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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. I can not say about production modules but the FCC Database Internal photos. Show two TRVF-24VDC-SD-AL relays Specification sheet not 100% clear either. Note the 2663-222 is not on the present Insteon sales pages. Looks like it was replaced by an dual switched outlet I3 module. Says 600 Watts Incandescent and 15Amps all other loads. TRV_TRVF.pdf
  2. I would suspect a start up surge current or a voltage spike when switching off.
  3. That information on the added click for a faster LED blinking. Manual indicates that is the multi-linking mode. That may stop it from timing out while programming it. Though my full users manual has no mention of it but mine is one of the oldest age and firmware wise.
  4. Firmware v5.3.4. Add a RemoteLink choice in the drop down list. Automatic writes to RF devices not turned on. Here is a RemoteLink added to my ISY994i. Got what you got when it was near the PLM. Was OK at the other end of the house next to a Access Point. Notice the modules [INST-SRX] replies to the communications from the PLM. Original V1.0 RemoteLink Firmware V.33. I forgot the enable automatic writes to an RF device so it ended up writes pending. RemoteLink.txt
  5. I made an error. I have four in total. I have one 2440 and 2440BK that have dead buttons. Also one 2440 and 2440BK in a storage box. Both of the 2440BK unit with the nice black coating. Have gotten a very sticky coating on them. I have other devices like a Comcast remote and a wireless temperature reader that also have similar sticky surface. All made in China. 😁
  6. Gee I thought my Developers Group information was forgotten. 😀 The viewer output. Shows the PLM being told to send a command to the RemoteLinc's ID and the PLM acknowledged the request as a valid command and it was sent. It does not show any returned message from the RemoteLinc back to the PLM. Looks like the command for the module to report its Insteon Engine version. INSTEON Engine Version command (0x0D) will return 0x02 in cmd2 for I2CS. 0x00 = I1 INSTEON device 0x01 = I2 INSTEON device 0x02 = I2CS enabled device NAK 0xFF = I2CS enabled device and sender ID not in responder dB Maybe it did not reply, the message was not received by an Insteon RF device [PLM or dual band module], the message was sent to the PLM and it was ignored. Mine are dead not just problems programming them.
  7. Support sounds like way to go. If no other ideas are given. It may help if you can do a few tests with the Event Viewer at Level 3. That may give us information. That would help users here and UDI Support Ticket team.
  8. Long shot but what I found maybe a small help. I found with mine I had similar issues with an ISY994i. In my case I had to move the 2440 to the other side of the house. So that it had to go through a dual band modules RF receiver and did not directly go through the PLM's RF receiver connected to the ISY994i. Glad yours still are working. All of mine have died and are ready for the electronic recycling bin.
  9. Besides power line noise. You also have power line signal suckers. Many devices with electronics in them. Have an across the power line capacitor to keep internal noise off of the power lines. That capacitor also absorbs both Insteon and X10 power line signal as noise. Best way to find one is unplugging it and seeing if things improve. Since Dual Band also uses RF a signal sucker is not as critical these days but my portable air conditioner killed my old 2456S3 ApplianceLinc until I put a spare Dual Band LampLinc in its pass through outlet on the front.
  10. Insteon's own Details White Paper and many of their full users manuals. Says 131.65 kHz power line carrier frequency! 120kHz is the X10 frequency. That the PLM and many of the older Insteon modules would also accept.
  11. I agree that it unit in the first photo. Is not one I have seen from Smartlabs. The components show it was most likely a switcher not the older linear power supply. That white silk screened open area. Maybe a unused place for something needing a metal cover for shielding. It is either one made OEM for them by Smartlabs or was one they made in house.
  12. Just some extra information. The RF frequency is 915MHz. 120V 60Cy. The more universal one with better specifications seems to have vanished. Even though it was as far as an FCC Database entry.
  13. Smartenit used two different base PLM models. From what I have seen over the years. The base 2412 PLM and the dual band 2413 PLM. The 2413 didn't last that long as it as has the capacitor issues. You maybe able to tell if it had the two antennas off the main board as a 2413. The 2412 had no antennas and two large filter capacitors. The early ones where had the small link database firmware and the later the large link database firmware. Not 100% sure but that maybe a factor in your situation. I had a first released 2412 based unit with the release the magic smoke feature. That about 50% of the time smoked on a factory reset. 😀. Was replaced promptly when they where SimpleHomeNet.
  14. Just remote antennas does sound like a good solution and operating temperature is much less of a concern.
  15. Jeff at JV Digital also has a good set of tutorials. X10 primarily but many also effect Insteon power line issues. I found the cell phone charger. Real interesting and sad. https://jvde.us/x10-troubleshooting/
  16. You did power cycle the ISY994i and 2413. Letting the PLM fully boot first? We have seen strange things if the wall wart supply for the ISY994i has issues but this doesn't exactly fit the problems we have seen. I would suspect the 2413S has a problem communicating. How old is it and can you find the revision number on the back? Can you do a test to one of the problem devices. Showing the communications in Event Viewer on Level 3 and see what it shows. Or you suddenly have a noise maker on the power lines strong enough for the 2413S to think there is a communications on the line. Oh one more thought. Are the modules in question new enough the be Dual Band or the older power line only modules?
  17. 9 minutes was removed and changed to a maximum of 8 minutes. For many of the modules over the years. Though the reasoning for it I can't remember.
  18. Yes. The old 2456S3 ApplianceLinc was a single band power line only module. I have see two major versions of them. V1.3 was the original ones and v4.? (seen a few revisions) a slightly better design. V1.2 was a recalled revision as switching certain loads would cause the magic smoke to come out. 😀
  19. You may have an intermittent power line noise or signal sucker issue. The range extender or any other dual band module. Will receive the sensors RF signals and pass them on over the power lines back to the main setup. If the sensors RF signal is not getting back to the main setup alone. If it starts again. Try and make a note of what maybe running when the issue stares again.
  20. It does sound like a range issue, interference, power line noise. As it worked in the office and could be added closer to the PLM. That is probably the device receiving and sending the sensors RF signals. You are having problems adding the sensor not trying to add the range extender. That I believe is not possible to add the the system. If you have an LED type light in the opener try temporarily removing it. I have seen report of some causing problems. If you unplug the opener itself. Can you then talk to the sensor? I have seen some openers electronics. Reported to cause issue and having to be on a FilterLinc to isolate it.
  21. Another point. The I/OLinc besides being power line only. Also has a small switching power supply in it and the old Smarthome did the different sized capacitors trick. The early revision 1.0 has what I would call too low a sized capacitor in it and when the relay is on. The power supply voltage sages. That may or may not effect your setup. If the unit is older and has aged.
  22. Did you try a replacement or temporary substitute power supply? For the twitchy ISY994i.
  23. Yes they can fail. Most where probably the older designed I1 power line ones but I have seen some of the newer ones also being reported as going bad. Newer ones went to a switching power supply and may have had the capacitor issues we see in the 2413S PLM. I have also seen not working tact switches under KPL buttons reported. I have had some 2456S3 ApplinceLincs fail. One actually started pulsing On and Off at about a 60 cycle rate. Replacing the capacitors in it fixed it. My ISY994i also had a power supply wall wart fail and I did a SD Card swap for good measure.
  24. Could also depend on the KeyPadLinc's age. The early ones where also power line only.
  25. The old ISY99 was mentioned in the question. So I can't remember when my moth balled ISY99 could do. Those are in my ISY994i drop down list.
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