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Everything posted by stusviews

  1. Why not use a repeat statement? The only difficulty I see is running forever. OTOH, there's not much that's forever
  2. How is that different from the existing ability to create groups, other then it being smartphone ability?
  3. If you pulled out the tab, held it and when you let go it returned, then you didn't pull the tab out far enough. You need to pull the tab out enough so that it stays out on it's own. Then tap it so it returns on it's own. As Gary said, if you push the tab all the way in, then you may reset the device.
  4. If you delete them from the portal, then delete them from the Alexa app as well. The app never forgets unless told to do so
  5. I presume that's it a a word that implies a means of entering a structure such as lock, door, deadbolt, window, gate etc. OTOH, I've been using open and close xxxxx's garage and yyyyy's garage to run programs (Then, Else) for months, maybe longer, without a problem.
  6. Out of context, it can be. But your large screens are a valid reason why you may not enjoy watching a movie on a smartphone.
  7. Hi Michel, Garage (1 and 2) seem to be entry words, but they work. Verticals is not an entry word, but open and close does not work. Other window covering words I use are walkway, pathway and courtyard. None work using open and/or close. The latter is not anyway related to an entrance, The former two may be. I just don't get it. BTW, for lighting out and off are equivalent. Respectfully, Stu
  8. Follow up from post #14. Problem solved. Log out from main account, log into bedroom account. Create a routine in the bedroom account. Delete the "main" erroneous routine. So, multiple accounts are still needed!!!
  9. If you mean video screens, then it really matters to you. So, yes, it is a big deal and you care. And I do have a friend that's as enthusiastic about my sound system as I am. Classical loud and especially reggae, rap and ska super loud, bassy and, most especially, clear. My everyday mainstay is alternative rock
  10. Follow up from post #8. I added the program I wanted to use in the bedroom only to my main account (living room). I selected only the Bedroom (account) Echo as a controller of the program. That works, but the living room (main) Echo runs the program, too. That logic seems to obliterate the ability to use the same command (e.g., light, fan) in each room and having it control only the device in that room. BTW, it's just me, but I have a 5-digit $$$ sound system. I'm really not into Prime Music on a small device (Sonos fans, disregard this).
  11. I already do that with multiple accounts.
  12. Open and close work on my garage doors, but not on any window coverings programs. I have no explanation as to why.
  13. Found it in iOS, but not in the Windows app which I use nearly exclusively. I was able to set up one program, but nearly all my programs, scenes and devices are not available. Kind of useless.
  14. I don't see Routines under settings
  15. Groups have been around for quite a while. The same Insteon device can be assigned to any number of groups. I'm not sure what an Alexa device is.
  16. Open and Close sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's been recommended to not use those terms, but I use them anyway. The V1 skill was removes a long time ago, are you sure that you're not on V2?
  17. Setting up multiple accounts doesn't affect anything during the set-up. But you may want to wait for the release of ISY skill V3 which purportedly allows the same result without multiple accounts.
  18. Guessing sometimes is OK, other times not. Post your program for a more accurate reply.
  19. How many Google Home devices do you have? With Alexa to respond differently in each "room" I need multiple portal accounts to accommodate using the same spoken for each actual room.
  20. Doesn't the Google Home allow you to assign device to rooms?
  21. Yes as I understand Google rooms. I do that with multiple Amazon accounts. When I'm in the bedroom, turn on the fan controls only the bedroom. In the living room, the same command turns on just the living room fan. If I want to turn on the bedroom fan when I'm in the living room, then I need to specify "bedroom fan." If a device is not added to the portal and the Google Home, then you won't have any voice control for that device.
  22. If you assign a device to a room and ask Google to turn on the light, then only that room's light will turn on. That does require that the Google Home physically be in that room. Otherwise, you'd need to name the light, such as "bedroom light," So you can have a google Home in the living room and one in the bedroom and the same command in each room will affect only the devices in that room. You can add the bedroom lightt to the living room, but you'd need to name it, such as "bedroom light". That way, if you're in the bedroom, you can ask Google to turn on the "light" and to "turn off the living room light."
  23. Why not put A, B, C, D and E in a scene and use the program to control the scene. First, the devices will turn off concurrently instead of sequentially, creating less "traffic." Second, if only the same devices fail to respond, it'll be easier to troubleshoot. Third, you can easily change the schedule to determine if there are certain times that response is problematic which will also help in troubleshooting. And especially respond to Techman's post.
  24. I erroneously believed that you were in 3-way mode when I offered the alternative. Try the various options.
  25. None that I found. I use the computer app for all Echo housekeeping: https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-com-Amazon-Alexa/dp/B00P03D4D2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1509070379&sr=8-1&keywords=alexa+app+for+computer
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