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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Hi Tom, Glad it worked out for you. Actually its not multiple instances. Anytime there is a Wait in the action, either in the Then or the Else and something changes in the If the program will re-evaluate. In this case the only trigger is the bell button being pushed. The Integer variable will not cause a re-evaluation. Anyway, glad it worked and thanks for posting back. Tim
  2. Hello, Try this If Door Bell Switch is Switched On and Integer Var1 is 0 Then Ring Bell Set Integer Var1 = 1 Wait 5 minutes Set Integer Var1 = 0 Else Tim edit: The first time the door bell switch is pushed and the var1 is 0 the program will run and ring the bell once. But the second time within the waiting period the button is pushed the program will evaluate as Fasle. So try adding a Wait 5 minutes followed by Set Integer Var1 = 0 to the Else section. Then once the switch is pushed a second time and the program evaluates to False the timer will start again. 5 minutes after they stop pushing the button the var1 will be reset to 0 which will allow the program to run and ring the bell when the switch is pushed.
  3. JimS, Beta's can be buggy that’s why they are called beta's. Stick with Final Releases if you do not want to help contribute to them. Besides the fact that UDI had to recode everything just to support the curve ball Insteon's new protocol threw at them. Btw the only "brand issue" I see is Insteon..they should be doing a much better job of supporting and informing companies like UDI of upcoming changes. aaronb, I whole heartedly agree with you.
  4. wrj0, So glad you got it working! I messed my cert. up a few months ago and was out of town before I realized I couldn't access the ISY thru Mobilink or Conductor. Once I got back Michel walked me thru deleting it..been afraid to mess with it since! Very happy to hear, thanks for posting back. Tim
  5. Ditto, Thanks Michel! Tim
  6. Upgraded to 3.3.9, without updating cert., and this works perfectly now. Thanks Michel! And thank you wrj0 for bringing it up! Tim
  7. Hi Michel, The links provided in your Java announcement are for 3.3.9, the admin console link works but as johncrab pointed out the Dashboard link doesn't. Is it alright to use the 3.3.9 admin console with 3.3.8? Thanks, Tim
  8. I have tried everything I could think of and still cannot get the network resource to get thru. I just reverted back to 3.2.6 and it works perfectly every time. Then upgraded to 3.3.1 which was the next firmware update and the network resource no longer works. Something changed between the two versions. Could it have anything to do with security certificates?
  9. I have the same exact problem, was working on my ISY994 in the current rev at the time of the post (I believe it was 3.2.6), then the next rev it only worked sometimes, but most of the time it wouldn't. Since then with later revs it hasn't worked at all for me. I could never figure out why. If you figure it out please post back. Thanks, Tim
  10. Very nicely done! Great Job!
  11. TJF1960


    Makes sense. Then you would definitely need 2 programs. Just change the first one like so: If the device is on at 50% or higher this program will not run Then. If you want the device off after 8:30P then change the 2nd program to:
  12. TJF1960


    I agree with oberkc. The reason is the "And Status 'Under Cabinet' is Off" in the If section. Anytime the status of "Under Cabinet" changes this program will re-evaluate. So if between Sunset - 8:30P and the Under Cabinet is Off The program will evaluate to true and turn it On. Once it turns on, the status of the device changed from Off to On which forces the program False which runs the Else of the program which turns Off the device. Once the device turns off its status changes from On to Off which forces the program True again...and on and on. To remedy the situation either remove the Status of the device or break the program into two programs. I personally prefer using Status in this situation if for no other reason to help keep powerline comm. to a minimum. If the device is already on, why send a command to turn it on again? Likewise with your existing program it will send the signal for the device to turn off even if it is already off. For instance everytime 8:30PM hits it will run the Else as well as everytime the status changes of the device the Else will run. Try this: If From Sunset To 8:30:00PM (same day) And Status 'Under Cabinet' is Off Then Set Scene 'Under Cabinet' On Else If From 8:30PM To Sunset (next day) And Status 'Under Cabinet' is On Then Set Scene 'Under Cabinet' Off Else
  13. Same here, all went well from .7 to .8 and the only kpl that the backlight adjustment quit working on is now functioning as normal. Thanks, Tim
  14. Question regarding which program is least labor intensive for the ISY, based on say 50 or 100 of these programs running at the same time. I have a mix of both programs and am looking to clean up and standardize my programming and am looking for the least labor intensive method. Prgm: Program 1 If $Var_1 is 1 Then Wait 20 Minutes Run Program 'Program 1' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Prgm: Program 2 If From Last Run Time for 'Program 1' To Last Run Time for 'Program 1' + 20 minutes (same day) Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Using Program 2 in reality does actually require 2 programs, the first program (program 1) without the Then section would act as the trigger per say for the second. Thanks, Tim
  15. Sure, The code is pretty simple ( I have removed some conditions which would be irrelevant here). Basically when the Off button on any of the 2 kpl's or 1 switchlinc are pressed Fast Off the program will beep the scene devices 2 times then turn off all the responders. If And ( Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is switched Fast Off ) And Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is not switched On And Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is not switched Off And Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is not switched Fast On And Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Up And Control 'Devices / MB Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Down And Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is not switched On And Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Off And Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fast On And Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Up And Control 'Devices / MB KPL1 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Down And Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is not switched On And Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Off And Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fast On And Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Up And Control 'Devices / MB KPL2 1 Bed Lites' is not switched Fade Down Then Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Scenes / Good Night' Beep Set Scene 'Scenes / Good Night' Beep Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Scenes / Good Night' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Depending on communication issues you may want to add 1 or 2 second wait between the scenes in the Then section. Also, the reason I turn the scene Off instead of On is because there are kpl buttons included in the scene that I want turned Off and my kpl’s are old school, not like the new ones that can be turned Off with an On. Tim
  16. I have one scene named Goodnight with all devices I want to turn off with various ramp rates etc., A program that runs true when I FastOn the kpl button by my bed. Works like a charm! Not sure why you need an upstairs scene and a downstairs scene but you can run both scenes in a program, might want to use a Wait 2 or 3 seconds between them though.
  17. jnaiser60, If you can't say anything nice....... Michel, upgrade went perfectly. Thank You! Tim
  18. Hello mzanni, Give it some time as there are just a handful of people fully up to speed on Elk that post here. I am sure they will offer suggestions.
  19. Xathros, do you think the OP benefit from initializing the variable values in your examples in the event of a power failure and in the event the outletlincs for some reason stay on after power is restored?
  20. Well, to quote LeeG "This option reverses the On/Off commands issued by the I/O Linc Sensor but does not reverse the Query response." It is used to issue an opposite command than what it would normally issue. Like Lee said though the biggest problem is when the I/O Linc is queried it will return its true state (not the reversed state). But since you are not using it that is not a problem. Based on your last post you may have some sort of communication error if the ISY wasn't showing the correct status of the Alarm sensor. First thing you should do is get that squared away then your program should work as you want it to. If the alarm sensor is part of a scene you can run a series of scene tests on it while monitoring the event viewer set to Level 3. If not then manually activate the I/O linc sensor input a series of times while monitoring the event viewer, again at level 3. Tim
  21. I ran wire to each room, picked up some cheap small speaker boxes with wall/ceiling mounting included from a company called All Electronics http://www.allelectronics.com/make-a-store/item/SK-331/SATELLITE-SPEAKER-W/BRACKET/1.html I also picked up a small cheap amp which runs off of 12 Vdc and a pogoplug from eBay. Total cost about $100, but a lot of labor running the wires! Tim
  22. LeeG, good point, I had forgotten about the trigger reverse query problem with the I/OLincs and I believe the OP is using one. It’s a new day and I have learned something new already this morning. After reading your post I ran a couple of more tests and found that a normal nightly query or a query on a specific device called by a program will in fact Not affect the conditional status in a program, unless the ISY has the wrong status (which is what I had originally thought). But as I tested last night if you right click the device node and select query it will affect the conditional status in a program…no matter if the status is correct or not! Barkster, are you using the I/OLinc with “trigger reverse†button checked? Tim
  23. Well, tail between my legs..it goes to show you are never too old to learn something new. I am sorry barkster for steering you wrong on that one, you are 100% correct. I just set up a test and proved it. A query will run the Else on your program. That is the very reason I use very little programs with Else actions. Try changing "Status 'Alarm Sensor' is On" to: If Control 'Alarm Sensor' is Switched On and Control 'Alarm Sensor' is Not Switched Off This should fix the query problem and still run Then and Else as expected. Again I sorry for the bad info about the query. Tim
  24. No, the else should only run when there is a change in the If condition. In this case if the Alarm Status is On then the Else will run when the Alarm Status switches to Off. So if/when the Alarm Status changes to Off then the Else will run. A query will not change the status of the device unless the ISY is out of sync with the device.
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