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Everything posted by Teken

  1. The way you describe it your problem is a lack of bridging due to being on the new sub panel. Complete the 4 tap beacon test to confirm.
  2. If you have a Pro version turn off battery writes. It will make all battery operated devices grey in color. Go to one single device and right mouse click and select write updates to device.
  3. The bottom of the case is pressed fit (FIC). You'll need a plastic spugger / pry tool to go around the perimeter and open it up.
  4. The next ongoing project is to R&R some leak sensors. One literally just died upon needing a battery change. The other was a brand new unit that simply won’t enrol to the Insteon network having tried every possible solution and test! These surface mount components are extremely small and close together so had to order more kapton tape and SMD tweezers as my reflow gun would probably blow off the adjacent components while trying to remove the existing part(s). [emoji107]
  5. Going off memory several were revision v1.B 05 /43 week 2013. Another was revision v1.C don't recall the production date. Ideally the capacitor would have been installed flush with the PCB but two side components were soldered in place at a angle with no leads left to resolder. ? That being the case the soda can would have been several millimeters off the PCB and would not clear the top cover once installed. ? The safest approach was to install the capacitor and bend the leads to allow the entire component to lay flat within the assembly. Given the long lead 600 volt rated clear heat shrink tubing was installed to insure no possible shorts. Like you I have lots of Access Points (AP) from the past but have since removed them all as the entire home uses dual band devices. I'm totally fine by that as that's less wall warts taking up an outlet along with less energy consumption!
  6. Side view of the soda can! [emoji2357]
  7. I know some members have inquired how that huge 10 uF @400V soda can sized capacitor is supposed to fit with in the 2413S PLM casing. I had to repair six of these units for others in the last few months so took some pictures as to how that cap lays inside along with the heat shrink tubing to protect the leads from touching one another.
  8. [emoji2357][emoji1787]
  9. You had mentioned you believe the original leak was caused by the gardener?!? What was happening at that point a new tree being planted? I know you live in Texas so temperatures are warmer than cold. But is that line really only 18-24” deep under the ground?!?
  10. What’s the story regarding this water pipe is it from the city or an add on for irrigation that you installed?
  11. That sure looks to be a Uponor PEX fitting: https://www.classaction.org/news/discontinued-red-blue-uponor-pex-piping-plagued-by-cracking-defect-class-action-alleges
  12. Sadly, if you believe the company will action anything a person writes in to that web form. You’ll be very disappointed to learn it goes no where much less, read.
  13. You’ll come back to the dark side one day! [emoji2357][emoji106][emoji1787]
  14. I spent more than 25 years in senior management as what people often call a corporate raider / head hunter. [emoji2357] My primary job was to identify why the company wasn’t profitable to than turn it around if possible or to shut it down. Managed 2500 companies which encompassed more than two billion people. I’d love to identity the problems at Smartlabs and resolve them. Sadly, this company doesn’t conform or follow any industry best practices as it relates to business. [emoji107] Nobody, and I mean nobody keeps pushing out the same junk and just changes a capacitor thinking that’s the fix?!? [emoji2357] They don’t follow any Lean 6 Sigma standards never mind ITIL.
  15. That makes a little more sense as many people purchase the stand alone version and simply integrate the I/O or purchase their own sensor. As the one included operates backwards to what a person would expect. Now, if someone received a switch with a 2013 - 2017 production date code that would be really disappointing. If people buy from other online vendors it’s going to be a mixed bag as they will receive what ever sells at the time. That’s what happen with a large Best Buy / Staples purchase I made too. As everything was from 2013 - 2015 but was purchased in 2017 and a few items were DOA so was a challenge to get warranty but was resolved later. [emoji106]
  16. The USB PLM not too surprised probably didn’t move a lot of hardware. The I/O Linc on the other hand has to be a lack of stock rotation - 2019?!? [emoji2357]
  17. Really WTF?!? Can you show us a few that have old production date codes? I know this was a problem in the past but some in the know always affirmed their system was FIFO. Which honestly didn’t believe to be 100% accurate. That was a problem for me many years ago as a unit failed and they came back and said it’s out of warranty and not covered. Of course I’m too smart to not have protection and made a opening video which clearly showed the contents, invoice, and production dates. Smarthome at that time obviously had to offer warranty but it goes to show you clearing the bins FIFO isn’t a high priority for some of them! [emoji107]
  18. No worries just wanted to offer that insight and clarification since the question was asked. For those who are very serious about power quality monitoring or just want to know random bits of information with - facts. This is a very old image capture of one of three systems that helps me know exactly what is happening every Ns each day. It should be clearly noted this one test system was dialed in to be very sensitive to capture everything. Even if the line voltage was within normal power quality specifications. Regardless, you can see the power quality monitor line frequency, H-N-Sag's, with the duration, degree's, and end time. Also, there are a few examples of me validating my power system vs actual faults on the power line from the POCO. Things to keep in mind for those unaware *Dirty Power* encompasses many attributes from surge, sag, and slow rise / slow lull. As such no SPD / TVSS will protect the home from what people related to a *Brown Out* condition. Only a UPS of proper design can offer some form of protection within its design limits. The use of AVR / UPS systems at the point of use (Type 3) are the only reasonable solutions for the general populace. Anyone who has the ability to integrate a hybrid power solution (battery bank / invertor) solution or better yet off grid. Are further ahead than the vast majority of people connected to the grid as it relates to clean power.
  19. Previous versions of firmware displayed average over a period of time. The latest version of firmware now incorporates *Peak* power capture due to my feature request and many others such as run time capture. Peak capture should not be confused with having the ability to detect surge transients - not the same. Dedicated hardware must be in place to detect and capture the same in nS if one is to be assured of what is happening on the line.
  20. In the big picture those needing a few items can get a break on hardware. As others noted I really wish some of the other accessories were still available to purchase like their leak sensors. Maybe 2022 will see a return of a few of these core items along with a final upgrade to the I/O Linc! Almost pushing 15 years and they (Insteon) still refuse to update this critical piece of hardware?!? [emoji2357][emoji107]
  21. For those needing to purchase a few more items a 30% sale is now in effect. Promo code listed in this attachment. [emoji106]
  22. That’s the best you can offer?!? Weak sauce . . . [emoji2357][emoji1787]
  23. Did my reply change the material FACTS?!? No . . . Did Michel affirm what I stated up above?!? Yes . . . Is this forum open for the community to offer their knowledge and insight?!? Yes . . . Are you the only key holder to offer an answer on the forums?!? The f^cken hubris . . . [emoji107]
  24. That is the whole point of science to learn and iterate. It’s not opinion it’s the facts on hand at that time to come up with hypothesis. The two should not be confused with opinion . . . As I stated early on one must obtain unbiased information to obtain the facts. Just because 15 iSheep say yes he crossed the road when they never even saw me. You eliminate that data point because they are too stupid to live! [emoji3516]
  25. Don’t let the facts get in the way - eh?!? [emoji2357][emoji1787][emoji107]
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