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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. There where a set of special numbers. Used on the Developers Group modules. So the programs for Dock Light Evaluation they gave us. Would work for all the kits. 2412S or 2412U PLM and other modules all had the same six digit ID number. Examplet the Developers LampLinc was 11.11.11 You probably guessed. Two developers in the same room. Stepped on each other. Many of my original modules where 00. for the first two byte of the address. Some still in use.
  2. OK then the dual band four tap tests should work. Now not all dual band modules in the home. Will show an LED flash from every other module in the house and is normal many times. Just every module will communicate to at least one other one. I checked my manuals for the 2457D2. The earlier manuals called it an RF Beacon test. Found on a flow chart of set button presses and LED flashing patterns. Later revision manuals didn't mention it at all. The four tap test probably will still function. Along with the flow chart method.
  3. Are the LampLinc modules 2457D2 dual band or the old 2456D3 power line only models? No they do not have to be linked to any other devices. Any dual band module can do the four tap or later called the Beacon test. The Lamplinc can be used alone or be used in the system to control a device. I have a 2457D2 LampLinc just as a signal bridge. The Range Extender is just a 2457D2 Lamplinc with the dimmer components not installed. Even your 2413S PLM can run the four tap test as it is Dual Band. The Range Extender manual gives some information on the Four Tap Tests. https://www.insteon.com/support-knowledgebase/2014/9/26/range-extender-owners-manual
  4. Some manuals also had a flow chart of set button actions and led flashing patterns. To find the beacon test but I found on some. The good old four tap test also worked OK. Only LED flashing that was different. Was the older access points with the single color white LED. In that case it was the LED flashing patterns.
  5. I have a JV Digital XTB-IIR X10 coupler/repeater. It will not couple Insteon power line command. It is smart enough to ignore Insteon commands on the power line. Other models may see the tail end of an Insteon command as an X10 command and corrupt the Insteon command. X10 phase couplers should work OK most times. The now discontinued XPCP had tuned line inputs. In that case I can't say if an Insteon signal would be passed between phases. Most these days. Use dual band modules and don't need a coupler between the phases. I am almost 100% power line only Insteon. So in my case I still have a pair of Access Points and a dual band LampLinc in the pass through outlet on one of my ApplianceLinc modules.
  6. I also say. Use a FilterLinc on the UPS AC input. Most UPS devices have a power line conditioner in it and it absorbs Insteon and X10 power line signals. I have my UPS AC input on a FilterLinc with the PLM in the pass through outlet on the front.
  7. The Microwave probably has some capacitors across the absorbing internal noise. They also absorb X10 and Insteon power line signals. It is possible over the three years. Something has changed. Here is the XPF instructions. from the X10 sales site. Note it is fairly large as it is 120VAC 20 Amps. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0324/7511/9675/files/xpf-is_03804f43-a696-42cf-992d-7797f3dc34ba.pdf?v=1673368020
  8. There is a special SD card replacement procedure. As you have to put the firmware back on the new card. As the ISY994i has a minimum firmware in it until the firmware is put back on it. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card No backup at all? That may require you to have the programs, scenes and modules manually redone. I would also try the cleaning the contacts on the old one and seeing if you can access it in the iSY994i and if it worked. Do a backup and then replace the SD card as a precaution.
  9. RF devices are in a power saving state and you have to wake them up individually to read and write data to them. When doing a restore. It is best to turn off automatic writes to wireless devices. If you have that option. ISY994i PRO and I believe all eisy's have that option. So you don't have all the retires and failed message to slow down the restore.
  10. I know there was two major 2456S3 ApplianceLinc modules and more than one firmware revision. So it could be possible some did not work well with recent PLM revisions. It was only partially supported for I2CS according to the information we got in the Developers Forums. I personally had issues with later PLM versions and the 2440 original RemoteLinc. Had to have it on the other end of the house. So the PLM didn't use its RF receiver and had to us the power line from a different RF receiver back to the PLM.
  11. I would also be careful with a microwave and a FilterLinc. It has a fuse in it. So if I works for a while and then goes dead. The fuse has failed. They are soldered in but can be replaced.
  12. The failed one is definitely with in the warranty and contacting them should get you a replacement. V2.7 is a very recent revision.
  13. I also have X10 addresses in my Insteon Modules and an HR12A. I also do not like the Insteon remotes. The Range Extenders I have looked at are a 2457D2 Dual Band Lamplinc with the dimmer circuit removed. They even kept the same FCC Database number on them. Four tap test also works fine. Testing to other modules. Like me and others. I have a 2457D2 or other Dual Band module being used as a Range Extender. Since it is only being used for range extending. It is not even in the ISY994i setup.
  14. The 2456S3 is power line only. The manuals description of how Insteon works does show Insteon can also be RF and maybe what is confusing you. As Dual Band does use both the AC power line and RF. If the module is Dual Band or RF only. It would have an FCC Database ID on its label and in the specification sheet in the manual. It will show the RF frequency and AC power requirements. Manuals are sometimes confusing from what I have seen and read. Some of the Developers notes they gave us had errors in them.
  15. We have seen other Insteon modules. Also being shipped with configurations not to factory reset conditions. Sounds like the factory still has not done a before ship factory reset.
  16. 1) Did you cycle the power to the PLM and then let it reboot? During then test? In case it had locked up. We have seen a PLM get lost and needed a reboot. Though a PLM starting the fail also would sometimes work for a short time. Sounds like you are correct and the original has failed. If you had also rebooted the PLM and eisy during your initial tests. What is the revision number on both PLM's? That may give us some added information.
  17. No the 2456S3 ApplianceLinc is not dual band. It is the original Insteon relay module and is power line only. Is in the larger case like a PLM and has a pass through outlet on the front. If it is a 2856S3 it would be a Icon version of the original AppliancLinc. The 2635-222 On Off Insteon Module is dual band. The model number is on the back of the module. full 2635-222 manual too big to post here but can be found in the support section of Insteon.com 2456s3_newer.pdf 2635-222qs-en.pdf
  18. The Revision Number on the PLM. Should be an indicator of its firmware and hardware.
  19. V1.7 is an older PLM and it is possible it is failing. With the capacitor issues we have seen. 1222 could be week 22 of 2012.
  20. My ~2006 2476 SwitchLinc Relay switches. Did not use an Air Gap switch and had a convoluted method to do a Factory Reset. I thought (maybe for a short time) there was an Air Gap switch in a 2476S. Yup I also saw In Rush current and some models also a Repetitive Peek current that caused issue. I know some manufacturers with dim able LED bulbs. Gave you a wattage rating to take that into consideration. An 8 watt LED bulb that the manufacturer said use a figure of 80 watts when calculating for the wattage on a switch. We had a user in the X10 forums. With a 5 Amp XPPF Filter and a fluorescent light. Burned up. User said he meter said around 2 Amps but they did not take the peak starting and repetitive peek currents in consideration. That their meter didn't show.
  21. You can add or remove the RemoteLinc button from a scene but you can't link a Z-Wave device directly to a RemoteLinc button. Try turning the scene on and off with the remote and let the scene control the device. Do other scenes in the remotes buttons work as planed? If so I doubt the remote has communications problems.
  22. If the wall wart supply is old. Try a replacement. ISY994i has a wide input voltage range and we have seen wall warts cause all kinds of issues here. I personally had one on an ISY99i and one on a ISY994i go bad.
  23. Sounds like the relay contacts welded shut but the armature in the relay was able to click. FCC photos not close enough to is if there is a protective network across the relay contacts. If it shorted that would also cause the issue. Though I thought the air gap switch removed the black load wire completely. Are the LED bulbs rated to be on dimmer switch?
  24. If you replace the photo sensor and only use Insteon to turn it on and off. Use the Line, Load and Neutral to turn the light on and off. Insulate and don't use either Yellow or Purple. The switch would use the Yellow wire for control by the switch. All unused trigger wires are taped off if not used. Some photocell controls used a traic and not a relay. They sometimes had enough leakage off to keep the module on. 2443-x22.pdf
  25. Are you replacing the original switch or using the original switch to trigger the 2443-222 Micro Module? The Yellow (sense 1) and Purple (sense 2) wires are trigger wires. You can trigger the Micro Module with a 120VAC signal from the original switch. If you are replacing the original switch. They are not used and cap them off. If you are using the original switch to trigger it and Insteon control. Connect the Yellow wire to the Load terminal of the switch and keep a Line on the switches Line terminal. Tape off the Purple Wire and then set the 2443-222 to use a trigger on the Yellow (sense 1) wire. In my manual page 5 of 21. Shows the Without Switch diagram and the Latching Switch diagram. Your description sounds like you either are not using a switch or a latching switch originally turning the load on. Purple would get caped off or both Yellow and Purple with no external switch.
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