn.to/3EOE5EE Ice maker: https://amzn.to/3AFTncq I’ve used their long flat sensor grids to help cover larger areas: https://amzn.to/3i1MF96 Because all of the above is directly tied to the point of use and water main. You absolutely limit the amount of water damage happening if a leak is present! This is coupled by a huge safety margin by removing power to that end device so there’s almost no possibility of personal electrocution or something running dry and burning up. No water, electricity, means less damage and loss of life. Fantastic American hardware and outstanding maker of this product. [emoji106]
Yes, as I noted up above if a customer was presented with two identical items in terms of specifications and costs. But the only discerning feature was this anti microbial would it swing a person to buy the same?!? For me I would consider it but if it was more - no. These products the vast majority of time are left on the floor and literally collecting dust. The other half are secured to a wall, desk, table, etc. Pretty much sight unseen after it’s initial installation. I haven’t received a reply from Tripp Lite about more documentation and how they tested this product and don’t believe I ever will. [emoji3525] Regardless, I’m still happy to see vendors are placing a priority in health & safety as it relates to germs etc. Whether that actually reduces the spread of the same is very doubtful in my mind! [emoji2357][emoji1785]