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C Martin

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Everything posted by C Martin

  1. why not trigger an Integer Variable with the Low Battery event. That way the value will remain even with a reboot. Clarence
  2. C Martin

    Wait Function

    I may change some of my state variables to integers. I need to evaluate all of them. I do use some state changes as triggers so I guess that if they are Integers, I will also assign their respective State variables also. Thanks, Clarence
  3. C Martin

    Wait Function

    OK, I changed my programs. I actually added a separate Delay Program that is fired from the Control Change rather than the Status. If ( Control 'Motion Sensors / Closet / Closet Motion Sensor-Sensor' is switched On And $s_Is.SleepTime is 0 And $s_ClosetOveride is 0 ) Then Run Program 'Closet Day Motion Delay' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' On Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This seems to work well. I guess I need to stop trying to consolidate too many programs into a single program.
  4. C Martin

    Wait Function

    thanks to All. I am re-evaluating my next step. I appreciate all of the Great Input. Clarence
  5. C Martin

    Wait Function

    Lee G, Thanks for the review. I thought that I disabled the Off for the MS. I'll take another look and make sure that the "Off" Trigger is disabled. Clarence
  6. C Martin

    Wait Function

    Lee G, this program use to work flawlessly. I can't understand what could have changed. I triggered the MS in order for the program to run and watched my 2 variables to make sure that their state didn't change. for some reason, the command after the wait is not triggered as shown in the event log.
  7. C Martin

    Wait Function

    Lee G, the motion sensor "on" is the trigger for the scene. Sleep_Time If From 9:00:00PM To Sunrise (next day) Then $s_Is.SleepTime = 1 Else $s_Is.SleepTime = 0 Closet Over_Ride If Status 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Companion Switch' is On Then Set 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Dimmer' 90% $s_ClosetOveride = 1 Wait 45 minutes Set 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Dimmer' Off Set 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Companion Switch' Off $s_ClosetOveride = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. C Martin

    Wait Function

    Sorry, I did something stupid with my copy /paste This is the program My motion sensor is set up to not trigger on the "off" so there is nothing that will re-trigger the program and change the if Status, other than the s_ClosetOveride. If ( Status 'Motion Sensors / Closet / Closet Motion Sensor-Sensor' is On And $s_Is.SleepTime is 0 And $s_ClosetOveride is 0 ) Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' On Wait 45 seconds Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Sorry for the mis-leading paste. Clarence
  9. C Martin

    Wait Function

    this is the event log: Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:41 AM : [ 14 60 DF 1] CLIHUM 71 Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:50 AM : [ 13 F4 BC 1] DON 1 Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:50 AM : [ 13 F4 BC 1] ST 255 Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:51 AM : [ E E0 F8 1] ST 216 Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:51 AM : [ X10] M9 Mon 11/07/2011 10:52:51 AM : [ X10] M9/On (3) Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:05 AM : [ X10] A1 Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:05 AM : [ X10] A1/On (3) Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 1] 565000.000000 Weather - Temperature = 56.5 °F Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 5] 23000.000000 Weather - Temperature Rate = 2.3 °F/h Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 6] 510000.000000 Weather - Humidity = 51 % Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 11] 30000.000000 Weather - Wind Speed = 3 mph Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 13] 100000.000000 Weather - Wind Direction = SSW Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:14 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 19] 0.000000 Weather - Light Rate = 0 %/h Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:19 AM : [ 13 F4 BC 1] DOF 1 Mon 11/07/2011 10:53:19 AM : [ 13 F4 BC 1] ST 0
  10. C Martin

    Wait Function

    More Info: this is the program that I am using: If ( Status 'Motion Sensors / Closet / Closet Motion Sensor-Sensor' is On And $s_Is.SleepTime is 0 And $s_ClosetOveride is 0 ) Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' On Wait 45 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Checking the program status, the program actually runs through the whole process, as checked in the program status tab, and with the correct delay. The last command "Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Off" is not executed.
  11. C Martin

    Wait Function

    Update: the reason that I suspect the wait command is because the times are not consistent and I am using a program to control a Scene. The scene works manually so communication issues should not be the problem. I moved back to 3.1.9 and the problem still is still there. SO, I am currently at a loss as to what is happening. I did do a series of test starting with a 5 second wait all the way to 60 seconds. Failures would start at 35 second waits. The wait of 25 seconds seems to be better but not always consistent. Clarence
  12. C Martin

    Wait Function

    I have been seeing some inconsistency with the wait command whenever it is greater than 30 seconds. I had programs fail to execute the next command after the wait command in my programs whenever the wait is avbve 30 seconds. Sometimes the commands happen as they are supposed to and other time after a prolonged period of time and sometimes, not at all. Could this this be caused by program changes with the firing of threads that has been modified? Clarence PS. I will revert to an earlier version later to test this if necessary.
  13. Hi Michel, I updated to 3.1.8 and no problems so far. The Auto Update and Battery devices buttons appear. Clarence
  14. My upgrade went flawlessly, so far. Thanks for the hard work. Clarence
  15. apostolakisl, Got it. I was thinking in reverse. Thanks, Clarence
  16. Thanks, I guess my mind is working in reverse. I agree with your statement. I guess I needed to see through my fog. Clarence
  17. Thanks apostolakisl, But is ISY programming backwards? I seem to get reversed results from my evaluations. If Status 'Thermostats / Remote Stat / Remote Thermostat' < 84° (Temperature) Then $sRemote_Stat_temp_alert = 1 Else $sRemote_Stat_temp_alert = 0 How would you evaluate this program? I actually want my variable to evaluate to 1 if the temp is greater than 84. This actually evaluates to 1 when the temp is 84 or even 83 - 84 or less. Clarence
  18. I am doing some programs that evaluate temperatures from my thermostats. What accuracy is returned by the Thermostats? 1 or 2 or greater decimal places? Clarence
  19. I am confused and I know that this is a question that should have been asked a long time ago. > evaluates as Greater Than, >= evaluates as Greater Than or Equal to, < evaluates as Less Than, <= evaluates as Less Than or Equal To. Is this correct, or am I backwards? I seem to be getting reverse values. Sorry if this seems to be a Juvenile question. Clarence
  20. Here is one that I use to cycle my HVAC fan on during the evening. The purpose is to just circulate air in the house after a set time for certain times. If Time is 11:30:00PM Or Time is 12:30:00AM Or Time is 1:30:00AM Or Time is 2:30:00AM Or Time is 3:30:00AM Or Time is 4:30:00AM Or Time is 5:30:00AM Then Wait 10 minutes (Random) Set 'Thermostats / Main Stat / Thermostat - Main' Fan On Wait 15 minutes Set 'Thermostats / Main Stat / Thermostat - Main' Fan Auto Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') You could make the "Wait" for the "Time On" random and use this with a Lamplinc for a live-in at home setting for security when you are away from home. Clarence
  21. Hi Lee, All is working fine now. This must have been a problem with the old PLM that I was using. That PLM was flaky last week and I have upgraded to a new one now. I checked things this morning and the Scene adjustment seems to be working just fine. Thanks for your response, Clarence
  22. Thanks LeeG, I will do some testing and let you know the results. Clarence
  23. Actually, the change doesn't happen right away. You can actually see the transition take place as it happens, in some cases. That's why I have resorted to doing the query.
  24. I am changing a scene via a program and it seems that in order to make sure the scene has actually been changed, I have to query the scene. If $sSleepTime is 0 Then In Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Set 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Dimmer' 85% (On Level) Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Query Else In Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Set 'Interior Lights / Closet Lights / Closet Dimmer' 25% (On Level) Set Scene 'Scenes / Closet Motion' Query Before I had the query command, I have actually had the scene change but only after clicking on the scene and then clicking back on it. In other words, it was not consistently changing. Is this the norm?
  25. LeeG Thanks, I didn't look there. In matter of fact I removed 3.1.6 from my system because of the error problems that it caused. I will wait and see 3.1.7. Clarence
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