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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. It amazes me how you seem so bothered by me stating what I heard are you seriously that offended? Especially that you have to make a second reply about how it annoys you. LOL. Sorry no where in this thread did I see anyone talk about the quote I heard. Relax
  2. My uncle took it as, the guy didnt want to say. Maybe he read him wrong.
  3. The fact of the discontinued module wasnt my point. The fact that when asking Insteon if they are going out of business, they reply "I Cant say" is to me concerning. Otherwise why not just say, "Of course not".
  4. My uncle found out that the Insteon appliance module is discontinued. He called Insteon and they confirmed it. My uncle asked the guy if Insteon is going out of business. Their reply was "I cant say".
  5. Im very happy to see that we are finally here but I wonder if its best to wait to upgrade the Polisy? Is this a beta? Is everything working fine? Thanks
  6. Alexa works fine but Google cant turn on the lights
  7. In the past when Michael was in the forums talking about the upcoming Polisy and answering questions, at no time was it mentioned that UDI may not support Insteon or the PolISY would not be used as an ISY. If he did then I for one never would have bought one and Im sure alot of others wouldnt have either. I only currently use the Polisy for Ecobee and Harmony and those I could have lived without for the price I paid. Now I am hearing this information for the first time they may have plans of not supporting insteon and it does very much worry and upset me. I bought it for the future of a more powerful ISY which I am happy to hear Michael giving us some details about how good it is. I didnt buy it as a RPI replacement because I never owned a RPI. Maybe it is not UDI's fault the way Insteon treats them and by the sounds of it Insteon isnt very smart, not supporting UDI. I dont own a single Zwave product and own probably 40 Insteon devices and I have always been happy with both. I have recommended to 3 family members and 4 friends to buy both Insteon and ISY but now I am not so sure. As I said I hope I can continue to enjoy insteon and ISY and hopefully soon, get my money's worth out of the PolISY soon.
  8. My feelings exactly. I would never have purchased the PolISY and I too have been waiting for it to be used as an ISY. I hope I am proven wrong as I have too much money invested in this. Very unhappy right now!
  9. To be honest Ive been so busy I forgot I posted this question. Now after reading the responses Im shocked and afraid. Am I understanding correctly that the PolIYS may not support Insteon? If so why did I even buy it? All of my devices are Insteon so where would that leave me? Please tell me I'm reading this wrong.
  10. Has there been any progress or update to speak of when we will be able to use the Polisy as an ISY? Thanks
  11. Both programs had the same IF for the ELK so not sure if it got confused once it couldnt find the fridge. The reason i have it on the little bar fridge is the hum is too noisy so it only turns on if im not home or in bed
  12. Ok I found the problem and it is weird. A couple days ago I unplugged my appliance module that I use to plug a small fridge into. I have a program that when the elk keyfob is pressed to arm, then the fridge turns on and disarm turns it off. This is a separate program from the lights. I plugged the module back in and everything works fine.
  13. All other programs seem to run fine. Ive take a look at your link. thanks
  14. This program stopped running the then part ALARM DISARMED Boba and Bathroom Window on - If Elk Area 'Home' 'Armed State' is Disarmed Then Set 'Scenes / Boba and Bathroom Window 7 to' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The Scene "Boba and Bathroom window 7 to Bathroom Window light Livingroom plug Bot Livingroom Plug top When I disarm my ELK alarm, the bathroom light turns on and 2 plug lights in the livingroom. Has worked fine for a couple years. Last few days when I disarm the alarm, those lights do not turn on. Watching the ISY program when I disarm the ELK, the program turns green so it recognizes that the ELK is disarmed but does not run the "Then" part of the program. If I right click on the program and click "Run Then" the lights turn on fine. I cant figure out whats wrong. Thanks
  15. Ok thanks
  16. Been away for a while so was wondering what if any progress there has been to being able to use the Polisy as the ISY. Thanks
  17. Not sure what you mean by smart display. I guess mine doesnt have it.
  18. Based on the ideas you guys have given me, I asked my uncle who knows a lot about electronics to take a look at the PCB of the wall button for the opener and he suggested where to solder wires so it can connect directly to the I/O link. After doing this, I am now able to open and close my Chamberlain opener with the I/O link. So maybe save you guys some money and time if you want to try this. Thanks for the help
  19. Does this work with the I/O Linc?
  20. What does the FilterLinc do? Do I still use the I/O linc with it?
  21. My previous Genie opener worked fine with the I/O linc. Now I bought a Chamberlain garage door opener (C203C) and the I/O linc wont open the door. My opener says it is "myQ" compatible, what do I need to buy to be able to open the garage door with my Android phone? Thanks
  22. No power outage. I would have to check the devices next time it happens. Thanks
  23. When I close my bedroom door, my ecobee sets the temp down. The last couple nights it hasnt worked. I checked the Polisy and ecobee says its connected but in the ISY the Ecobee is not displaying an accurate temp. How do I make sense of where the trouble is with the polisy? I clicked restart on the Ecobee poly and that seemed to work. What causes this? Thanks
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