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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. Yes i didnt mean the portal I meant that web access not sure what its called but it takes the same name and password as the console. I did refresh it and it didnt show up. I asked google to turn on a light and it did so at least that was working. Then I tried adding the isy by re adding the address and thats when the username and password didnt work.
  2. I went to open the admin console and my ISY was not there. I went to ISY portal and copied the "Admin consol URL" address then went to admin console and added that URL to the consol and saved it. I opened it and it asked for my user name and password. I entered it and it said "Failed.Retry Authenticating ISY" The same password works for the ISY web access. Please help
  3. I just reinstalled windows 10, made a user account separate from admin and installed Java. I clicked on https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp and it downoads it but when I run it as the user the launcher doesnt appear nor does it show up on my desktop. If I am logged in as admin then it works fine. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks
  4. I checked my junk and nothing. Thanks for letting me know its Dec 17. I don't mind waiting until after the bugs are worked out and the experts have enough time with it that they can help me.
  5. I preordered and read that it would ship around Oct.17. As it is now Nov.23 I have still not received it nor have I been sent an email to explain. I'm fine if it may be delayed to work out the bugs but the customer should be informed!
  6. I'm talking about the difference between a message and a notification in autoremote. Are you saying a "message" in Autoremote is actually an email through autoremote? In your wiki you have a link http://joaoapps.com/autoremote/ which has videos showing how tasker reacts to a message but not a notification. Is there a difference between the message and notification? Thanks
  7. Your welcome. Ok figured out the problem. I don't know how to use Autoremote! This whole time I have been successfully sending myself messages but was expecting it to popup on the phone. Didn't know I had to go into Autoremote and check for messages. I realized this because I tried sending notifications instead of messages and saw the popups. It works and I can receive messages from NR to phone. Do you prefer messages or notifications? Thanks
  8. In the wiki link you posted it says to set "GET" and mode is "C Escape" but if you set "GET" then the option for "C Escape" doesn't show up. You need to select "POST" for that option. Which is the correct way? Also I am not sure what "On a desktop - visit the goog.gl URL in order to determine the long URL" in the instructions
  9. Pushover sounds like a good option but I have alot of custom sounds so maybe I'll have to go the autoremote route. Thanks so much, I appreciate it. Thanks to all of you
  10. "If using the Pushover URL - then Pushover is playing the message and popping up the notification. No Tasker or autoremote needed." What do you mean by Pushover URL? How does pushover grab the sound file for the notification you want, such as a different sound for specific messages? So you recommend and prefer the tasker/autoremote method? Is it faster and more reliable?
  11. Few questions: 1.your method does not require tasker, only autoremote? 2. What plays the selected sound files, autoremote? Thanks
  12. I have Autoremote but never knew how to use it. I just learned about NR for notifications. Where do I find your recipe? currently tasker receives my isy emails through pushover plugin then I have it play a sound like if I have a water leak it plays the sound of a sonar ping. When you wrote "A better alternative may be to send the Pushover message with a parameter to play a sound. That way it’s not dependent on Tasker.", can you explain how that works? Thanks and have patience with me as I will probably be bugging you more about this.
  13. I see some have received their polisy and I'm sure questions are going to start coming in so just wondering when the forum will be updated for it. Thanks
  14. Thank you. I tried a sample message in NR that duplicated an email program I have. The program sends an email when my rear perimeter is activated. I use a tasker task that when the message "Rear perimeter" is received, it plays a notification sound. When sending the same message through NR, tasker doesn't seem to acknowledge it. Is Tasker not compatible with the NR messages? Thanks
  15. Yes but didnt see a date and time
  16. Can any of you post a screenshot or the text of the body for one of your NR messages please. In particular one that includes date and time if possible. I understand you don't want to include the key but everything after the & sign. Thanks
  17. They had a DDOS yesterday and today. Mine was affected. NR isnt working.
  18. Why is NR faster and more reliable?
  19. My email to pushover seems to work now but not the network resources.
  20. It was on their twitter. Looks like I spoke too soon, still having problems. Im currently not receiving messages.
  21. I just now received about 20 pushover notifications that were backlogged. So I guess its fixed
  22. I must have jinxed it by asking pushover questions but Pushover is currently fighting a DDOS . I wondered why I wasnt getting my notifications.
  23. Can someone tell me which ISY notification method is better in terms of reliability and speed? Pushover Polyglot Email to Pushover Network resources using Pushover Or is there something better? Thanks
  24. I got it to work. I made a program that sent by email to pushover and from network resources and both were about the same speed. Thanks
  25. The link to your instructions shows a link https://pushover.net/apps. What do I select at that link? "Pushover E-mail Gateway? Is there a cost involved?
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