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Everything posted by TJF1960
Was setting up a text notification and found that the subject line and only about 5 lines of the body are sent in the text. Does anyone know if this is a limitation of the phone carrier (sprint in this case) or a limitation in the ISY? Thanks, Tim 3.2.4
I received an email from my ISY this morning, my sprinklers would not run today....Because there has been rain today! I looked at weatherbug and sure enough they are reporting rainfall again in my area. I checked 2 of the closest stations and both are now reporting rain. It may turn out to be a good day after all!
Anything new on this topic? Thanks, Tim
After running "cycle complete" it may take a little bit for the climate module to update the irrigation requirement...It appears to depend on the poll rate. I have mine set to 5 minutes which seems to be about when the irr. req. refreshes with the new value.
This has not been my experience. My Compaq tower does support wol (surprisingly since it is a very inexpensive machine) and the ISY will start it when it is in the off state and has been doing so for the last 5 months every day. Before that the last computer my wife had also supported wol and the ISY woke it up every day as well. Laptops and notebooks may be a different story since they are battery powered, so I could see wol only working for those when they are in hibernation. In your original post you didn’t mention that your dell was a laptop or tower, I assumed tower since it was connected to a ups. So the long and short of it is I have to disagree with the info you were given. At the same time however I have no idea why wol is not working for you from an off state yet it does for me, and I am assuming a lot of others as well. Tim
Interesting link. I just checked to see if I had those services installed and checked, they were not checked. Didn't have to port forward the router or open port 9 either. You do not have to enable internet access either. Have you tryed unchecking the services? What about using the ip sniffer to see if the packets are getting to your computer?
I was re-reading this thread to make sure magic packet was enabled. I too am running windows 7 pro. Where did you access programs and features to install the tcpip services.The reason I asked is that I didnt have to do any of that. I just enabled wol in bios and in the network cards properties and it worked.
No I didn't have to open a port for local network wol for the ISY or the computer.
One last thing. I can confirm that adding a new wol resource works in 3.2.2 as I just recreated a new record for one of my machines and when tested it fired right up.
Sorry, my usefulness to you has come to an end. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in. If all else fails submit a ticket to UDI, I am sure they will be able to help. Please do keep us posted. Tim
No password is correct. When I press the Test button it looks like it is pressed in then the mouse pointer turns into a circle for maybe a second or two as the ISY is doing its thing then turns into a pointer again. Do you see anything similar?
If you are using a subnet of did the last 3 digits of the Broadcast number change to .255 while the first set of numbers reflect your ip address? For instance ip address of the broadcast is listed as Also, stupid question, you did save right? What action do you see when you press the test button?
Do you mean copy something from the Resource Editor in Network Resources? If so then Highlight what you want to copy in the Body field or Actual field of the resource editor and from your keyboard hold down control and press C to copy. To paste hold down control and press V. Tim
paauto, I can confirm when checking the resource editor that the ip does change to the current ip of the machine you are on as LeeG suggested. One thing that tripped me up originally was the mac address has to be entered such as 10-14-D1-13-2E-01 with dashes not periods and cap letters not lower case. Tim
paauto, You probably already have but just a reminder to be sure to check your computers Bios and network card to verify that it will accept WOL packets - not all computers will. 1 of the 3 towers I have will, the other 2 will not.
Does your Dell have Wake on Lan capabilities? If so you could create an ISY program that you trigger to wake the computer. Another thought, have you tried setting the computer to reboot after power is reapplied in bios? Not sure if you always want the computer on or not though, but if you do you may be able to change the settings.
Try it without the port in the ip address such as: http://user:pass@ This would set variable Integer #1 to 50, I just checked to verify and it is working with firefox here.
satwar, just a thought. What type of browser are you using...Windows IE9 will not allow user/password in the address.
Stupid question I am sure but did you hit Save after deleting the program and have verified the program no longer exists? Also look in the program summary for any programs that ran at 1am (if you haven't rebooted the ISY yet).
Hi Michel, I had an error log covering 2 days that was 234 kb in size for image 3.2.0, sorry no -1100xx in the entire log. So, what does that mean? Tim
Thanks Michel, LeeG, Restoring did correct the problem with both the SWL and KPL. I never would have thought to try a restore since going back to an older image worked and then back to the new image it didn't work. Now to restore the other 50 or so devices. Thanks, Tim
Release 3.2.1 (Beta) Is Now Available
TJF1960 replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Previous Releases
Just checked. Remote thru HTTPS working fine here. Tim -
My understanding has been that when “run at startup†is enabled on a program without an If condition the program will run true at startup. If however a program, which is enabled to run at startup, has an If condition, the ISY will run the If at startup. To verify I created two sample programs. Both are set to run at startup. The first program has no If condition and will turn on a light connected to the load node on a 8-button kpl. The second program has a time frame as the If condition. The test was run outside of the timeframe. At reboot the first program ran true and turned the light on. The second program ran false and did not turn the vent fan on. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Devices / WR1 KPL 1 Ceil Lite' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If From 1:40:00AM To 4:40:00AM (same day) Then Set 'Devices / WR2 KPL A Vent Fan' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I currently do not have “catch up on reboot†selected. I would presume, but do not know for sure, that if it were selected that program 2 would have run. It seems to me I read in the wiki somewhere, or this forum (couldn't find the link), that back in the day a “run at startup†did in fact run the “then†of any program set to run at startup regardless of the If condition but that it was changed to evaluate the If if an If existed. Apostolakisl, perhaps that program not working has something to do with the Repeat. Or maybe it is a timing issue. Maybe when the program runs the elk module isn’t quite ready for the command. Perhaps a wait of 30 seconds before the action would work. I don’t have the elk module so I cannot experiment. Tim edit: found the link http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1233&hilit=+run+at+startup+
LeeG, No problem, but I also just noticed that the Switchlinc LED backlight adjustments do not work in 3.2.0 but were working in 3.1.17
Same configuration, just different images. Kpl f/w displayed in both images as v.36 Link Management shows as "Automatic" in both images as well.