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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. Two more papers that may help. I also started in X10. One point that sometimes makes a difference. Some X10 repeaters. See the end part of an Insteon message as an X10 message. Falsely sending a X10 message back on the power lines. insteoncomparedV2.pdf insteondetailsV2.pdf
  2. The choice was by the former owners Smartlabs/Smarthome. Some of the other pins on the RJ45 type connector. Are TTL in and Out. Older 2412S also has a unregulated +12VDC (19VDC)thankfully not in the 2413S PLM.
  3. This may give you some information on Insteon. http://cache.insteon.com/developer/developer-guide-022009-en.pdf There are many archived Insteon information here. https://github.com/pyinsteon/pyinsteon/commit/2533494a8b13b30b2d0938c9a18afe782b740410 Just be aware that the 2412N has a history of failing.
  4. Correct on the USB to serial cable. The PLM serial USB to RJ45 connector side uses three connections (Send, Received and Common) not in the normally used pin out. The UDI one is special in its connections.
  5. The I/OLinc has a switching power supply in it. Along with the capacitor issues. They did replace the main cap with a larger capacity one with a higher voltage rating. My old V1.0 the supply voltage dropped every time the relay was turned on.
  6. Brian H

    ISY994 No Power

    If you have all the features you want or need and a new supply puts you back in business then an upgraded ISY device is not need. Though new features are nice. I don't need and use any of the new features. So my ISY994i will be all I need and use. Besides I even have a backup ISY994i.
  7. Brian H

    ISY994 No Power

    Power supply was one of the frequently reported issues with an ISY994i and older ISY99i. My original was a 5V 500mA and it failed similar to what you where seeing. After an AC outage and restore. The LED's sarted to flash as it tried to boot and then reset due to low voltage.
  8. Brian H

    ISY994 No Power

    ISY994i has a wide DC input range. Many here use 12V 1 or 2 amp. Been awhile but last time I looked. UDI was selling 12V 2A units for the ISY994i https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/31558-isy-994-power-supply-question-regarding-voltage/
  9. Plug in On and Off module? Not one of the new dual function I3 switches that can be a dimmer or a switch? The dual function module look like it has a triac so it can dim maybe in on off it is locked on or off. Unless they have a triac and a relay (doubt it).
  10. If you did not use the replace with function. All the modules being controlled may still have the old KPL ID in them and will not respond to the replacement. With out some manual intervention.
  11. Not 100% on this as I don't use any of them. That looks like a fuse resister and the module has issues as you found out.
  12. You are welcome. Hope it helps and I am glad the FCC Database had the internal photos.
  13. I have seen a post on the former owners forum. Of someone doing that. I believe it was finding a battery close enough in size and some reported the case snaps where glued in later revisions. My statement was not completely correct on not realizing the battery had built in protection. From the FCC Database web site. Battery.pdf23422ip.pdf
  14. I would also suspect the PLM. If it is a 2412S. It would also be supplying unregulated filtered +12VDC to the EZIO8SA. On the serial cable from the PLM to the EZIO8SA. It is usually around +18VDC. I see you also have a power supply. If the supply is 12VDC the 2412S is running it. As there is a network in the unit to use the higher DCV. Now if it is a 2413S the external supply is needed and 2413S PLM units have a poor reputation especially the early versions. If you post the PLM data someone can give you more information. As it could be one of theirs also.
  15. Well one thing to think about. There was a word wide wide IT outage early this morning. I know for a time. There was or still is a FAA ground stop for all major airlines, some Microsoft Windows functions where not functioning, some banks where having issues and some Amazon functions also where not working. Overseas where also having assorted issues. Cloudstrike was mentioned. On the front page of the Frontier web page. Could be completely different than this but could be a possibility.
  16. Not too sure if they are close enough in features. If the replace with choice is there. That would be the easiest. It does sound like the old one is failing. Probably a power supply issue.
  17. The PLM and ezio 2x4 where connected to a UPS outlet? The AC power line conditioner in most UPS units Will remove the Insteon power line commands as noise. In that case the PLM was using Insteon RF to communicate with the system. The exio 2x4 also on an UPS outlet may have been controlled by the PLM power line commands if both where in an UPS outlet. I have seen a few Filterlinc issues reported here. Most where poor solder joints on the connections or dead if the internal fuse was blown. Though soldered to the PC board you can replace them. Hint the 5A ones looked the same to me except the rating of the fuse and some have used 10A replacement in the 5A ones with success.
  18. They should be tied back to safety ground. Through the metal boxes, conduit. Back in the breaker box. Bet you will also find the ground pin in outlets grounded through the outlets mounting brackets and not a physical ground wire to the outlets ground screw. If you have any high voltage appliances. Are they 220VAC or 208VAC? 208VAC would be one phase in a there phase feed or 220VAC split single phase.
  19. Do the LED indicators on the network jack on the ISY994i and network jack on your interface. Show anything useful?
  20. Pin #1 is the serial signal from the PLM to the attached device. Pin #2 is NC. That will definitely cause a no PLM found error. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
  21. You may want to check the pins in the PLM's serial jack. On the off chance one of them is not making connection. As pointed out. A ticket with UDI should get you an answer. Did you power up the PLM first so it was fully booted up when the eisy powered up?
  22. By chance. Are you talking about the older power line only devices? Like 2456S3 appliancelinc. I use them my self.
  23. One thing you have to take into account. That filter will also absorb X10 and Insteon power line signals. So it could effect other modules on the same power feed.
  24. I looked at the instruction booklet you linked too. That motor is 1&1/2 HP and looks like it has both a starting and running capacitor. Would definitely have a starting surge and probably a repetitive or in rush current surge. That will effect a device used to control it. ELA had a good idea. A contractor designed to handle the motor and a 120VAC coil you could turn On and Off with a Insteon wall switch or On Off module with a 120VAC output
  25. If you are handy. The FilterLinc has a soldered in 10 Amp fuse and it can be replaced after you find the correct fuse. I believe I got a few from Mouser.
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