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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. I have also see some openers manufactures say they had some brand LED bulbs cause their openers to get very touchy. Not surprised the power supplies caused issue. They also have caused many X10 issues over the years. I saw an X10 tutorial where a cell phone charger. Spewed out noise on the X10 power line frequency. The I/OLinc is also power line only so line issues can effect its operation. Some have added a dual band module on the same circuit. I personalty have an extra 2457D2 Lamplinc just doing dual band functions with no load. I did open a Range Extender and it was a 2457D2 with the dimmer parts removed. I/OLinc also has a switching supply so capacitors can also be considered. I have seen the old Smarthome try different capacitors as the revision levels changed.
  2. I actually saw a condo. Fed from three phase. With each unit using two of the three phase leads and common. To help balance the power line feed. Each unit had 120VAC neutral to each line and 208 line to line. I believe the high voltage appliances where made for 208 or wired for 208. 120 degree phase separation.
  3. 2413U Revision 2.6 is recent. Date Code 1223 is December 2023. It should have the latest hardware caps in it.
  4. Your PLM information. Indicates it is fairly old. Also with only two links. I would suspect the PLM is failing. As two links is way to low.
  5. I don't think that it listens when in power saving mode and not woken up to see commands. It may not even have an RF receiver in it.
  6. Sounds correct. The RJ45 serial 2413S PLM end only had three sires connected. From other posts here.
  7. Be careful. The RJ45 network style serial connection on the PLM end only uses three wires. Other pins on the PLM end are not serial like send and receive TTL level signals. That should not be connected to anything.
  8. Another symptom is a dim or out LED on the side. Can be rebuilt built. These days most go the new latest version PLM.
  9. I believe you also had post on the Insteon forum. I posted a link to the manual there. Though you may already have it since you are using on already.
  10. Yes the dual band modules. Do receive the Insteon RF messages and send them back on the power lines. The power line only devices. Have to be reachable by that dual bands power line communications message. The 2856D you can control it is receiving the commands. The ones even in the same scene that do not respond. Are not receiving the commands. It sounds like you have a power line communications problem to the 24856D modules that do not follow the commands. Any new or moved electronic devices that maybe making power line noise or have become a signal sucker? You may try a test and start unplugging other electronics on the circuit the unresponsive 2856D is on. The 2856D is a plug in module. Try moving it to a different circuit and then see if the response changes. If you have any phase coupler to get the two incoming power lines. It may have failed. You may want to hold off on the factory reset and see if anything else. Like a signal sucker, noise maker of failed phase coupler is the issue.
  11. Yes it is old and 26 pages long but you should find information in it. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/
  12. Try clicking on the data line it is displaying and chose of you want a LAN or cloud connection. I use LAN myself. If the LED on the side of the PLM. It is an indication it has failed. If you are handy there are repair threads on repairing them.
  13. Only the 2477D and 2413S PLM will receive Insteon RF commands. From Insteon controllers like a Remotelinc II. As the rest are power line only. One other thing to think of. If older ones are using the original I1 protocol. A restore will use eight single bit messages and eight ACK messages back to write one byte of data into a modules link database. So it will take time for a restore especially if there is poor power line conditions and retries have to be done.
  14. What controller models are you trying to use? Are they controlling the dimmers through the ISY994i? If they are through the ISY994i. You should be able to see the changes in the Administrative Console. When you try the Query you can get further clues with the Event Viewer in Level 3. Only the 2477D is dual band. The others are power line only. Something else may have been effected with the power switch. Try a factory reset on one of the switches and then a restore.
  15. I have a few spare PLM modules. As I like to look for obvious changes in the PLM. Along with a spare ISY994i.
  16. Try a power supply. When they fail all kinds of strange things happen. I have had at least one on an ISY26, ISY99i and now a ISY994i. Since you tried more than one PLM. Try a new cable between the PLM and your ISY994i. They have on occasion gotten flaky.
  17. Before Soft Start. On 100% and dim down. After Softstart. Both On 100% and dim down and X10 Extended Dim commands. That was also when the new surface mounted components and different processor where introduced. Smarthome used the On 100% dim down and Preset Dim. Smarthome modules don't respond to X10 Extended dim and X10 don't respond to Smarthome Preset dim. I think Leviton used the Preset dim also. Not sure about the ACT A10 protocol as it is built on X10 commands with added features. Found a file with a small part of one of the PLM developers sheets. DimDif.txt
  18. Depending on if the metal frame of the switch is mounted on a surface that will help remove the generated heat. Incandescent loads also may have a current surge when starting with a cold filament. To consider. Relay type as pointed out would be better if you don't need dimming.
  19. Insteon dual band devices also have a built in communications test you can use. Some manuals call it the 4 tap test, some the beacon test and some have a flow chart to follow to enable the test. The dual band modules and their range extenders [dual band 2477D2 Lamplinc with the dimmer parts left out]. Do not couple or pass on X10 messages. Many of the passive X10 couplers will also couple Insteon power line messages. Some of the active X10 coupler repeaters can see the end of an Insteon power line massage as a bogus X10 message and try and repeat the command. I have a XTB-IIR that knows enough to not false on Insteon. So in my case I have a mixture of X10 and Insteon devices.
  20. Guy is correct. The tact switches on the PCB get intermittent and may even click but not actually make contact. When the paddle mechanically activate the tact switch. There was a repair instructions on how some one did the repair. There was a early production run of the 2476 Switchlinc that we actually gave us an extended warranty [back when Smarthome sold an add on 7 year warranty ] if the switches went bad. I had a few myself.
  21. Thank you for taking thee time do show the reset switch. It is definitely an improvement from the FCC Database internal photos.
  22. On but not off. Does sound like a noisy or signal sucker load. I have had a few over the years.
  23. They control the load output from the module. The pair can be controlled for the load connected to it and it can be used to control other devices.
  24. OK Exactly where is the button? My FCC Database photos show no button. Though the FCC Database photos are the originally thought of design and may not be in the production modules.
  25. Thank you for the information. I think they sent me an email on the subject also.
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