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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Javi

  1. OK, thanks. Will try to replicate
  2. Ok Thanks for the clarification. Was the QR Code used to add the device? I own this Zooz device also. However it is connected to an older UD System which I will be migrating soon. May try to replicate at that time.
  3. If you enabled ZMatter then the UD Mobile will communicate with the ZMatter Hardware not Zooz Hardware. Do you have both connected?
  4. Did you enable or have the ZMatter Hardware? Unless something changed the Zooz, 500/300 series modules all had ZW prefixes, ZMatter Zwave support has ZY prefixes.
  5. Hi @TRI0N, Sorry for the frustration. Usually reboot solves communications issues after firmware upgrade, upgrades from some versions may required a hard power cycle. If that does not work please open a ticket.
  6. Fixed in next release. Android 1.1.30 iOS 1.1.15. Until fixed a new group can be created without "/". After update the old group can be deleted.
  7. Thanks, looks like a similar bug. If you want this tracked please open a ticket. Attach images for <nodeInfo>, <nodeDef>, AC image, and a zipped Backup File for your system (Not a UD Mobile backup). Include this as the issue: "Encoded Editor missing formatted values in rest/nodes, and Subscription Event." This causes missing formatted values in Notifications, Emails, and on UD Mobile." If you open a ticket send me a Private Message with the ticket number.
  8. This was a bug in ISY994i. I thought it was fixed in Polisy/eisy firmware.
  9. Please post response to /rest/zmatter/zwave/node/ZY0nn_306/def/get
  10. Based on the the <nodeInfo> it appears IoX does not have the formatted value (formatted="2"). Can you please let me know if UD Mobile shows the formatted value or a numerical value for the same ALARM Status? The reason the formatted value is shown in Admin Console is because Admin Console parses values itself it does not use the IoX parser. However when a notification is sent the IoX parser is used.
  11. Hi @mbking, I'm trying to replicate this issue. Are you using a beta build of the Node Server?
  12. Creating a Node Server which populates an ISY Status with the Network Response code could be built quickly. Most of the other ISY Modules have Node Servers equivalents which are far superior such as Wake on Lan, Elk, Weather, and Notifications. Even if we were to rebuild Network Resources it would be as a Node Server as Modules are depreciated. Although why build a generic network module when you can target the exact device your are trying to control, this is likely the reason Network Resources have not been recreated as a Node Server.
  13. I've never used this integration, so it is possible it was different at one point. Maybe @bmercier knows if anything changed. As far as I can tell V2.0 is almost the same as V1.0. You can click the expand button to get the enter and Exit urls and use the same way with locative.
  14. Node Server is still the answer. We are working on better documentation and have a few examples which can be installed then modified to fit your needs. See https://docs.isy.io/
  15. @TexMike, I don't believe the Portal Occupancy Node Server has changed in quite a while. There are 2 versions, looks like Version 2 has On and Off commands in AC. You may need to synchronize UD Mobile after the Nodes are installed for the commands to become available in UDM's Geofence command selection.
  16. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Migration if you want to preserve favorites then follow instructions above. This basically clears the UUID so the new system replaces the old system and changes access URLs to the new system's local/portal URLs. If you don't want to preserve favorites then add the new system, then delete the old system after migration.
  17. Javi

    Elk status

    Thanks Jim, Looking into this.
  18. Javi

    Elk status

    Hi @Jimbo.Automates, I think I may have found the issue. There are two US-English NLS files being created, one upper and one lower case. <profile family="10" id="1"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="PORTNDEF.XML"/> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="custom.xml"/> <file name="PORTEDIT.XML"/> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="EN_US.TXT"/> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> I believe the EN_US.TXT is being created in error as it only contains a small number of definitions ND-occupancy-NAME=Occupancy ND-occupancy-ICON=MotionSensor ST-ST-NAME=Occupied ND-occ2_device-NAME=Occupancy v2.0 (Mobile Device) ND-occ2_device-ICON=MotionSensor ND-occ2_geofence-NAME=Occupancy v2.0 (Geofence) ND-occ2_geofence-ICON=MotionSensor ST-occ2d-ST-NAME=Occupied ST-occ2g-ST-NAME=Occupied Was this somehow created by ELK? Does not look related.
  19. Javi

    Elk status

    Hi @d00gster, Please open a ticket. Include your UUID and I will provide instructions for remote diagnostic.
  20. Could be the router does not support NAT Loopback.
  21. Yes. The UDM cameras integration has no relation to UD Equipment. The only connection is from UDM app to the Camera. I replicated the failure to restart feeds on Android, but not the crash. If possible send me a copy of the backup file and let me know which camera system is having issues and I can take a look.
  22. Cameras are still beta and there will be issues, but it should not cause crash, failure to load may be expected. Please first reboot your Android device and UD equipment which may be having issues before trying anything else. I don't see anything in crash reports which sticks out but I'm still a little confused. Cameras are independent of UD Equipment so I'm not sure what you mean by it is still working on your other system. The following questions will help me narrow the issue to UD Equipment, Camera Equipment and/or UDM/ Do you mean cameras are working at one location and not the other? Is it Favorites Tab which is crashing? If so does the same happen on the Home Tab when trying to view UD equipment or Cameras? Can you try disabling the system which was upgraded in UDM (Settings Tab > Systems > System Name > System Status). Does the issue persist if the system is disabled?
  23. Cameras are independent of UD equipment, there is no connection whatsoever. So there must be something else causing the crash. What is the brand and model of the Android device?
  24. You could create a variable then add 1 (+=) to a variable in the THEN Action of the program. The variable will show Time of Last Change.
  25. I have notified the developer about the issue. Being as there are multiple reports for the same issues, I suggest posting on the Hubitat subform so that the Node Server Developer can respond directly. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/426-hubitat/
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