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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. TJF1960

    Setting AC

    Xathros, if the ISY is rebooted for whatever reason wont the two programs run and possibly set the tstat incorrectly?
  2. I am unsure, and curious, what you mean here. 3rd parties? Are you talking unauthorized individuals? If so, put a switch in a desktop enclosure and hide it somewhere. He is tracking the pet / baby sitters movements thru his house, If they are opening doors and going into rooms they are not supposed to be in.
  3. This may be a reach but as I understand it with the x10 module you can create a virtual x10 device. I don't know if the device will show up in Mobilinc or not. Maybe someone more familiar with the x10 module can chime in.
  4. I am not even so sure about that. For 3 or 4 days this last week my Evapotranspiration was reporting as 0.019"per day and typically its around 0.16 with the weather we have been having for the last 2 weeks. The stations I am using is KBAB (Beale AFB), which is listed on the NWS site.
  5. TJF1960


    Exactly. When the red exclamation point first turns on is the only time that program will evaluate true. When the red excalmation point disappears that is the only time that program will eval. false. Except of course for forced runs.
  6. TJF1960


    Sorry I am late getting back to the party, and I apologize for missing the fact that belias was trying to force run the program. If the red exclamation point is showing and he forces that program to run "if", it should evaluate as true. If the device is responding properly and a force run "if" is done the program will run false. By itself the program will only run true or false once - with each status change from responding to not responding only. But not by a query after the status has changed. belias, there must be something odd going on if you are forcing the program if and it is evaluating false when the red ! is visable, but I don't know what. edit: boy I am really late, I didn't see the last 2 post until now.
  7. TJF1960


    That is correct, it will only evaluate true when the device goes from responding to not responding. In other words the program will only evaluate true once. Once the device starts responding then stops again the program will evaluate true again, once.
  8. Momentary just has to do with the relay and shouldn't have anything to do with the sensor status. Is it possible the sensor isn't being held low fully? Check the event viewer on level 3 and block the beam and see if there are multiple occurrences in the viewer. Also the wait placed where it is in the first program is not do anything. In settings is the sensor trigger reversed?
  9. Seems to me if the beam is broken the iolinc will send an "on" (or off, however it is wired) just once. When the beam is restored the iolinc sends off. Once the beam is broken and stays broken the program should not retrigger until the beam is restored. It might be best to post the program in question.
  10. Thanks Lee, Once again you saved the day!
  11. So it sounds like if I have 2 programs both of which are doing math functions and are sharing 1 integer variable as a place holder the data may get corrupt if they both run at the same time, esp. if one starts before the other but the other finishes first. So I will need a placeholder for each program. Thanks Lee, Tim
  12. Does the ISY994i execute programs 1 program at a time or can/does it execute multiple programs at the same time? The programs in question do not have waits or repeats and the conditions may turn true at the same time. Thanks, Tim
  13. The "Devices / Garage Door-Sensor" is an iolinc and when the sensor led is off the door is closed. The "Devices / Entry KPL 1 Entry Lite / Entry KPL C Gar Door' is switched Fast On" is one of the kpl's my grandson can push. The other kpl is in my workroom so a single press will open/close the door. If Status 'Devices / Garage Door-Sensor' is Off And ( Control 'Devices / Entry KPL 1 Entry Lite / Entry KPL C Gar Door' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Devices / WR1 KPL 1 Ceil Lite / WR1 KPL D Gar Door' is switched On ) Then Wait 1 second Set 'Devices / Garage Door-Sensor / Garage Door-Relay' 100% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I also use similar programs for my Home/Away programs requiring a fast on or fast off to put the house in away or home mode.
  14. Ah, don't you just love kids! Everytime my youngest grandchild visits and leaves I have at least 1 kpl that beeps when a button is pressed, but usually 2 or 3 that do also. That along with the garage door being opened / closed and lights going on and off while he is here. The garage door now has a program that requires a fast on or fast off before it will open and close so that has cut down on its operation.
  15. I am not using the Insteon ip camera but one purchased thru amazon for 50 bucks called wansview. Works good enough for my uses. I am using a program called Motion on a pogoplug running archlinux. Motion will record video and produce snapshots when the program detects motion in an adjustable field of view of the cameras output. Works pretty well. Motion will also work with multiple camera setups. http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/i686/motion/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Webcam_Setup
  16. I can't say that I have ever seen that message. Where do you see it?
  17. Sorry, I also meant to ask if the network module is listed under "Product" in the same "About" window. It sounds like you will need to contact UDI though, it should not have taken this long for it to appear. Look for any of Michel's posts and click on "open a ticket" in his signature line.
  18. Hello rohan208, what is the gui version reported as? Help>About: UI should report as "Insteon_UD994 v.4.0.5" Also, just to be clear, you were able to manually upgrade to 4.0.5 right?
  19. I emailed them a few questions a couple of weeks ago and found them to be pretty slow in response. I did ask them about having the Rest sent from the tag manager and not the cloud because I was interested in the fastest response possible, here was his reply: "If you check the "call from tag manager" option in URL calling, the server will still have to load your setting from the database to construct the URL and other parameters, and then send it to the tag manager for it to call. Obviously tag manager does not have a storage to store all the URL settings." So basically it sounds like if the cloud is down or they go down and out the unit is completely worthless. Tim
  20. Another possibility could be (depending on the version) is that the off button has been accidently put in the non-toggle mode.
  21. Using IE10, look at the address bar at the top of the page, the icon next to the refresh icon is the compatability view button. Click on that which will refresh/resize the page and you will see the missing buttons/info.
  22. Hi Michel, Fingers crossed...Did they give any sort of ETA? Thanks, Tim
  23. Hi IndyMike, Thanks very much for your reply. I agree the program may not trigger very often (or at all if WB fixes the problem) but I already had the weather program on the pogoplug in place sending variable updates to the ISY so all I really had to do was a slight mod to the weather program, create a variable and then create the ISY program. Didn't take much time at all. I did send WB an email about the rainfall not reporting and they sent an email back saying that the problem was at the station and they were working on it but its not the first time they have had problems. I noticed that by mid day the second day of rain that WB was reporting .11" but that was off based on weather underground reporting. Anyway I was just looking for a quick backup in case it were to happen again. It did work, the sprinklers didn't fire the next day whereas they would have. Thanks again for all of your contributions and hard work, Tim
  24. It appears my weather bug station (KBAB) is not reporting current rain data again. The next closest station also is not reporting rainfall. Weather Underground is however. So I have modified my weather program on the pogoplug to parse the days rainfall and send it to an integer variable on the ISY. The weather program strips the decimal and leading zero before sending to the variable. So .42" = 42 in the variable. I have been following the advice IndyMike has been giving other forum members (btw, Big thanks to you IM) and have set the following in the climate module: Water Applied per ir. cycle: 0.386" Allowable Dep. 0.27" My thinking is to create an ISY program which will run an irr. cycle complete at the end of the day if the Weather Underground reports more than .386" of rain but the Weather Bug doesn't. For example: If Time is 11:55:00PM And $iPogoWeather_RainAmountToday >= 38 And Module 'Climate' Rain Today < 0.38 " Then Irrigation - Cycle Complete Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Does this sound about right or am I incorrect in my thinking? Thanks, Tim
  25. I can confirm exactly what Andyf0 is seeing with my switchlinc relay with sense, also .v37 while my switchlinc relay without sense indicate fine. Tim
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