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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Javi

  1. I have notified the developer about the issue. Being as there are multiple reports for the same issues, I suggest posting on the Hubitat subform so that the Node Server Developer can respond directly. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/426-hubitat/
  2. Great! Is the Hue Node Server installed in slot 10? If not which NS is in slot 10?
  3. Thanks. I'm pushing a new version to Google Play now version which will not crash. It should be live within a few hours. There will be an error message during synchronization. Please post a screenshot here so we can see which Node Server is causing the issue.
  4. I see crash reports for a Galaxy Z Flip5. I this your device? Did you install any new Node Servers?
  5. @RRoyceus, what version of the Hubitat Node Server causes these errors?
  6. Great. The app should function with these errors although the Hubitat Node Server may not show formatted values. I'll try to notify the NS developer so they can correct the issue.
  7. Javi

    Blue Iris

    The in-app camera integration supports many types of videos feed, basically anything supported by VLC. To use the in-app integration without a (PG3) plugin users need to locate information on viewing cameras with a URL supported by VLC, such as an rtsp/mp4/mpeg stream We currently do not have resources to target specific cameras/DVR manufacturers. However we just released Streaming APIs to (PG3) plug-in developers. These APIs will allow developers to integrate specific system streams and controls. So there may be a (PG3) plugin available in the future for your system.
  8. Currently the web frontend is not functional for remote connections. UD Mobile has remote connections to PG3.
  9. For the numbered errors it appears the Node Server in slot 6 has invalid definitions causing parsing issues in the app. Although this should not cause "The request timed out". Do you get "The request timed out" on every try? What Node Server is in slot 6?
  10. Hi @Envirogreen, Added ability to set url for icon in upcoming release. For example netflix icon at https://images.ctfassets.net/4cd45et68cgf/Rx83JoRDMkYNlMC9MKzcB/2b14d5a59fc3937afd3f03191e19502d/Netflix-Symbol.png
  11. Did you actually test this on HS in the current environment?
  12. Hi @Sirmeili, I commented on your Git issue over the weekend. It is very likely this limitation exists in HomeSeer/Insteon-Hub also or there would be frequent Command Drops or Status Reporting would be incorrect. Many situations where an Insteon device triggers another Insteon Device could be handled in Scenes, this is even faster than using network commands. ISY allows scene adjustments in programs so you can adjust scenes based on (IF/ELSE) conditions. In my experience every protocol has its advantages and disadvantages. Insteon scenes and communication distance (due to power line) work better for me then all the other protocols. Insteon reports status almost instantaneously where as Z-Wave can be delayed by a few seconds. Most of the Insteon battery powered devices have been removed from my system as they had too many issues the biggest being battery life. Z-wave battery life appears to be 5-10 times longer. The Z-Wave battery sensors also appear to report a change in status better than the insteon sensor...unless the insteon device is still awake.
  13. I'll keep this in mind, when I get to scene improvements.
  14. Yes. Scenes don't have a status so it is an Estimated status. You can disable if it doesn't work for you. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status
  15. I don't believe we have a method to add your own cert to PG3x. In most cases a trusted ssl cert is only needed for direct remote connections, however I would not recommend opening a port to expose ISY/PG3 outside of your home network. If you want encryption on the local network it is safe to click through the browser warnings as you know the site is correct. If there is a MitM attack on your local network you have bigger issues. The browser needs to trust the cert, so all self signed certs would have the same issues. You could trust the cert on the client (PC) like this, although if I recall correctly PG3 creates a new cert on restart. This is no safer than clicking through the warnings when on the local network. This is the same for ISY except the http and https ports are split port 8080 http and 8443 https. We recommend using VPN or Portal for remote connections. VPN uses a cert for the tunnel so this solves the issue for all local devices without needing a unique cert for each device on the local network. UD Mobile can access PG3 from portal for remote connections, but we don't yet have a remote web version.
  16. If controlling the fanlink using native controls (high/med/low) from Alexa or a mobile app the kpl will be out of sync. They are all evaluated, if you had something in the else condition the actions would be triggered. Based on your image the ISY is showing the state you want and logs the same but the kpl is not in sync with ISY. This usually happens when there are multiple devices in a scene with communication issues and the scene, however because it is a single device in the scene my guess the same device is the culprit..... I've had KPLs with issues evey couple of years, pulling out the set button for a minute usually fixes the issues.
  17. Assuming the programs trigger a scenes which turn on a single KPL button and turn off all the other KPL buttons. If the values shown by ISY look correct but do not correspond to the actual value on the KPL, then the issue is likely not programing. It could be line noise, an insteon device is starting to malfunction, or the insteon scene is not functioning correctly. I would first try removing equipment on the same circuit, then air gapping the KPL for a minute then restore links in the scene.
  18. Yes, but the browser defaults to https if not http is not supplied.
  19. Try the local http option, not https. http://<address>:3000
  20. added door_open (filled) for next production release.
  21. Please post link
  22. Beta 1.1.16 Added streaming video/camera support. To access cameras outside of your home network they must be accessible outside of your home network. PG3 Plugin support, coming soon, will allow developers to add streaming video support to their Node Server Plugins. Basic setup example.
  23. Does the "Time of last change" update after the variable valve is changed? Please post a screenshot of the favorite editor screen from Favorites Screen> edit (pencil icon at top) > click favorite tile > edit.
  24. Great. See this post for explanation of certificate error
  25. If you don't have any favorites setup on UD Mobile with eisy, then delete the system, trash icon at the top right. The add the system again by following prompts. After login, or portal account selection, you will be prompted to select system. If the system exists on portal select the system when prompted, if not select Add New System and follow prompts to add system to portal.
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