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C Martin

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Everything posted by C Martin

  1. Hello. I too have been a user of iinsteon devices and have been since their inception. I moved from X10 when Insteon appeared on the HA Scene. I never used the HA Insteon Hub bu have been a user of Universal-devices from the beginning. I considered the ability to create Scens and programs key to a successful HA system. Iam now in the process of remodeling my home and faced with the dilema what to use and or upgrade too. I tried smart bulbs and smart lights and ruled them out. This was because of the problem that when they are switched off, when turned on they typicall want to go iinto pairing mode because they forget who they are. So for me it is strictly LED lights of some sort or another. I have also made a decision on a HA scheme. My decision has come down to: Switches that utilize some kind of mesh technology - I have had great success with this type switch. Now it's down to Insteon and Lutron. If there are others out there, I don't know of them. that present a different problem - Can I use Insteon and Lutron together? I have upgraded to the Eisy and the ability to use Node Servers should solve that problem. There is another factor- I also propose the folowing Scheme. I use Eisy for Security related situations like outside lights and those things that are programable for that situation. I then use UD Mobile for immediate needs. I then use Alexa for "Ön-Demand" needs. with some scheduliing "over-ride" situatiions. I am hoping doing the Node Server interface will cover any other devices that I need to use. I know that my choice of these devices (Insteon & Lutron) is the more expensive path, but the quality of these devices eclipses the alternative devices. I am hopng for some kind of cookbook that will guide me on incorporating my Node Server needs. Any advice on this Node Server Process would be truly appreciated.
  2. Is rhere a cookbook on writing programs for Eisy? A smaple of various programs would be helpful. I tend to write programs that are somewhat abstract (indirect). and I seem to get into trouble.
  3. C Martin


    I have a 994I ud device. I have seen a lot about Polisy, but, ihave no idea how i need to get there. I'm feeling kind of dumb at this moment. What do i need to do to get polisy and how how do i get started? I'm not an amature or i thought i wasn't. I need some real help.
  4. C Martin


    It is my understanding that Matter compliance is supposed to make devices universally compatable. Is Universal Devices going to have that compatability? And if so, is there a time frame for this. I have been an Insteon user for about 20 years ans I still believe that these devices are the best devices around. All other hubs smart devices, in my opinion, don't compare. Any comments and information, would highly be appreciated by me and I'm sure other users.
  5. I am trying get polygot to load via the ISY Portal. I get the loading icon but it just keeps spinning. Nothing happens.
  6. First off I want to say hello to Michel. Hi Michel this is Clarence Martin. I know that it's been a while since talked but I've been busy concentrating on other software development and other things. Since the Insteon debackle and some remodeling that I am doing at home, I am looking at upgrading my Home automation scheme. I have been an Insteon adopter since day one and have generally been very satisfied with the system. But i believe it tis time to lookinto other options. I have been looking at the Lutron Caseta devices and the possibility of using them along with some Feit Can lights. I have been watching over the past few years your Policy device options and I wonder if this or just the ISy will be a good interfacefor my use.I also know that your Policy Device interfaces with the Sonos devices, as does the Lutron. is the Policy device the best option for me to start exploring? I find the Lutron has some intersting options available and on some of my preliminary testing, the devices seem to work well although their Mobile apps are a bit shallow. I now use Alexa for my current uses, but ALEXA has some limitations that Universal devices exceeds at. I am assuming that the Policy device has all of the capabilities that ISY has and beyond. SO give me your thought on this subject if you can and then a guide how I need to get started with Policy if that is the preferred way to go. Thanks in advance and one day we need to have aother face-to-face talk again. I enjoyed your insights and look forward to more.
  7. Thanks guys, It's been a long time since I had to do this. another question- The device is in a remote location from me. I have forgotten the log in information. Do I have to ge and manually reset the device to login with new log on information?
  8. I have an ISY connected to my portal, but how do i get the HTTPS web address for the device?
  9. Congratulations to you and UDI as a whole. This Grant says a lot about you and UDI and the significant but quiet contributions you provide. You have provided a Quiet but significant contribution in this area of Automation and Energy Conservation. I support all that you do in this field. Keep up the good work!
  10. Hello to Michel and all, I got my Echo to work with my ISY today. FYI: my testing so far. One of the things that I discovered is that setting a temperature set point is in error. If I want my Heating Set point to be 70 degrees, I have to say to set the temperature set point to 140 degrees, exactly double. I am using Venstar Thermostats one with the add-on insteon module and the other with the built-in module. The one with Built-in module does not respond and the other one does. It definitely reads the temperature back accurately (not double). I find that Alexa responds to single word names and not all of them. for instance it doesn't understand the word closet. I also noted that even though I labeled my Bathroom switches Bathroom 1 and Bathroom 2, Alexa dose understand the word Bathroom and not the real names. I have NOT had success with multi-word names. Question: is there anything that we supporters can do to help enhance the ISY to Echo experience? How can we support UDI in this effort? And finally: Thanks UDI and Michele for all the work that you have done to get us this far.
  11. Hi Lee, So, the option to save those links is just for trouble shooting and not much else? I did try all other method but I had to do the tough-out job of manually restoring re-installing and some restoring of devices. Thanks for the reply. Do the backups contain linking information? I keep good backups but they didn't seem to restore my links either.
  12. I had a PLM meltdown this past weekend. I did receive a warning last week when some schedules were not run. And then on Saturday the meltdown really hit. I could not link or restore devices and sometimes I had to do some tricky stuff in order to remove and the re-add devices. I beat it down to the Smart Home store and replaced the PLM with a new one. BTW, If I had only taken the old PLM they would have made an even exchange on the spot. But I did receive a RMA and a Fedex label via e-mail and they will return my purchase to my card.(Kudos to Smart Home!). Now, to the real question.... I apparently did some things incorrectly or my PLM and ISY links were completely toasted... I don't know which for sure. But I have spent several days re-installing switches, motion sensors and triggerlinc. I have not in the past visited the Show... PLM Links table, Show ISY Links Table or Show Device Links Table. When I did, I only had 17 links in my PLM links table. The question: The option to save the various links tables.... I have saved the PLM Links table and the ISY Links table to files. Am I correct in thinking, that in the future, if there are problems that I can use these files to restore both the PLM and the ISY? The other question that I have: the ISY links table seems so small and only has a single line item. Does this sound correct? I hope that this was not too verbose.
  13. Xathros, Thanks.
  14. That's a good question. I am using integer Variables and I believe my thought process was for a future use of variables when I do a power-on restart, since integer variables maintain values. I sometimes use creative programming schemes for triggering other programs. ie. the possibility to selectively send certain email messages or notifications via a particular variable. Sorry if I've thrown a detour in my code that misleads people. I guess my lack of use of comments is a glaring problem. Thanks for pointing this out.
  15. I am currently using the following program: If Time is 7:00:00AM And Status 'Motion Sensors / Front Door / Front Door - Outside-Low Bat' is On Then $i_FrontDoor_MS.lo_Battery = 1 Send Notification to 'Motion Sensor Alerts' content 'Front Door Motion Det battery Low' Else $i_FrontDoor_MS.lo_Battery = 0 I am using similar programs for other motion sensors also. This will give you a daily reminder until the battery is changed. Seems to be effective.
  16. Is there an option to connect another ZigBee also? Or will I be limited to just one?
  17. Thanks for the quick reply ( it was a quick reply). Two things seem to be apparent: 1. As always, it is hard to get all of these Mfgs. to settle on a single standard. This has been the case from time beginning. The incompatibility between Zigbee devices makes life hard for consumers. 2. whether it is good investment to interface with the smart meter is still an open question. If I can't base programming decisions on my KWH consumption - where I am in my Tier Billing, then what is the point. I have to weigh whether I lock myself into one standard and miss all of the other Zigbee opportunities is worth the investment. As always there seem to be no easy choices.
  18. I upgraded to the 994i Pro and I have been really satisfied with the unit. I was on my SCE Utility site and saw the Smart Meter Link and I am now curious. Is the 994i Pro compatible to Zigbee? If so, what do I need to interface with Zigbee - do I need to buy a plug-in device or radio? Do I need to upgrade my 994i Pro to another type of Device? What information is available to me via a Smart Connect interface with my meter? Do I get to control programs based on the information or parameters that may be available? ie.; can I control my devices in my home based on whether I am approaching the different tiers that SCE charges KWH Rates? These answers will make the decisions if I need to buy or upgrade my ISY. I hope that I have covered enough information for others users of the forum.
  19. Hi eyeandy, I use a variable called s_its_Raining to monitor rain. I also monitor amount of rain to trigger other variables for two different rain delay programs, either for one day or three days based on the amount. I usually monitor the rain total amounts just before my sprinklers are set to start. That t way I don't have to worry about stopping an already running sprinkler cycle. FYI: I also use the Weather module to monitor temps and trigger my thermostat to change my heating and cooling cycles in other programs.
  20. pyroman175@yahoo.com I had not seen this until you mentioned the problem and I am confirming what you found.
  21. I have updated to 3.3.5 with no problems. I think the themes was a good idea.
  22. upgraded with no apparent problems.
  23. Venstar Thermostat. Since the issue of Synchronizing the Clock has come up, I have been trying to find out about the latest version of the Firmware for the Venstar-Insteon. The latest version of the firmware now stands at v95 according to Smart Home. Apparently, there is no upgrade path to the firmware from Smart Home. That being said, I cannot find out what enhancements have been made since versions 92 & 93. The answer that I got from telephone support was, that that was something that engineering can answer and it seems as though this is a tightly held secret. Does anyone have any ideas what enhancements may have come about in the version updates?
  24. My question is this.... Is the time synchronization for: The New Smart home Insteon thermostat Part # 2441TH and Part # 2441ZTH or the Venstar Thermostats Part # 2491T1E, Part # 2491T7E and Part # 2441V ? Smart home seems to think that the Venstars don't have that capability, at least that was a preliminary answer given to me.
  25. I tried Syching the thermostat time also. No Dice.
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