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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. Did you have a chance to look at the revision of the 2443 Access Points? Any revision of 2.0 and above are base 2413 PLM electronics and can have the same capacitor issues. One of mine the LED on the side was off and the second one was very dim. In my case the same capacitor fix for the 2413S PLM worked. You can try power cycling them and see what happens. You can also do the 4 tap communications test on them. 4tp test also will run on the 2413S.
  2. You may also want to run the built in tests between the two 2443 access points to see if they are still communicating. If they are any revision 2 units. They are built on the base 2413 PLM and have the same capacitor issues as the 2413S PLM. I had to rebuild mine with capacitor issues.
  3. One possibility is that Smarthome modules and Insteon modules. Used a different dim command %Dim. X10 used extended and the original full on and dim back down. I don't have your program. If it is sending the original on full and then dim commands it may work. If it is using %dim commands. X10 modules do not respond to them.
  4. If it is powered by the PLM. You are still using a power line only 2412S PLM? As the Dual Band 2413S PLM does not power the ISY99i or ISY994i. I would suspect the 2412S PLM has finally started to fail. Or since it is power line only. Something has changed and now you have power line noise or a signal sucker.
  5. In the writes section. The PLM send you a [INST-ACK]. So the PLM indicated the command was valid and sent the message. But their is no [INST-SRX] standard or [INST-ERX] extended message received back from the module in question. Though in the Query it is sending data back. So you have the correct Insteon ID. 62 70 D1. Have you tried a different load as a test?
  6. The internal and external photos. Look like the AC input could be changed to match the countries standards. Of course this was back in the days when they actually had modules in other countries but the PLM was 120VAC 60Cy only.
  7. This is from the FCC Database files for the 2234-232 updated PLM replacement. Sounds like the present owners maybe thinking about producing it. Expanded operation to 100-240VAC and 50/60Hz. Increased Insteon links storage from ~1000 to ~4,000 links with faster read/writes Uses the same communication protocol and structure to match earlier models Updated all processors with increased memory space and speed Beefed up electronics to reduce failures due to AC-mains electrical spikes, noise and heat from poorly ventilated install locations New and smaller enclosure that matches other Insteon plug-in products Increased power line transmitting signaling levels and robustness New RF circuit with higher sensitivity components and calibrated antenna circuit Supplies 5VDC capable of powering single-board computers like ISY TM controllers Added fast TVS surge suppression on the Serial port to prevent static damage For the Polisy and eisy users. There was a 2234-222 USB model.
  8. Automatic and manually adding the module. It is found but then Cannot determine device link table address is reported. I would also say double check the six digit module address. The 2474DWH is an RF only module but with all the RF capable devices close by. I don't think it would be a distance thing.
  9. The DST issues where also reported on the Insteon Forums. So the ISY products where not the only controller with possible issues.
  10. My older ISY994i changed as expected today.
  11. Also they are RF devices and go in to power saving mode. Each one has to be woken up individually and then do a restore on it.
  12. When 120VAC is applied to the Yellow wire. With respect to the Neutral. The full manual would give you a good idea on how it is connected and works. It it is a high impedance input. We have seen reports of some photocell and motion sensors. Using a triac and not a relay. Having enough leakage to falsely trigger the module.
  13. Module has to be restored as there are writes pending to the module. If battery operated module has to woken up first. Also effected by turning on and off automatic writes or battery devices.
  14. This is in the FCC Database. Very original manual and may have not been in the released module. Option 1 1) Remove power, press and hold Set button while powering up 2) Continue pressing and holding for ~10 seconds Device will blink all segments and do continuous (Beep) during 10 seconds 3) When blinking / buzzing stops, release Set button Device goes into factory reset for ~10 seconds Screen goes blank, LEDs off At completion display will briefly show a reset status code: 00 = successful reset Xx = unsuccessful 4) Device will return to normal operations Option 2 is the one from the production modules users manual. Posted already.
  15. The 2441TH manual I have does not have a physical reset button. It has a set button, beeper,LED sequence to do a factory reset. I can not say about real early versions of the 2441TH. Since it uses the 24VAC from the heating. It could be it is locked up. Factory Reset to Default Settings If you want to reset INSTEON Thermostat to its factory default settings, follow instructions below. Note: If you choose to reset INSTEON Thermostat to its factory default settings, it is important that you remove scene memberships from all controllers. Otherwise, controllers will retry commands repetitively, creating network delays. Follow the instructions in Removing INSTEON Thermostat as an INSTEON Responder above for each scene controller of which INSTEON Thermostat is a member. Factory reset changes:  INSTEON is reset (all scene memberships are removed)  Day/time is changed to 12:00AM Monday  Programming times, temperatures and other settings are reset to their default values Factory reset does not change:  Temperature offset  Humidity offset Factory Reset 1) Press and hold INSTEON Thermostat’s Set button until it beeps. INSTEON Thermostat will beep. INSTEON Thermostat Set LED will blink green. 2) Press and hold INSTEON Thermostat’s Set button again until it beeps. INSTEON Thermostat will beep. INSTEON Thermostat Set LED will blink red. 3) Double-tap Set button. 4) Press and hold Set button again for about 10 seconds. INSTEON Thermostat will emit a long beep and its display will blink all segments. 5) When blinking/buzzing stops, release Set button and wait 10 seconds. INSTEON Thermostat will perform a series of self tests, then return to normal operations. INSTEON Thermostat display will return to normal.
  16. If some of your modules are the older power line only models. They can be effected by power line devices as the new devices in the house are added. So in theory older modules may not fair better. Even with the great UDI products.
  17. You may have to have the special UDI USB adapter on the Polisy end. As I am not too sure if it can do serial. I know the eisy can not do serial. There are other signals on the RJ45 style connector that you do not want to connect to anything. Like TTL signals.
  18. The 2413S has a special pin out on network style connector. Only three wires are used. Common, Send and Receive are connected. The signals are true RS232 with a Serial Port interface chip. At the least you would have to create a special cable.
  19. I had some Revision 1.3 2456S3 ApplinceLinc modules fail. 120VAC coil relay in all. Started pulsing On and Off at about a 30 cycle rate. I replaced the main filter cap and they again where OK. Had a few with the snubber across the relay contacts go bad and try and keep the load on when the relay was off. Smoke and all. The 30 Volt Zener diode in the supply was famous for shorting or getting too hot and melting the solder or burning the PCB kind of black.
  20. Good find. Thank you for the information. I too was part of the bad tact switch era but didn't have the date code units. In the recall by the Joe Dada era Smarthome. I do remember someone doing a tact switch repair fix it video. Mine would click just fine but nothing changed. As the switch did not make electrical contact. I vaguely remember an Icon version also had switch issues.
  21. From the Developers days and 2414 PLC (not PLM) days. I found in storage a 2414U 00.00.A3
  22. Are you using the USB to Serial adapter cable? The eisy does not work with a 2413S serial PLM. Unless the adapter is used on a USB port on the eisy.
  23. I also like the X10 HR12A. 16 button remotes. Over any of the Insteon ones. The older modules can also have a Primary X10 address added to them and some also an X10 Scene Address. That I still use daily. One draw back is modules changed by X10 are not reflected in the ISY Controllers information. I also still have a Powerflash, Socket Rocket (with a small Red LED bulb) and Large PowerHorn Siren modules. Triggered if my alarm output on the boiler. It it has a problem. Since I had them in storage why not use them at no added cost for new Insteon hardware. Like the Insteon Siren Module is now discontinued.
  24. Insteon has new FilterLinc modules showing in stock. I would also be cautious with EBay units. We have see some reports of them having blown fuses or bad solder joints. In units listed as used. I did see the AF120 on the SmartHome Products site. But I didn't see them as maybe not available. Sorry for the misinformation. I would be very careful with other filters. Many would absorb the X10 (120KHz) and Insteon (131.65KHz) power line signals as noise. If you have someone that can look at the XTB-IIR LED. While sending X10 commands. It should flash to indicate it is processing the commands. XPPF is 5 amps and I do not know if it has been improved since I got mine. Mine over heat if pushed to 5 amps. The XPF is a very large 20 amp filter and install sheet said a 3 gang electrical box maybe need.
  25. Which Smart Home Products filter are you looking at? The AF100 looks the same as an X10 XPPF. The AF120 is a 15 amp filter and has a replaceable fuse if you pop it. Both are tuned to the X10 frequency but probably are fine with the Insteon frequency. They also have other products that may assist if you have any numbers to ask about. The FilterLinc as you know is 10 amp and the fuse is soldered in to it internally. I am definitely surprised a XTB-IIR has problems. Unless the X10 commands are not getting to it so it can be processed. I have a WGL V572 all address receiver. Feeding the TW523 emulation port on mine.
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