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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Anyone using "nist1-sj.ustiming.org" (San Jose, CA) for your NTP Server (time sync) be aware that they are having sync errors so you might want to change to a different server. http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi Tim
  2. Thanks so much Mike, that's what I was afraid of. I wish I had a school close by. Tim
  3. IndyMike, You mentioned monitoring 3 airports, by any chance was KMYV one of them? So far today, as I intermittently checked on the rain today, WB has been reporting rain from that site. Just wondered if it was one of the three. Thanks, Tim
  4. Yes, too much traffic in my opinion. I have heard of some using a red lens on the kpl button to catch their attention. It would be a nice feature if Smartlabs were to add a flash function for the buttons though.
  5. My first though was to create a second program and integer variable: If From sunset To sunrise Then Set integer variable 1 Else Set integer variable 0 Then replace the from sunset to sunrise in your program with the integer variable: If $myiphone home 1 And integer variable 1 Then .......
  6. jesry, According to the wiki http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card 16GB is max. Tim
  7. Same weird rain today reporting for me as well. An hour ago ISY showed .6" rain today from KBAB (which seemed low for today). I changed station to KLHN and KAUN to see if the rain reported was any different. ISY reported 0" for both. Changed back to KBAB (the original station) and ISY is now reporting 0 inches. Just checked again and its still 0 inches. Thanks, Tim edit. just checked the wb feed website and rain today shows N/A whereas KLHN is showing 0.00 inches. Must be WB issue...still.
  8. That is awesome! Be thankful it was a device you could easily put a filterlinc on. The biggest offender in my house is a 2 year old clothes dryer which I cannot easily filter. Great job tracking it down! Tim
  9. You could reset the device but then you would have to run Restore In the ISY which may put the switch back to the dim level. I would adjust it manually until things get settled out. TFitz...no not me.
  10. EricK, The LED brightness deficiency you are seeing could be caused by a couple of things, a difference in the firmware between the two different models of switches or actual property differences between the two LED’s themselves. My money is on the latter. Back when I was installing all the switches in my house I had the same trouble with some of the switches installed in 2 and 3 gang boxes, some of the LED’s were brighter when dimmed to a lower level. I even had some where there was an actual color difference (very slight but when mounted together it was very obvious). I learned early on to hook up the switches on my bench and test them together when they were to be installed together. I even go so far as to do all the programming before they are even installed now. I know it doesn’t help you in this case but maybe in the future. As far as the brightness being dimmer when set to 255 by the ISY I believe there were a few posts regarding this within the last month or so and if memory serves I think there will be a fix in the next rev., but LeeG or Michel can better answer that question. For now you may be able to manually dim or brighten the LED at the switches themselves to get them to a more equal level. You will have to check the owners manual for the switches. Tim
  11. The ISY does have trigger reverse option for the iolink, however if you have the nightly query program it will change the status of the sensor and may trigger any programs you have for the garage door. I would get the 3 wire door sensor if it were me.
  12. as I recall, someone correct me if wrong, at reboot the ISY will query all devices so it knows what state they are in. Then it checks programs and places them at true or false depending on the If condition. It does not run them unless specifically set to run at startup.
  13. Harold, Is there likewise a button at the top of the admin console for battery powered devices but not for regular devices? Does Help>About report both the GUI and ISY are 4.1.0? And the only other question I can think of to ask is what virus software are you using? Tim
  14. If you are a tinkerer you might also take a look at the CAI WebControl8 board. You would need to add the case, power supply and perhaps relays to complete the project. The Webcontrol board offers 8 outputs as well as 8 inputs and has 1-wire temp capabilities as well and you can also control it via the web or with the ISY via Rest commands. http://www.cainetworks.com/products/webcontrol/webcontrol-changelog.html Tim
  15. apostolakisl, Are you still a fan of using an old ATX power supply instead of all the wall-warts? Have you made any changes or additions since changing over? I am ready to do the same thing and looking for any extra tips or suggestions - along the lines of "I should have...." etc. Thanks, Tim
  16. Yes. Should work fine.
  17. Drew, I think you can cut those 2 down to one without any issue since you only have 1 condition. Unless of course there was another reason.
  18. I noticed when in Programs>Details and you right click on a program or folder there are two new options. Import and Export to clipboard. What editor program is suggested to make viewing easier on the eyes? Thanks,
  19. Yeah that was my thinking as well but every way I tried it didn't work, thats why I asked maddbomber83 for clarification on whether he was talking about using the variable subst. on variables and programs. Still not sure if he is or not.
  20. No, what I am asking is using the variable sub. on state/int variables instead of programs. For instance ${sys.program.1.name} will print the program name in the email, what will do the same for state/int variables? I have tried ${sys.var.1-1.name} and ${sys.variable.1-1.name} etc but cannot seem to find the right command.
  21. Yes, in notification email settings.After hitting add variable this appears in the body ${var.1.91}. How did you modify that line to show the variable Name in the email/text?
  22. Do you mean variable as in integer/state variable? If so can you give 1 examble of the format please? I have tried every way I can think of. Also, what do you mean by "edited it to Enabled? Thanks, Tim
  23. Sorry about that...its been a long time since I have used Start Linking. I am glad you caught that Lee, thanks! Also one last thing to add, it would be a good idea to factory rest each switch before linking to the ISY just to be sure any previous links are gone.
  24. It is easy. Put the switches into linking mode locally and go to the ISY admin console and click on Link Management > Start Linking. Once the ISY is done linking the devices they will show up in the device tree as their respective addresses. As I recall you can put all the devices you need to link in link mode and then hit Start Linking, as long as you can put them all in linking mode before they time out. You may have to find/read the instructions for your specific devices to find out how to link them and what the timeout is. Tim
  25. I stand corrected, thanks IndyMike. Those figures jive with what I have been seeing. Last winter my sprinklers were run about every 4 days to a week depending on weather. But now thinking about it you and UDI had made some positive changes to the calculations as I recall, and it appears they are dead on now. Thank you! Tim
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