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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Hello GreyFox, What rev. of the ISY are you running? Tim
  2. Hi Wayne, Are you on 3.1.16? There was some sort of work done on both state and integer variables in this new beta release. There was also some work done regarding ACK's in less than ideal comm. situations. Also, just a question. Why is the first program looking for the status of Off for the humidifier-Relay but in the second program it is looking for the variable value of the humidifier? Was this changed in an attempt to get to the root of the problem? I was just curious. Thanks, Tim
  3. Brian H, I wonder if it may depend on screen size. Mine show the same thing but if you widen the column PM appears. It may have something to do with letter spacing. In other words all of the PM next scheduled runtimes for me occur on this evening Thu.... where as the AM next scheduled are for Fri.... The F is closer to the left column line than the T is. garybixler, Have you tried re-downloading the update from UDI site?
  4. Ditto. Thanks UDI, Tim
  5. Hello gtrotter4, I am sure there are a number of different ways to accomplish what you want. I have one example as an alternative to having the cabinet lights turning on or off when switching the coffee on and off. One issue with it might be that turning the coffee on or off is no longer defined by Fast On turns the coffee on and Fast Off turns the coffee off. You will see what I mean: Coffee On: If ( Control 'Kitchen / Under Cabinets' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Kitchen / Under Cabinets' is switched Fast Off ) And Status 'Kitchen / Coffee' is Off Then Set 'Kitchen / Coffee' On Set 'Kitchen / Coffee' (Beep Duration) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') In this case if the cabinet light is On for instance and the coffee is off, press cabinet switch Fast On. If the cabinet light is off and the coffee is off then press the cabinet switch Fast Off. I added a single beep to the coffee device to confirm the coffee was turned on but the beep could be added to the cabinet switch instead. Note: The parens. is an “And†and the first “Control ‘Kitchen/Under…..†is an “Or†To turn the coffee off a similar program is used: Coffee Off: If ( Control 'Kitchen / Under Cabinets' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Kitchen / Under Cabinets' is switched Fast Off ) And Status 'Kitchen / Coffee' is On Then Set 'Kitchen / Coffee' Off Set 'Kitchen / Coffee' (Beep Duration) Set 'Kitchen / Coffee' (Beep Duration) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If the coffee is on and the cabinet lights are on then Fast On will turn the coffee off. Otherwise if the lights are off then a Fast Off will turn the coffee Off, followed by 2 beeps for confirmation. Also note that if, say, the lights are on and the coffee is on and you want to turn both off then you could press Fast Off which will turn both off. Likewise if the lights are off and coffee is off and you wanted to turn both on then a Fast On would turn both On. The only problem I can foresee would be if your comm. is not good, there is a possibility of the programs malfunctioning due to using the status of the device we are switching. I tested these two programs out for a couple of minutes and they worked fine for me. Tim
  6. Humm. Thats odd. I know that when a variable is created it will not show up in a programs drop down box until the new variable is saved, but did you rename it or make any changes to the variable without saving it? Tim
  7. When you close the front door the program turns false and cancels the wait. Break the program in two and have this program Run the second program which contains the wait and the variable. Tim
  8. Hi Michel, By chance, any updates from SmartLabs on this 2413s issue... Thanks, Tim
  9. A search of "Kaspersky" turned these links up: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2049&hilit=Kaspersky http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1162 Hopefully one of these links will help with a solution.
  10. Thanks Michel and UDI team. May you and yours have a great Holiday and an Awesome New Year as well! Tim
  11. I remember reading a post, that I have not been able to find, where the OP was going to set up the motion sensor in occupancy mode and create a program to increment a variable by +1 every time the motion detected motion within a given amount of time. Once the variable reached a certain level another program would turn the light on. If that level was not reached in a given amount of time the variable would reset. Sounds good in theory, don’t know if they ever implemented/refined it or not though. My feeling is if I walk into a dark room I want the light to turn on now not after multiple motion senses. My laundry room is the main path from inside the house out into the garage/workroom where I am most of the time. I had the motion trigger the light every time someone entered that room. I soon changed the programming to require manually turning on the light then one minute after motion stopped the light would turn off because most of the time the light was not needed for just passing thru. That works great for that room and I don’t miss the light turning on automatically at all. However in all of the other rooms in the house the respective lights will turn on when entering that room and stay on x amount of time once the motion stops or the light is turned off manually. This setup has worked best for us out of the countless different ways I have tried. But everyone is different…..
  12. I have used both in the past without any issues. The newest rev Insteon can be set for sending an On command with every motion detection which would be better for occupancy sensing. Not so sure it would be good for power line comm. though, but I haven't heard of any complaints.
  13. Hi Michel, LeeG Have you heard anything from SmartLabs regarding this issue with the 2413s? I was not able to add a RL (not RL2) nor a couple of brand new from SH Icon SL Relays. I was able to add a couple of older Icon SL Dimmers though. I have since put the old 2412s back with the ISY to run things but I am not sure whether to send the 2413s back because it is defective or quite what to do with it at this point. As always, Thanks, Tim
  14. Welcome Aboard!!! I just wanted to make sure you are getting either a 2412S or 2413S plm with/for the ISY. It requires either one to operate. If you are going to use a 2413S you will also need the wall-wart power supply for the ISY. It is not required when using the 2412S. Tim
  15. Is it possible the program evaluated false which would also give the same run time as finish time?
  16. No, status change will cause the program to evaluate. The program as you set up should work fine
  17. No, no Youtube videos.
  18. Hi Brian, have done 4 or 5 of the older ones with the white relay. Have not had a need to do the newer ones yet, but I am pretty sure it could be done. I could look into it if your interested. I have done the older lamplincs and new lamplicks with dual band and without. kingwr, not that I am aware of. I did it on my own. Tim Edit:Brian, I take that back I have done the newer appliancelincs as well. I didn't look deep enough into my mods file. So in answer to your question yes I have done both.
  19. Hi kingwr, Yes the icon appliancelinc has local control as well as do the lamplincs. Unfortunantly disabling local control is a bit more involved than cutting a wire. It requires removing two chip resistors. If you are no stranger to a soldering pencil and SMT and dont mind voiding your warranty it is possible. I have mod'ed my lamplincs for the undercabinet LED lighting and works great. Also mod'ed appliancelincs for Xmas stuff too. Tim
  20. Yes, you should be able to change it to: If Control I/O Linc is Switched On And Control I/O Linc is not Switched Off
  21. I asked about the x10 output on the alarm thinking if the x10 module was close enough to the ISY’s plm that the ISY might reliably be able to see the x10 command and could trigger a lights flash program. I figured if it worked it would be the simplest and cheapest way to go. Smarthome makes a I/O Link low voltage probe kit http://www.smarthome.com/24950A4/I-O-Linc-INSTEON-Low-Voltage-Detector-Probe-Kit/p.aspx which would then tie to your siren/bell output of the alarm. The I/O linc will then send an on to the ISY while the bell/siren is sounding and send an off when the bell/siren stops. Then you could use a program to flash lights.
  22. Does your alarm system still have x10 output available? If not does your alarm system have output relays that you can configure. If not you can use either an I/O Linc tied into your siren output or an EZIO product from Simplehomenet. Tim
  23. I don't have the Elk system but it looks like the DSCLink program works similarly. I use 3 programs to automatically turn lights on when entering a room using the alarm motion sensor. This Program will turn on the light if the light is currently off and there is motion detected and the manual off program is false. This allows you to turn the light off and exit the room without the light turning back on automatically. In the first second program, replace†$sDSC_Z24_Office_PIR is 1†with the elk motion when violated. The second program replace†$sDSC_Z24_Office_PIR is 0†with the elk motion when not violated. Program: Office Lite Auto On If Status 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' is Off And $sDSC_Z24_Office_PIR is 1 (or Violated in the case of Elk) And Program 'Office Lite Man Off' is False Then Set 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program watches the first program and for the last run time. Every time motion is detected the first program runs False (if the light is on). Once there is no further motion the last runtime will expire, in this example in 15 minutes. Any further motion detection will automatically restart this program. This program will self terminate if you manually turn the light off. Program: Office Lite Auto Off If Status 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' is On And Time is Last Run Time for 'Alarm Z24 Office PIR' + 15 minutes And $sDSC_Z24_Office_PIR is 0 (or Not Violated in case of Elk) Then Set 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' 1 (Beep Duration) Wait 15 seconds Set 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program watches for a manual turn off of the light which then turns true for 15 seconds allowing you to exit the room without tripping the Auto On program. Program: Office Lite Man Off If Control 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' is switched Off And Control 'Devices / Office Ceil Lite' is not switched On Then Wait 15 seconds Run Program 'Office Lite Man Off' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I use these in all rooms of the house and they have been working very well. I have added a light sensor outdoors and use the light measurements in these programs as well to only turn on at certain levels of darkness. Hope you can find them useful. Tim
  24. Lee I sent the plm dump to you. An update. Still using new dual band plm. I just installed 5 new devices. 2 new Icon SL, 1 older Icon dimmer and 2 new lamplinc dimmer dualband. After linking all five to the ISY their status updates were not seen in the admin console. After restoring plm all but the 2 new Icon SL Relays updated status. Of course the RL still doesn't either. ???????????
  25. Perhaps you could post your program. It is very difficult to offer any specific suggestions without seeing it. Also what version ISY you are on would be good to know as well. Thanks Tim
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