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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Sending a command to a Device (not scene) from UD Mobile or Admin Console only affects the device. If a scene is being triggered then something else is causing this to happen. Scenes in UD Mobile have the added percentage capability which may not work with all devices, specifically keypad links and battery operated devices. The ON and OFF button should work the same as Admin Console. See wiki for adjusting Scenes for percentage commands.
  2. We have seen this a few times with upgrades, it is usually related to UD Mobile being linked to the ISY994 not eisy. Since ISY994 can no longer install/purchase new modules UD Mobile cannot automatically add the ISY994 to Portal.
  3. Tapping the indicator (triangle) next to the command parameter name (i.e. Group, Sound, Content) changes the selection from predefined values to variables. This is how all programs behave and allows for saving a status to a variable then sending that status as a command parameter. This works with integer variables as all Status and Command values are static and enumerated at a lower level.
  4. These are email groups, not Push Notification Groups. Create groups in UDM from Notification Tab > Settings (gear icon). I believe the node server will need to be restarted after a group is added.
  5. Long press the App Icon on the Home Screen which will show shortcuts. Then long press "Favorites" and drag to home screen. This should not be necessary, but could be caused by multiple issues. If this also happens in Admin Console then likely interference from power line noise.
  6. On our list, but we don't have a time frame. Also see the following for limitations:
  7. Currently Android has a Favorites Shortcut which can be placed on the Home Screen. iOS has a preference to open to Favorites Screen. As for widgets, they only allow limited updates, the amount of updates is determined by OS, but If I remember correctly it was about 50 per day (2 per hour). So while widgets may work well for some things that don't change frequently, like weather forecasts, it will likely lead to support issues for most other devices as Status will be out of sync for some users. This will lead to widgets with incorrect status values. With that said, direct commands shortcuts are on our list but not yet implemented. This would allow trigger of a program which checks status for toggle, which does not require that UD Mobile knows status.
  8. Another option is IR codes with iTach. I have a single iTach and xantach IR distribution to all A/V Electronics in every room. This makes it easy to add/replace AV devices as the iTach Node Server controls all A/V equipment in the entire home. iTach has 3 outputs so if 2 devices have the same codes the output can be changed. We have 2 Samsung TVs with the same or similar code sets so both rooms use a different output. Most devices have code sets in the Global cache Control Tower Database, but if they do not exist you can learn or find codes online. We also have an old smart TV in the bedroom which I did control via IP for a while as it had no discrete (on, off, input) ir codes. This is the only AV device I have owned without these discrete codes. The TV would fall off the Wifi network sometimes and it was a pain to troubleshoot, so I added an energy monitor to determine if the TV was on or off to simulate discrete codes with power toggle from iTach. This also makes debugging an automation easy as you will see the ir blaster blink when an ir command is sent.
  9. Changed 100 to 200 on Wiki. Too many false exits with 100 meters, although it may need to be much greater depending on location to avoid false exits.
  10. Ok thanks for trying. Being as this is outside of UD Mobile can you please open ticket? Please reference this thread and that Javi asked you to open a ticket.
  11. This instance of PG3 was connected to that ISY at one point, as it retrieved the UUID. I'm not sure at what point the UUID is obtained and/or validated, so we will have to look into this. Maybe try changing the IP Address to then Save?
  12. Please unplug, Then try synchronization.
  13. My guess is you have either Local Connection Settings or Remote Connection Settings Pointing to the old ISY as sync will fail if it encounters a UUID which does not match. This needs to be corrected, then UUID need to be cleared.
  14. I don't believe so, eisy only has interfaces re0 and wlan0. While I'm not a network architect, I think you need a VLAN switch, or device that can act like a switch, before connection to eisy.
  15. While there is currently no app which has all features of the Admin Console, UD Mobile allows basic program edits, Variables, Network Resources, and a few other items are not yet editable from UDM. UDM requires firmware 5.0.16 or greater.
  16. Try swiping app from recents, it is likely still looking for the other instance. I'm not sure we tested delete as UDM was only intended to show a single instance.
  17. Should be live now. Issued caused caused a race condition when returning from backup dialog (System file selector) which briefly restarted subscription (value population). This caused removal the newly populated values along with removal of unused values.
  18. I don't think the one with port 3000 is currently connected to anything, although it may have connected to something at some point. You must have manually changed the port at some point as we only default to port 8080.
  19. Wifi is not available while ethernet is connected. Set Wifi credentials from UD Mobile > Settings Tab > WiFi Configuration.
  20. While both instances are available in UD Mobile it may not be intuitive as UD Mobile was really only intended for a single instance. So it may be easier to use the PG3 web interface. As far as I know a second instance must be created by the user, so I'm not sure how this was created without user intervention. This screenshot shows a Polisy with 2 PG3 instances "Test Polisy" and "Home" with "Home" having a checkmark as the web interface is currently interacting with "Home". From there you can "Edit Current IoX" which will show the connection settings for that instance. In this screenshot "Home" is a 994 and "Test Polisy" is a Polisy. The Polisy box is hosting both PG3 instances. Pressing "Edit Current IoX" for "Home" shows the connection settings for the 994, with the local IP Address. If I switch to "Test Polisy" the select "Edit Current IoX, the IP Address should be as IoX (ISY) is running on the same box. If there is an unmanaged node it could be from an old instance of PG2 or "Portal" (Occupancy Node Server). If you cannot access the Polyglot instance which created the Node Server then you will need to delete the Node from the AC.
  21. Both of these PG3 instances are running on the same box. Each PG3 instance can serve nodes to any box running ISY as long as they can communicate (on the same network). So it appears you have 2 instances of PG3 running on your Polisy one is linked to your ISY994 and one is linked to your Polisy (ISY on Polisy)
  22. Probably best to delete the unused PG3 instance if it is not used to avoid confusion. The first remote connection to PG3 may require a reboot, I'll try to add a confirmation at that point so there are no surprise reboots. There can be multiple instances of PG3 running on the same box (Polisy/eisy) and connecting to different systems (isy/Polisy/eisy). When an instance of PG3 is linked to an ISY/Polisy/eisy it gets the available slots. If a slot is unavailable and is not managed by the linked instance of PG3 then the Node Server is "Managed by another instance". The Multiple instance feature was intended to link Polisy to ISY994 before IoP (Isy on Polisy), so it is not really needed anymore.
  23. Managed by another instance shows that the connected instance does not manage the Node Server in that slot. Logs only work on local connection (still on the todo list for remote) so it is very likely the Local Credentials are incorrect in Settings-Tab > Systems > Your System > Local Connection Settings. Do you have multiple eisy/Polisy boxes running? Is PG3 connected to multiple systems? From UDM Admin-Tab > Plugins > Settings (gear icon at the top), is there multiple ISYs listed under ISY Configuration?
  24. The 25 items may be your variables. If it happens every time then they are not being retrieved during synchronization so the app wants to remove them. Should be easy to replicate with remote access. If interested I can do sometime this week, send me a PM or open a ticket, and include UUID.
  25. Both Apple and Google say fences can be delayed by ~2 minutes, so this must be considered with setting the Geofence radius. Geofencing is broken at the Operating System Level for most Android Devices which is the reason UD Mobile on Android implements a location service. The Location Service is not as good as OS level Geofencing so either the polling needs to be triggered or your mobile device must connect/disconnect from WiFi before the Location Service will trigger a crossing. If using the Location Service you can increase/decrease polling intervals on fence crossings, so using multiple fences may make this more timely.
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