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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Because all status values in ISY are represented as numbers. While it is possible there are negative values this is not very common so negative was omitted for globals, but can be set in custom mappings. Most dimmable lights/switches have values 0 (off)-100 (full on). Most non-dimmable lights/switches have values 0 (off) and 100 (on). Globals may not work well with devices which do not conform to 0 (off) and greater than zero (on). I don't think the Node Dashboard screen Scene Members section incorporates colors of any type, but the same device should have a color in the Node List or in Favorites. This screen has not changed much since release, so it is due for a upgrade, I'll try to get colors in at that time. Programs will always have the positive color as they do not conform to 0 for off and greater than zero for on. They have 4 common values Idle-true, Idle-false, running-then, running-else. Adding globals for programs is on my list, although it has lower priority to other features.
  2. The disappearing undo message (snackbar undo) is fairly common in app and web development.
  3. @LFMc, I apologize I misread interpreted the error message. This is a UD Mobile database cleaning message, it is similar to the error message I mentioned above as that error also causes nodes to be removed from the App's Database. If the message does not include an error then it should be safe to delete these values without removing favorites, although you should always backup just in case. Can you try a backup then remove values? Does this correct the issue?
  4. This usually happens when ISY994 is under heavy load, resulting in invalid responses, which causes UDM to believe the resource (variable/node/etc) no longer exists so it is removed from the app. A reboot usually corrects the issue. Does this happen every time? Does a reboot correct the issue?
  5. The link works for me. Is there another issue?
  6. Try setting the Global Defaults first, Then if you have a device that does not conform set it's mapped values individually.
  7. Is this a Scene? Scene's have estimated status as they don't have a native status. There are some scene members that can cause this estimate to be incorrect. Devices such as Key Pad Buttons or battery powered devices need to be manually excluded from estimated status. See: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status
  8. This should not happen, but can be caused by incorrect configuration (local / remote settings) Failing PLM (Admin Console also shows an incorrect value when both AC and UDM are open and status is changed).
  9. Yes see https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Migration Jump down to about 8 lines to Finally migrate your favorites and settings in UD Mobile. First backup UD Mobile from Settings-Tab > Backup in case of errors this way Favorites and User Preferences will not be lost.
  10. Fixed span size refresh in next version
  11. Javi

    Add user device

    Was the issue resolved? If so please let us know how for future reference. If not resolved: Is the Notifications API Key (Notification Tab > Settings > API Key) the same on both Mobile Devices? Do are both devices listed under the Devices Section (Notification Tab > Settings > Devices)? If they are are there any special characters in the name?
  12. This is only from UDM, Scenes do not support % commands
  13. It is an insteon limitation with KPL Buttons, which can only be controlled by a scene. UDM attempts to do this automatically with all devices in the Scene when using the Dim function. However UDM cannot control the KPL Buttons directly without switching the entire Scene. If UDM were to turn on the entire scene it would go to on level not the level set by the UDM dimmer. So without using programs and/or variables KPL buttons can not be controlled using UDM's Scene Dim function. Another option would be to use a Switch which will turn the Scene ON or OFF with respect to OnLevel.
  14. Did you exclude the KPLs from Calculation? The KPL Buttons (not load) only have 0% and 100% nothing in between. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status If that does not work, you likely have interference from something else such as a program.
  15. This is not the behavior I see, maybe there is something else triggering OFF. The off Command is only sent to the Scene for 0%.
  16. Scenes really have no status, they are static setpoints. So adding to firmware may work in some situations but not all. Also, upon rethinking this, I don't think UDM's Scene Dim function works for KPL buttons when not set to 0% or 100%. There is an Insteon Limitation with KPL Buttons. Only a Scene can turn on a KPL Button, not a Direct Command. In order for UDM to convert this static scene into a dimmer UDM sends commands to each device independently, which will not work for the KPL buttons. However if the UDM Scene Percentage is 0% or 100% then the scene "OFF" or "ON" command is sent. So to show status with KPL Buttons a State Variable can be used, this way programs are not looking at dimmer/button status values. Create a variable, then in UDM add the variable to Favorites, then change Favorite Type to Slider. Create a new Scene for each KPL button where you want status where the Button is the only member as a Responder. Finally create a program which observes the variable, If value > 0. In then set all dimmers to the variable value and turn on the Scenes which contain the the single KPL buttons. In Eles turn off the scene containing all devices. Note that this may require UDM gets variable status on Startup. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Program_And_Variable_Settings
  17. In UDM all Scenes as dimmers and calculates an estimated status. Keypad buttons should have calculation ignored for this to work correctly. See: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status If the scene is added to favorites you can change the Favorite Type to "Slider" to show as a dimmer on the Favorites Tab.
  18. We think this could be due to conflicting accounts (UDM/PG3) and/or PG3 having more than one system attached. Please open a ticket as we need your UUID to investigate further.
  19. Whitelist '*.isy.io' where * is for all subdomains of isy.io
  20. Javi

    Add user device

    If the phone is not showing on UD-Mobile > Notifications-Tab > Setting (gear icon), then it is likely the device is signed into another Portal account. Multiple Account support requires that the Node Server is installed again with the API key for the other account. Edit: See Jimbo's comment below.
  21. UDI Mobile is not UD Mobile, I know it's confusing. Please provide the link to this documentation and I'll point users to UD Mobile setup. See https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Geofencing. for Geofencing instructions. There is a setup video at the top and Occupancy setup at the bottom of this section.
  22. Without seeing the Notification Content I'm only guessing, but I think this is the keep alive setting. Older versions of Android required a persistent (non-swipeable) notification whenever an app was running in the background. Then there are a few versions which required the notification but allowed users to swipe it away. The newest versions of Android show this in another setting (bottom of expanded settings in Running Apps). The default was "1" or "2", so the Notification should disappear 1 or 2 minutes after closing the app. The setting is intended for only a few minutes, none ("0"), or negative (infinite). The issue with none ("0") is switching between apps will kill the connection, so on return there could delays while UDM refreshes values. If you are on a good internet connection and have a small/med system you may not notice any difference between 0 or a few minutes. If you are on a poor connection, have a large system, or have multiple systems connected to UDM then refresh may take a few dozen seconds. Android OS also allows users to hide these persistent notifications in Android settings if you truly want the app to run in the background and not see the notification. If I remember correctly long pressing the notification will show which types of UDM notification channels to hide. It is also possible that some versions of android do not remove the notification after closing. If this is true, it has not been reported.
  23. Javi

    Agave question

    The family for z wave changed with Z-Matter, so my guess is z-wave will not work with Agave. What issues are you having with UD Mobile? Most issues we encounter are related to initial configuration or incorrect settings.
  24. Version 1.1.50 Added Thermostat Favorites Tile. This should be displayed automatically for users with firmware 5.8.0 or greater after synchronization. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Custom_Views Known Issues: Moving Favorites may be broken, will try to get this fixed soon.
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