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Everything posted by larryllix

  1. I have never needed to operate my ecobee via voice control. However, I have used the webpage controls to modify settings and set it up. That takes cloud access. I am not sure how secure their comms are with the stat, but it can't be any less secure than all the VPN personnel, people are giving full control of everything in their house to. I have set limits on my ecobee stats and a few watchdog ISY programs to monitor ridiculous settings, so the worst attack should be an attention getting cool or warm spell in the home. Ecobee stats have those limits that can be setup under password control lock. Previously, I did setup a low security home monitoring system with arm/disarm control via Alexa voice. However, I used a double command sequence, along with a time window allowance, to make it more secure. More intelligent hacking would not be likely, for the benefits gained.
  2. Just call program2 from program1, and if you don't want program2 to be self-triggered just disable it. Enable/disable of any program only affects the If section triggers. The code will still run and the conditions will only act as conditions/filters. However program1 will not wait for program2 to return. All programs surrender their current time slice to the ISY executive logic engine, and I/O handlers, when encountering a Wait or Repeat program line, to be continued when the system "gets the chance" at the end of the programmed Wait or Repeat time.
  3. ecobee is a cloud monitored system (not cloud dependent) and very well done NS, and device. I have owned many different brands of stats in my life and ecobee has been the best one (I have owned three now) I have ever experienced. However, the units having Alexa installed in them have been complete failures. You can't put a microphone flat onto a wall and expect it to understand you properly. Alexa manuals also tell you that. I also find the remote sensor idea is a complete failure. I have three remote sensors and leave them all disabled after a about five years of experimenting with them. Silly idea without a door closed sensor to change it's personality.
  4. Yeah. I am a dedicated Insteon person but the old Insteon made some real garbage. I had two 2441WTH stats and one never worked from day one. UDI support pointed out that when sending a command the more recent 2441-WTH model was acknowledging the request but would never react to any commands. It became a probe only unit. Should have been 2441-WTF. Warranty? Sure but I had to pay the shipping from Canada across the border for about $65. The earlier model worked OK but the 3c = 5F dead-band was intolerable for us, freezing draughts at some times and heat waves of sweat the next hour. I dedicated that one to simple ventilation in my cold-cellar to control humidity. Again...Bad Insteon! I hope to keep hearing more responsible engineering from the new Insteon. They need to change their name to Insteon2 in they want to circumvent some of the bad taste so many users got in their mouths from the last idiots. Still a good (possibly the best) system and I wish the new owners all the best.
  5. Been awhile since my MS 1s were not packed away but this brings back memories of them (I had 12) producing random On_s when the batteries were low. Bad Insteon...bad!
  6. If you call the program (If, Then, or Else), previous execution will be cancelled as soon as it encounters a Wait or Repeat command line. There is no threading/multitasking of a program. Run at Startup will execute the If section and consequentially run Then or Else. The program will self start after power up at 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM and run Then or Else respectively.
  7. Impressive!!
  8. I believe the link count was increased from 254 to 1000 links only about 6-8 years ago. There has been some progress on this front but I can see where they never thought it would ever need more than that. It's alive!!
  9. Each device needs it's own program eg. If device sends control Off and time is sunset to sunrise (next day) (or nightime variable) Then Turn device on Else --
  10. Here is how I did this for my mudroom in an older installation. I created a scene to directly, and instantly, turn ON (only) the lights from the MS. The light switches (or Alexa vocal) can manually override the automatic off and yet still turn them off after a long period automatically. (people get used to automatic and don't use the switches). Note: the timer here is retriggerable so constant motion in the mudroom wil extend the timer. --------------------------------------------------------------- MudRm Lights.auto - [ID 0067][Parent 0017] If 'MudRoom / MudRm.MS' is switched On And 'MudRoom / MudRm.MS' is not switched Off Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' Off Else Set 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' Off ---------------------------------------- MudRm Lights.manual - [ID 00D4][Parent 0017] // * * Enabled to Run at Startup, If will run False, resetting everything If 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' is switched On And 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' is not switched Off Then Set 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' On Disable Program 'MudRm Lights.auto' Wait 2 hours <--- human forgets = turn them off Run Program 'MudRm Lights.manual' (Else Path) Else Set 'MudRoom / MudRm Potlights' Off Enable Program 'MudRm Lights.auto'
  11. Yes. If you have created a scene between your MS and the device then it will send an Off as well as your program. Usually it doesn't hurt anything but in your case there may be some signal racing going on.
  12. Have you set your MS to send 'ON' only or does it send 'OFF' also. This could be creating a race condition. BTW: You may be creating a problem with the line Run Program 'Stair Light Timer Decrement' (If) It shouldn't necessary. The timer changing will re-run the decrement program automatically. (providing ii is a STATE variable.)
  13. Again. I think browsers outlawed this password system and will not pass it from the command URL line. Mine only worked from python3 code lines and my browsers stopped allowing it. It sounds like the iOS system has some special URL sending app, as per a post above.
  14. On the rewrite note. I have found in the past that programs can get out-of-sync with their tokenized codes at some weird times (usually transferring systems) . I found the easy fix for that was to click/select each line of program code so that the parameters are all found in the edit section below and then click on update, so the ISY code compiler regrabs all the token codes and refreshes them. Do all lines of code and then click Save for the program. It's an easy to do trial. Of course you may want to disable and then re-enable your program before saving, also. It could be magically disabled and may explain the "works anyway". IIRC you posted you did a search for any other usages of your trigger variable. It really seems like there is another hidden program changing your variable on you.
  15. I assume you may not use the GET protocol when using parameters then?
  16. OK. I ran some testing to prove this out, one more time. The trigger logic is just as I have stated on my polISY v5.8.4. ISY program logic hasn't changed on my system. There must be something not right about your program logic, or eISY. When I run this program the result is a "2" count. This tells me logically that $sTestTrigger = $cTrue and $TestTriggerProgress lines are atomic, until the next Wait is encountered, which then allows the system (by surrendering it's time slice), causing the If section to re-evaluated, stopping the running of the True section and logically running the False section. The following True section lines (after the variable change and next Wait line) will never be executed. TestTaskSwitch - [ID 010D][Parent 0001] If $sTestTrigger is $cFALSE Then $sTestTriggerProgress = 0 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 1 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTrigger = $cTRUE $sTestTriggerProgress = 2 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 3 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 4 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 5 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 6 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') However, when I run this program below, the end count, $sTestTriggerProgress, becomes "6". This tells me the time slice has not been surrendered until the end of the program True section and demonstrates the difference to the interrupted program above. TestTaskSwitch - [ID 010D][Parent 0001] If $sTestTrigger is $cFALSE Then $sTestTriggerProgress = 0 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 1 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 2 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 3 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 4 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 5 Wait 5 seconds $sTestTriggerProgress = 6 $sTestTrigger = $cTRUE Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  17. Yes you need to use base64 encoded using username: password. However this format is basically obsolete and most browsers will not even send it anymore. I don't know anything about iOS. Does it support standard URL formats or is Steve Jobs still around yet?
  18. You have to remember that ISY did not start out on a Unix-like platform but rather on their own home-brewed platform. Multi-tasking had to be created from the ground up. UDI choose to do it just like MS did with early Windows, by using voluntary releasing of your task's time slice mechanisms. That is where the Wait and While constructs came into the picture. Today's much faster multi-tasking O/S provide cleaner ways of providing methods of multi-tasking but ISY programs are already in place and to change the logic behind so many established ISY level programs would disrupt everybody's systems. Your first program with the $sLate_Arrival = 0 in the first few lines will never execute it's following lines, according to known ISY execution rules. If you are still getting some random action, perhaps we should be considering it is coming from somewhere else. Have you done a search for that variable through all your programs, using the search option provided in ISY? I usually find some forgotten program that is fiddling with the variable, maybe re-enabled by an update or transfer of programs to my new polisy box. I don't mark my Integer variable except my constants with a $cXXXXXXX eg. $sXXXXXXXX = $cTRUE $sKitchen.mode =$cVERYDIM
  19. Only state variables can cause the re-evaluation of the If section. Integer variables will not. As a de facto standard, it is good practice to indicate your usage of state variables with a prefix, such as $sVariableName so that confusion, such as this is mostly avoided later.
  20. Event triggered software systems can really screw up linear programmers. They definitely present some quirks. Think domino chains with lots of split out paths.
  21. Any time a program executes a Wait or Repeat it allows the system engine to re-evaluate things and do I/O processes etc. When the ISY logic engine discovers your state variable has changed, it re-evaluates every program that contains that state variable. If it finds that variable in your If section has changed, it cancels any action already taking place in that program, and executes (starts over) the Then or Else section, depending on the outcome of that If logic. IOW You have created a monostable multivibrator oscillator that will never get past the next Wait 20 minutes line.
  22. Well back working again...mostly. Suddenly started accepting my usual URL again on IoX Finder after about ten minutes. From inside ISY, I then found the HTTPS port and installed that URL. No IoX Finder icon on desktop. The only icon to be found and working is the old start.jnlp launch icon now. I can't find any option to install the IoX Finder. Seems similar to a few years ago, when it would be found in totally random places in folders. LOL More hunting to be done.
  23. My IoX Finder just dropped out also. No changes were made. I have deleted all java files, uninstalled java completely, rebooted PC, reinstalled java latest version, loaded Iox Finder new copy. IoX cannot find either of my two polisys still. When I attempt to add a URL to the list I cannot remember the whole URL using the HTTPS format so I am locked out of my polisy(s). Very strange for a non-cloud dependent system this can happen without any local file changes to java, Windows, Iox, or polisy.
  24. How many skills do you have loaded into your Alexa ap? My sister=in-law used to love to add every funny skill she could think of into my system and that seemed to slow down my HA system response while the Alexa servers would sort out where the commands needed to go. However, never that many minutes. I am talking 10-20 seconds, at times. With my blinds and other two server daisy-chained skills I ave experienced many "I cannot contact your xxx server". or "your server xxx seems to be offline" responses and then the device operates anyway, about 20-30 seconds later. Must be some sort of handshake back failure on those ones.
  25. We have all been very surprised by the speed.
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