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Everything posted by stusviews
Anyone have success using the same command (e.g., Alexa, turn on the light) in different rooms without needing a separate account for each room?
Rob, I misunderstood your post (#56). The advice I gave was to be able to control all three lights at the same time. To date, the only way I found to use the same term in several rooms (e.g., light, fan, sconces, etc.) is to have multiple Amazon shopping accounts and corresponding portal sub-accounts. My understanding of v3 is that you will still need more than one portal account, but you won't need multiple Amazon accounts. BTW, if you do have/add accounts, then any Echo device within earshot of a different account needs a different wake word
I consider a serious problem. If the concern is to be made aware that the garage door was left open, and I suspect that's what most users want, and the LED is lit only when the garage door is closed, then it's really difficult to notice something that isn't there, to wit, an unlit keypad button.
If I'm reading your post correctly, then what I've emphasized in red, above, seem to be the problem. You need one group, not three. First, assign a port name each device/scene in the group a meaningful name, but one you'll never use, for example, OFClight, LRlight and MBRlight. Second, create a name for the group. Third , add each device/scene to the same one group you just named. Don't forget to forget the device/scenes involved that you've already added to the Alexa. Alexa never forgets unless it's specifically told to, even if you change "spokens" in the portal. If not intentionally forgotten, Alexa will keep the old spoken and add the new one.
Neither Insteon nor Z-Wave is Ethernet capable. Do you have line voltage where you want to install the lighting. If so, then temporarily install any Insten device at that nearest location to the house as a test. It's feasible for powerline signals to travel that far. Any success?
What you experienced is the expected result. That's probably why you selected the reverse mode in the first place. Solution: get the better magnetic contact switch.
Alexa cannot control a scene unless you ask it to turn the scene_name On or Off. Just saying "Alexa, good night" won't work. OTOH, a routine will respond to "good night."
So you surely found Conversational Artificial Intelligence. Here's another interesting term I came across: Jabberwacky (not jabberwocky) is a chatterbot created by British programmer Rollo Carpenter. Its stated aim is to "simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner". It is an early attempt at creating an artificial intelligence through human interaction.
Not made up by me. Do your own search. I lust after new knowledge/factual information. I also try to clearly indicate when something is my belief/opinion
I don't know about the OP, but I consider it fitting as the ISY doesn't fully support the MIMO2+ and anyone interested in the MIMO2+ is now able to find and alternative
What is the result if you turn the scene On from the Administrative Console? if you turn the scene Off?
I did. I was taken aback when the responses changed to the MimoLite, which is fully supported. I really need two Mimo2+'s to replace four I/O Lincs. I sprang for two MimiLites after finding, as you did, that the ISY supports only one of the two I/O abilities of the Mimo2+. I've been holding off buying two more MimoLite's hoping for a solution, but security is currently more important.
I think, therefore my environment is am are thinks for me. Not in my time, I hope. OTOH, I really appreciate how much AI has made my life fun. I maintain that using my voice to turn on a light utilizes AI. I believe that the scientific term for this phenomenon is Conversational Artificial Intelligence. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Conversational+Artificial+Intelligence&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVi7jtqK7XAhUS32MKHeu7C4gQgQMIQzAA https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/25/conversational-ai-and-the-road-ahead/ https://mindmeld.com/ and with some certainty the following is a reputable source: https://www.ibm.com/watson/advantage-reports/future-of-artificial-intelligence/ai-conversation.html
https://www.popsci.com/amazon-echo-first-artificial-intelligence-youll-want-home https://www.forbes.com/sites/howardhyu/2017/05/10/with-echo-show-amazon-seizes-the-lead-in-the-artificial-intelligence-race/#27452c2e1e37 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4081043-intel-helping-amazon-build-alexa-artificial-intelligence-kingdom https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/27/15447834/amazons-echo-look-ai-analysis-concerns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Alexa
Hmm, I thought the point we were discussing was AI and its relation to HA. OTOH, II do agree that we're in the early part of the future. I don't know what will happen next, but I can hardly wait
Not if you've already made up your mind contrary to substantial evidence to the contrary. By all accounts, AI is an integral part of HA. Do you really believe that Amazon Echo devices are not a part of HA? That they don't depend on AI? If so, then my responding is of no avail. I may as well discuss the issue with a tomato (no offense to vegetables intended)
You can now talk to your Samsung fridge here's one with Alexa LG unveils smart FRIDGE powered by Amazon's Alexa AI assistant and here's one for Gary Artificial intelligence and the fridge.
A number of sources would disagree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence https://securityintelligence.com/the-coming-revolution-of-voice-control-with-artificial-intelligence/ https://www.asme.org/engineering-topics/articles/manufacturing-design/talk-artificial-intelligence-voice-recognition https://venturebeat.com/2017/09/16/voice-recognition-will-transform-these-5-industries/ https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/27/16019222/open-source-data-ai-mozilla-common-voice-project http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-bets-on-ai-first-as-computer-vision-voice-recognition-machine-learning-improve/ https://techcrunch.com/2015/03/06/the-future-of-voice-activated-ai-sounds-awesome/ https://www.ericsson.com/thinkingahead/the-networked-society-blog/2016/04/22/alexa-ai-address-advanced-asks-why-voice-control-and-ai-open-up-for-new-micro-services/
Both the ISY portal utilizing Amazon's Echo devices and Google's Home and the latest iOS with Routines are AI based
AI has already moved HA out of the early stages.
The ISY skill has, in the past, applied to both Amazon's Echo and Google's Home. I don't believe that v3 will be any different in this respect.
I did find that a few devices did not consistently turn off. That was solved using a repeat statement. A wait may have worked. When I have time, I'll try that instead of the repeat
I have an ALL OFF scene that I recently changed from a scene to a program. The scene worked flawlessly. But, so does the program. The scene turned off all device simultaneously, the program turns them off sequentially. So, why the change? The one and only reason is the the scene uses a link (two for the controller) for each and every device, the program uses no links at all. An added benefit, at least for me, is that I ordered the devices starting with those furthest away and ending with the nearest device. That creates a fun effect.
This is a common problem (with the ISY) an no amount of programming can correct it. Follow Brian's suggestion and replace the magnetic switch.
For a factory reset, timing is critical. You need to pull out the set button until it remains in place. Holding it out it inadequate, the button should stay out on its own.. Then you need to wait at least 10 seconds, more is OK. After the wait. push the button all the way in. You'll have to hold it in this time. Continue holding the button in until the beeping stops and the load turns on. A small (pocket) screwdriver may help.