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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. I would also say read the latest manual. I believe after a jumper is moved a procedure has to be followed before the change happens.
  2. Do you have communications issues with then off to other parts of your setup? Do the new lamps have electronic ballasts or dimers? If so they could be a problem. ToggleLinc relay or dimmer?
  3. When I was programming mine and was done. I should have just let them time out. I decided to hit another button to stop it early and ended up turning off the LED and sounder.
  4. I believe that is correct. I had the pre release and don't remember the Advanced Option.
  5. If by some chance. The setup then gets poor communications. Some cell phone chargers make lots of power line noise.
  6. It is the local sensing current that keeps the LED lights dim all the time. Even if you set the Local Control Off it is still there. Just that the module will ignore any local switches being toggled. The ApplianceLincs also do the same thing.
  7. I believe I have read the Windows Firewall is ok as is. Though with all the XP security updates always coming our way. Maybe someone has new data if it is now a problem.
  8. What firewall are you using? Some need some tweaking to allow access. I know my Zone Alarm needed tweaking or My Lighting disappeared all the time. I have XP Pro SP3.
  9. From what I have seen. The HL2 PLM has some special device catalog in it and only works with HL2.
  10. I have two in use and they do not eat batteries like yours does. I would also say call Smarthome as I have also seen messages on short battery life.
  11. Where did you find a USB PLM? I thought the only USB PLM was in the HouseLinc2 Kit and was specially loaded for that software. You didn't by chance buy a 2414U PLC did you? The PLM is a 2412S
  12. Well only a guess here. The OutletLinc on-line manual indicates you can turn local sensing on and off. If it is like the ApplianceLinc the current is always there. You just set it to follow or ignore the load bring toggled. My light bulb thing as you know is not the only way to stop the flickers and dim LEDs. I have even see some X10 users where the current is much higher than Insteon Modules. Use some 220,000 Ohm 1/2W resistors to drain the current. Update: I did some tests and found the 220K resistor does not help much with a 15 White LED screw in bulb. Tried it with a few X10 and Insteon Modules. With a 56K 1/2 Watt. A New ApplianceLinc HW 4.1 still glows, but an old HW 1.3 no visible glow. I know that the new HW 4.1 ApplianceLinks do not sputter and click on my known problem load that drives the old ones crazy. I also have measured a higher local sensing current on the new models.
  13. They may glow dimly when off. The Local Control Sensing current maybe enough to keep them glowing dimly. Even though you can disable the Local Control. The current is still there; just not acted on. If you get a glow. One fix is a small incandescent 4 watt night light connected to the output of the LampLinc. Using one of those power cubes that allow you to connect more than one item to an outlet.
  14. The default setup for the Motion Sensor. Sends an Off after 1 minute of not detecting any motion. It can be set to never send an Off and it can also be reprogrammed by software to time out in 30 seconds. I have not calculated the max timeout. There are a few other I2 commands to do things, but I have no idea if they really work.
  15. I have a single Sunset Program miss the NSR time after a power loss. It showed that the following day was the next time it should run and not the same day as it should have. This was in 2.6.7 and maybe it carried to 2.6.8. Update: I just replaced my PLM using the restore PLM choice in the Files Tab. The Program summary showed my lone Sunset -20 minutes as not to be run until 11/29/08. I went into the Configuration Tab and unchecked Use Daylight Savings Time. Let it do its thing. Then rechecked the tab and again let it do its thing. Now the next expected run time is 11/28/08 as it should be. This is with 2.6.8
  16. Brian H

    What IS I2?

    Sounds like Smarthome has created a Monster!
  17. I also always do a Factory Reset on all my new Insteon devices. As I have seen others with strange things happening. Some modules have even had X10 addresses in them from what I have read.
  18. I believe only Smarthome flashes the Firmware at the factory. The 2414S is a PLC but I know for a fact my early 2412S PLM was a 2414S with PLM Firmware and even the original Daughter Card. Unused RTC Chip and all.
  19. Even more fun. Sometimes the quirks vary depending on the firmware revision.
  20. Did the LED on the RemoteLinc start flashing? You may want to try moving the RemoteLinc closer to one of your Access Points and see if it maybe a range thing. Maybe trying a Factory reset on it may also help. When I added my second RemoteLinc. I used the Add new Insteon Device mode and then linked the buttons to varied modules.
  21. Yes my new ApplianceLinc hardware 4.1 shows a lower firmware version; but was higher than my older ones.
  22. Most time it is a bad idea to try and dim transformer run low voltage lighting. Unless the lights specifications say they can be dimmed. An ApplianceLinc V2 would be better and I have found the new hardware version 4.1 can control my cranky loads the older version 1.3 could not. Without sputters and things.
  23. None needed. The ISY-99i uses the power from the PLM it is connected to.
  24. The Night On worked as expected yesterday. Next run time today also looks correct. It ran as it should have at the correct time.
  25. The Sunset yesterday was 7:10 PM. Missed the scheduled time yesterday so it showed today's of 6:58 PM before I toggled DST from On to Off then back On. It then showed todays as 6:48. Closer to what I expected Today Sunset shows 7:08 PM and the night on time was where I expected it to be, 6:48 PM. -20 from Sunset. Will try to observe when it happens today.
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