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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Not to hijack this thread or turn attention away from jmc but I am thinking WB may be having problems or have made some changes. For the last month maybe a little more my sprinklers have not been turning on. ISY Et shows 0.016" for yesterday which is about what it has been running for the last month. At this rate my sprinklers wont fire until xmas. I was on station KBAB but a couple of days ago changed to the same one jmc switched to (KLHM) and the et has been showing about the same. Not sure where to go from here. My settings are: P-M, Interior plains, 70% - Slope, .7, water applied .386" Et seemed fine all summer and I was on 4.0.5 from its release until 4.1.0 was released. If there is anything I can do just let me know. Thanks, Tim
  2. Hi Michel, Thanks. The email subject line just says node(#) and not the name of the variable which ran the program. Tim
  3. If you have a program as such: If $StateVar1 is 1 and $StateVar2 is 1 Then notify Else Can you use the custom email sub. to email you with the name of the variable which caused the program to run true? I know you can for devices using ${sys.node.#.name}. Thanks, Tim
  4. Have you had good luck with the wifi adapter, if so which one are you using?
  5. Yes, here is a statement from LeeG : "Remember that a Query will change the Sensor state because Trigger Reverse is being used. This happens when the I/O Linc comm is working correctly. When Trigger Reverse is being used and Query does not change the Sensor state that indicates a comm problem." from this thread http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=12162&p=94396&hilit=+trigger+reverse+#p94396 You can also do a search of trigger reverse and will find a bunch of links. I have had great comm. for a couple of years now and I still have the nightly query, I figure whats it hurt! Tim
  6. Welcome to the forum K O, The only program listed which the nightly query might affect would be program 4 with the garage door sensor. I seem to recall some issues with the iolinc sensors and a query, not sure if that might be the case here or not. I believe it had something to do with whether or not "Trigger Reverse" box was checked. If that is not it then I would next look to make sure the ISY does indeed receive the status updates or not from the iolinc. The nightly query is used to make sure the whole system is in sync, that the ISY is aware of all the correct status of all devices. If you have a rock solid installation with no comm. issues you could do without it, its up to you. Tim
  7. Knight, yes WAF is very important. And glad you got it figured out. Oberkc, nice job, I love it when it can be broken down to a couple of programs, kodos!
  8. Now thats home automation at its finest! Thanks for sharing!
  9. If I understand correctly the OP wants a program to run when the CatGenie turns on then another program to run when it has finished. He didn't specify what each program was doing and whether or not it was ok if the programs ran a few times each during the course of the CatGenie doing its thing or if he just wanted each program to run once. Which is why I proposed the programs as I did, and also included the use of the variable in the event he wanted the programs to run only once.
  10. Or, possibly there is not enough spring tension on the air gap switch itself. Recently I had a awitch go dead and randomly come back to life for about a month. I found there was not enough force in the switch to keep a good solid connection.
  11. Because the Syncrolinc turns on and off during the time the CatGenie is running I think you would need first a program which monitors when it turns on: Program 1: If Syncrolinc is switched on Then Run Then Program 2 Else The second program is just a 3 minute timer which starts when the first program runs true. This 3 minute timer then will restart each time the first program runs true. Program 2: If Then Wait 3 minutes Run Else Program 2 Else When Program 2 turns true it means the CatGenie is running, when it times out it turns false which means the CatGenie is finally done. The 3rd program does what ever it is you want when the operation is over. Program 3 If Program 2 is True Then Whatever you want done while CatGenie is running Else Whatever you want done while CatGenie is not Running One catch to program 3 is that each time program 2 is run true it will re run program 3 true. In other words if you have program 3 notify you when the CatGenie is running, you will get an email each time the sycnrolinc turns on during the run process. If this is an issue then create a State variable and insert it into program 2 like this Program 2 If Then Set sState variable = 1 Wait 3 minutes Set sState variable = 0 Run Else Program 2 Else Then change the 3rd program to: Program 3 If sState variable = 1 Then Do whatever Else Do whatever
  12. Oh, you also need a 5v power supply to power the ISY, but then you probably already have one but thought I would mention it just in case. Z-Wave is in Alpha stages right now, soon to be Beta stage. Once it is available you can order the module from UDI.
  13. I am pretty darn sure the hub is not compatible with the ISY. The hub is an HA controller with a PLM built in. The ISY is an HA controller as well but requires a PLM such as 2413S.
  14. Ah, I didn't realize you could pull status of other devices and have them displayed, I knew you could with variables. I haven't played much with notifications. Thats great info, Thanks.
  15. What you can do as a work around until the feature you want is available is create a simple program which monitors the status of the device and switches an integer variable to 1 when it is on and 0 when off. Then have the text/email send you the variable value so you will know whether was on or off when notified. If Status RoomFan1 is on Then set $iRoomFan1 = 1 Else Set $iRommFan1 = 0
  16. Only if that device is what triggered the notify program. In that case: In Custom Notification select Alert. You can select Node Name or Node Address which will supply the name or address of the device which ran the notification email. If the notify program was triggered by an If Status of device then select Action to report the status of the device. If it was triggered by If Control device then select Control.
  17. They are pretty big, I don't know the exact size but they will not fit in a regular junction box.
  18. Another thing you can do is have the kpl or switchlinc beep after a successful fast on or off.
  19. I am not sure what a network delivered x10signal is, but you should be able to use a network resource on one ISY to change a variable on the other. The one sending will need the network module, if both will send each other messages then both will need the network resource module.
  20. Well, I may just be really tired, but as his program is written I too would expect the program to be true if either switch was fast on, and false if either switch was fast off. If it were me I think I would be looking to see if there are any comm. issues, maybe the ISY is not receiving the fast on/off commands from those switches.
  21. Yes. ISY programs are event driven. If from 5:30 pm for 2 hours then else
  22. If you are checking the fan before the 30 minute wait when the program would shut it off, and it is off, what does the ISY show for a status of the fan?
  23. He told me it (local ip address/es) are stored in the cloud, so it wouldn't work if the cloud or internet were down. I was going to test to make sure but just haven't had the time yet. But I will tell you that if it does originate from the cloud, its pretty darn quick. The time from when motion or water detection occurs to when the ISY variable is switch is maybe 1 second, no more and maybe less. I was really surprised at the quickness of response. I will check when I get a minute and post back.
  24. Another possible solution for the op would be the wireless tag sensor. I just picked one up to play with. http://www.wirelesstag.net/ They just increased the range of the sensors which detect motion and temp. They claim you can throw the sensor in the door of the fridge or freezer. I have the tag manager sending status updates to variables in the ISY, surprisingly fast response.
  25. TJF1960

    Setting AC

    Ah, I was not aware the programs would run in sequence during catch up schedules! And sorry for my short question, it was based on the assumption that the op's catch up schedules was checked. Thanks, Tim
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