Brian H
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Everything posted by Brian H
Magenta is the color indicating a Controller. Blue is a responder. All my RemoteLinc entries are the same. Also my SwitchLinc that has a local load and controls an ApplianceLinc. Is also Magenta. Also the RemoteLinc has a power saving feature. It powers down to a low power mode and will not respond to any requests unless in the linking mode. By holding the Bright and Dim buttons for 10 seconds and the LED is blinking.
You may have a marginal signal to that module. Most of the time it is fine but sometimes it misses. I have four modules on one branch circuit. Almost always fine in the Scenes they are in. But from time to time one or all of them miss my Morning On Scene. I think it is only when the furnace is running in the first thirty seconds of power on. When the Electronic Ignition is On. Yes I know just try and catch it.
Smarthome just announced a kit basically doing what you are doing now. Like you beat them to the glory. http://www.smarthome.com/318276I/I-O-Li ... Kit/p.aspx There is a Quick Guide on the web page. Maybe it can give you some clues to how they intend to do it.
Gee my BRAND NEW PLM from Smarthome is a HW 2.95 with 7A Firmware! This is not a swap for a problem one but a newly purchased one.
OH yes. Snow storm. My home gets drifts. So even though I believe we may have gotten 8" of snow. About 14" in front of my garage and top driveway. I liked Classic View and it took me awhile to stumble on the cause in my case. I hope it maybe yours too.
OK that gives more data to think on. Do you know the Hardware Revision on the sticker on the back of the modules. I have had poor results with the new Rev 4.1 ApplianceLincs. I have one Rev 4.3 LampLinc but I have not done much testing with it.
Noise Filters or filters made for X10 and Insteon use? Many noise filters will absorb both X10 and Insteon signals as both to a standard filter are noise. Some of the better surge suppressor strips with noise filters can also be a problem. I have a Smarthome FilterLinc on my electronics setup and a 10 amp FilterLinc on my APC BX1000 UPS. Yes both are for X10 but they also work well on Insteon as it uses a power line signal not too far away from the X10 one.
Rand; Probably right. Not the first time the documentation was not updated to shipping product. I was to see they released a NEW Developers Guide late in February 09.
I have a very small system right now. PLM Link Count is 70. I tried four tests. Count alone 70 Counting and send an all on from a RemoteLinc count now 86 Counting and send three sets of all on. Count now 116 Count again no activity. 70 UDI may verify this; but it sure looks like Insteon Activity during the link table count can change it. The System Busy warning also indicates don't make any adjustments to linked devices. Adjustments like on off preset dim etc.; maybe included in that statement.
The documentation in the SDK users documentation. Indicates you can set the delay after no motion to 255 '30 second intervals'. Isn't that over 2 hours?
No. I ran with none for a few months since I deleted it from what the factory shipped it with. I did add one manually.
Sounds like the Lamplinc is generating noise. Does it go away when off? Worse if not 100% on?
Sounds like the Lamplinc is generating noise. Does it go away when off? Worse if not 100% on?
All Insteon devices have a microcontroller chip in them. All can generate some electronic noise. By rotating your radio 90 degrees the noise getting into the radios antenna was reduced.
X10 power line signals are an address that wakes up the module. Then a X10 command. If the chime module is addressed and then sent the On command and is busy processing the chime function. The next X10 Address maybe missed [the one that should tell it it is no longer the addressed module] so the chime module still thinks it is being addressed and see the on command for another module to turn on. It WILL chime again. Mine does the same thing. I send a chime on; then light some X10 addressed lights. It frequently chimes again. This is with an X10 controller and is not in any way an ISY issued command. I can also chime my module with other light addresses from my palmpad remote if I get the buttons timed exactly right. It is most likely the chimes way of working and not an ISY thing. I reread your post. It does look like in your example the actual chime on is being sent twice. So my missed new address command example may not be your problem.
If the RemoteLinc's LED starts flashing after pushing a linked button. One or more of the devices is not responding back that the command was received. Could be the signal didn't get back to an Access Point to relay the message back to the RemoteLinc.
I don't believe there is an installation CD anymore. My original ISY-26 came with a CD, but my ISY99i didn't have one. All the latest is on the web and in the wiki. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... =Main_Page
Could be a Firewall thing. I know my Zone Alarm Software did funny things until I put the ISY99is address in the Trusted Zone. What Firewall are you using?
Yes I have the 2.6.13 and two motion sensors. In their boxes. Until my v4.1 ApplianceLincs are going well. No more new Insteon Devices are going into my setup. I knew there was a peak poke memory location to set it. I just didn't know if it was implemented yet. Now I know it is.
There is a memory location in the motion sensor that sets the time delay after the last motion to when the off is sent. Up to 255 30 second intervals. By my calculations that is 2 hours 7 minutes and 30 seconds. I don't know if anyones software can modify this at the present time. Also Smarthome's documentation is frequently flawed. So if this setting actually works is anyones guess.
Sounds interesting. Since the momentary switch is normally open you could even add the modules output in parallel with the case switch and both would work. Going off may need a longer time depending on your motherboards SETUP. Mine needs the power switch held for four seconds to go off if the software doesn't turn it off.
Since ISY and Powerhome are both messing with the same PLM Link Table. That could be the problem. Using two different programs to alter the same PLM is not a good idea. Or did I read you post incorrectly and you have two PLM Modules and not trying to use the same for both setups?
The new manual says. Move the jumper. Wait 10 seconds. Then initiate a motion detect to set the new setting.