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Everything posted by Javi

  1. That is one of the tradeoffs a, but almost guarantees the value will be there. That would have been an issue on the SD card, but can't speak on wear over time as there it has only been a few years. Anecdotally there is an SQLite database which holds property (status) history for all node properties, if enabled. So something with many more writes is available to users.
  2. What is your firmware?
  3. Not normal, it may take a few seconds (short poll) for changes to be populated. Are there any errors in the Node Servers Log? Does the "Last Error Message" Property (status) fo the OpenSprinkler Controller node have any errors? Did the IP address change (if it did be sure to setup an IP reservation so it will not do so again)?
  4. In the past many of these issues may have been caused by a bug in PG3 that caused issues when internet was not available at restart which was very likely in the case of power outages . Sounds like a support nightmare. Aside from a few setup reboot requirements, which we are trying to remove, if the user is rebooting then something was not working correctly or power was removed unexpectedly. It is highly probable the "Run at shutdown" program would not run or complete. Some alternatives included; (1) the "init" parameter of a variable survives reboot, so this should be set when a parameter value is changed so it is retained in case of unexpected restart. (2) I believe the "Backup" Node Server restores values, but not tested on my end. (3) UD Mobile allows manual stop/start/restart commands for individual Node Servers, so if PG3 sends a notification saying the Node Server is stopped then manual reboot of only the affected Node Server with issues is possible.
  5. The product must say that it works with Zigbee Controllers....some of the older bulbs do not "work" with Zigbee Controllers. Not sure about sensors, but most common Zigbee devices are supported. If the Zigbee device doesn't work with eisy a user can open a ticket, but it could be a while before it makes it to production firmware. There is also a node server (plugin) which works with the hue hub, but I don't have first hand experience.
  6. If the bulbs are "Zigbee" then they should work without a hub. See this: And this:
  7. ISY cannot communicate with the device where this error was presented. If it is happening on multiple devices, likely an issue communicating with the PLM.
  8. Thanks. Assuming there is only a single device with the issue, then it is highly probable the issue is a defective Switchlink or Switchlinc communication issues. Power gapping may solve the issue, moving the device, or removing/filtering devices (such as computers, power supplies) which may cause linke noise.
  9. To help isolate the issue, I'll need some additional information. Are status updates also missing from the Admin Console? If they are, then please check if this only happens on the Remote Connection. To test this you must be on the same WiFi network as eisy. Go to UD Mobile > Settings > Systems > Your System > Local Connection Settings (expanded), enable "Only use Local Connection". Also verify the Local Credentials, IP and Port are correct. Default local credentials are both "admin" if they have not been changed. There is a search icon next to the Local IP Address which should automatically populate IP and Port if needed. Press the Test Local Connection button at the bottom of the Local Connection Settings, if a success message is received local connection is established. Cancel any request to synchronize. Does status now populate correctly? After this test please disable "Only use Local Connection".
  10. Also please verify firmware is at least 5.8.3 and UD Mobile is on the latest version. There was a bug in earlier firmware which may cause similar issues.
  11. Please open a ticket and include your UUID, and a copy of the screenshot and/or link to this post. Also in the ticket please clarify if this is ELK only or all Devices. Thanks
  12. This was recently moved to the menu, so possible we have a bug. If synchronization is missing please verify UD Mobile is on the latest version, then post a screenshot showing the missing menu, or synchronization option.
  13. Please first verify eisy's firmware is at least 5.8.3 and UD Mobile is on the latest version, if not upgrade and retest. There was a bug in earlier firmware which caused issues for many users.
  14. Thanks, I can't replicate this behavior, please open a ticket and we can run diagnostic. Include your UUID in the ticket and I will provide instructions to allow remote diagnostic.
  15. Please test the following to help narrow the issue. Is this only favorites or Home Tab also? If Both: Does the Admin Console show the variable update if it value is change from UDM? If it does: With Favorites open showing the variable(s), does UDM show variable update if value is changed from the Admin Console?
  16. Is everything else working? I think this may be a debug error not intended for the end user.
  17. Major changes to app. Please let me know if anything is not working. UPDATE: Local Connection test are failing frequently on 994, pushing version 1.1.78 which restores this functionality but keeps the automatic tests. Version 1.1.77 Local connections are now established automatically if the local credentials/ip/port are correct. Using http://eisy.local on port 8080 should work for users with a single eisy if their home network and mobile device support local domains. Router IP reservation of numerical IP is recommended as the Local IP Address may change. Speed improvements, bug fixes. Versions 1.1.62 - 1.1.76 UI Improvements, rebuilt Device Dashboard. Added Color bulb type for Philips Hue and Sengled Zigbee bulbs (possibly works with other "hue" type color control nodes).
  18. What is eisy's firmware? If not on 5.8.3 please upgrade then check if issue persist.
  19. Please open a ticket
  20. Scenes have no status, there no way to determine accuracy of something that does not exist. The estimates can be adjusted, see the link provided above. The issue could also be line noise, so it may be a good idea to troubleshoot before replacing anything.
  21. It sound like a PLM issue. This could indicate the PLM is starting to malfunction or it could be communication issues or a faulty insteon device in a scene. If this is only happening to a small number of devices, or occurs after a scene is turned on/off it is likely the latter, if happening with all devices then likely the former. So, troubleshooting is required but not related to UD Mobile (the subforum where this topic was posted). Both the serial and USB Insteon PLMs work with eisy. Being as Insteon if proprietary, I assume the best place to purchase is through insteon. Also note that the Estimated Scene status in UDM should not be used as an indication of malfunction as Scenes do not have a Status. This is estimated by UDM and may not be the estimate the user expects do to how some device types report status, for example a battery sensor's status will remain the same if you turn a scene on or off from UDM or AC which causes UDM to calculate this status as part of the Estimated Status. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status
  22. UDM clears status when the user leaves the app, so if status is incorrect (not missing) at UDM startup then the issue is likely not related to UDM. Is status also incorrect in the admin console? Are the devices with incorrect status all Insteon? If both questions are true then it is likely a PLM issue.
  23. Not currently. As an alternative you could send yourself a notification if the garage door is left open for some time after you leave the geofence. Although It would require opening the app to close the door.
  24. OK, I still cannot replicate. Please send me a PM with a copy of the app backup which has a non-working customization and let me know which tile (name) has the issue.
  25. Scenes do not have status, they are more like a preset. The trigger would need to be the status of a device or state variable. A variable can be used as status, then a program with a wait can be used. I.e. if var_x = 1 turn on light, then wait 5 min, run the same program. If the variable changes during wait the program will stop, and else will be run, so else should turn off the device.
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