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Everything posted by xlurkr
This is my observation, too. ElkRP blocks, but multiple simultaneous connections from other apps are possible. I've got the NS and HA connected atm. -Tom
vbPhil showed the safest way (which I did not know about. Thanks!) The way I do it is to ssh in and run uname -a My Polisy Pro is still at 13.1 Which is another not great thing that I documented earlier. When I attempted the update for the second and third times I got a message informing me that it was going to update FreeBSD from 13.1 to 13.2, which Michel had earlier stated had been backed out of the update for the Polisy. That both confused and scared me. All is OK now though. -Tom
Last night. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but you shouldn't need to clear the cache before upgrading. You need to do so afterwards and load the latest AC, which has been well documented before. I did that, but still had lots of problems. I think the second power cycle is what made the difference for me, but we'll never know for sure. -Tom
Just got home. Cleared the Java cache, downloaded and launched start, launched the AC, and all is good on my Polisy Pro 5.7.0 -Tom
Do you mean do it again? I did it once, at the beginning of this saga. The AC I launch now says it's 5.70, as does my firmware. -Tom
I hope I'm not out of line for posting this, but I'd advise Polisy owners to wait. The first time I tried it yesterday I got something similar to what's described above: it said the version was still 5.64. And after the Jave cache clearing it dished up an AC that wouldn't connect, because it was newer than the firmware version - a first for me. I tried again, and this time it told me it was going to update FreeBSD, and it would take a long time - which probably wasn't really going to happen, based on Michel's earlier post. But what it did do was return with an infinitely repeating "Initializing" gauge (I forget the exact wording). All devices were still present, but none would respond - nor would NS's - and all my programs were missing. I power cycled and kept getting the same behavior. I let it run overnight and saw the same behavior this morning. So I power cycled again this morning, and when I left for work, it appeared to have recovered somewhat based on some programs working and UD Mobile working. I was afraid to launch the AC, but I will when I get home. First time I've ever had a problem this bad with anything UDI. -Tom
After posting this, I visited the HA Yellow blog for the first time in a long time. Apparently, the ZooZ 800 series Z-Wave onboard radio works without disabling the onboard Bluetooth. I'm off to waste more money! -Tom
I've had one for about 6 weeks now. I bought the POE version, and a fully loaded CM4 (8G 32G WiFi) off of eBay. When it came in I bought a 1 TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD, installed both, and followed the setup instructions. At step 9 I installed it all on the SSD. One reason I did this is so I can remove it, install it in a USB adapter, and edit files on another machine - not that I've done that, but I can. I was amazed at all the things it automatically found on my local network when it started up. I wish I could remember if it automatically found my Polisy; maybe someone else remembers their experience. At any rate, I do remember it was easy to start controlling my Insteon gear. It also makes a default home page with everything on it that's quite usable, if a little disorganized. Since the first days, all I have done is to install my old ZooZ 700 series dongle (removed from my Polisy after I upgraded to ZMatter) and add one device each to Zigbee and Z-Wave just to experiment. Oh, and added my Elk, also just to fool around. I'm not really using my HA Yellow for anything, but I'm really impressed and do look forward to creating some automations, but will probably do so only if I think of one I need that can't be done on my Polisy due to lack of the necessary nodeserver. For the record, I also have a Hubitat C-8 (due to its fantastic Lutron support) that I could also create automations on, so I'm starting to get confused by all the options I now have. Next step might be the installation of the ZooZ Z-Wave radio that lives on a header on the motherboard. I don't need it, but it's cheap, and then I wouldn't have a dongle hanging off. The downside is that you have to disable the connection to the onboard Bluetooth, which can be used for presence sensing and probably some other things. Also, I can't imagine it has better reception than the external dongle. But this is coming from someone who just admitted spending >>$500 for something he doesn't need. -Tom
I know one that doesn't work: GE/Jasco 45852. I'd report this in a thread for non-working Zigbee devices, but I don't think there is one. If I cared enough about making it work, I'd log a ticket. -Tom
Rebooting did it. Thanks @Geddy! Doesn't recognize my GE Zigbee plugin dimmer, though. More troubleshooting ahead. -Tom
OK, I'll try the power cycle. I forgot to mention that Z-Wave is still working, and I've never had a problem with it. -Tom
I got it to work by swapping the two on/off modules. Now I have an Insteon open/close sensor triggering the "hubitat" "outlet", which has nothing plugged into it. Its state triggers, in Google Home, the light I want to have come on when I open the coat closet door. The "phantom" module is now located where the "hubitat" one was (it is used to power cycle my Hubitat in emergencies). I'd still like to understand why I can't seem to add anything new and have it show up as a trigger. Some day I might need to. -Tom
Someone please help me make sense of this. As the pics show, I have two outlets linked to Google Home. Both of them show up as devices in Google Home. Only one of them is selectable as a trigger for an automation why???? -Tom
Maybe a bigger problem is that I can't get the dimmer module to show up as a trigger. It's weird, because I also have an on/off module (that I actually use for something) and it DOES show up as a trigger. I'll try to add another on/off module next. -Tom
@bmercier I'm really frustrated with this integration. It occurred to me that if I can't get a sensor to show up as a trigger, maybe I can use an open/close sensor to turn on a device and use the device as a trigger. But I can't get Google Home to reflect the correct on/off state of a dimmer module I installed just to be the "statekeeper", unless Google Home changes its state. Is this how it's supposed to work? Isn't the ISY supposed to tell Google Home whenever a device changes state, no matter how it happened? I have tried unlinking and relinking UDI to Google Home several times, with no change. Please help me. -Tom
Did you avoid the other versions with the APIs because they don't come in white? And I'm assuming you tried the other APIs on the Lorex unit, and they don't work? -Tom
@PatPendLet's work together to get @bpwwerto port the Hubitat NS to PG3, and support it going forward. He has ported a couple of ST's PG2 NS's already, I think. I just bought the new C-8 so I have an older C-7 I could send him to develop with. -Tom
@PatPendAre you using the ST-Hubitat NS for PG 2.0? That's what I'm using now for RA2, and I'm concerned it may not be a good long-term solution. We can take this to IM or another thread if this is considered drift. But since it's a possible "right now" solution for Zigbee, I feel like it's still on topic. -Tom
Nothing, other than return here and update if you find a way to make it work. Thanks for trying. This isn't urgent, merely frustrating. And I could use Alexa; I have plenty of those devices around. I just chose to go with Alexa in my permanent home and GH in my temporary work home. For variety. And apparently, frustration. -Tom
You guys are torturing me with your success stories with Alexa. -Tom
Thanks for trying to help out Geddy. It's a Polisy I have. I don't think adding a Z-Wave MS to it would help, because the problem is in getting UDI's Google Home integration to allow me to identify a node as a sensor and having Google Home recognize that and allow me to use it to set up the trigger. It doesn't matter what protocol is used in connecting the device to the Polisy. I can't use a motion-controlled light because the light is outside the closet, in the entryway, and I only want to have it go on when I open the closet door, but also want to control it normally from the switch. I could do that with a MS inside the closet, or an open/close sensor, which I'd prefer. Google added the trigger capability in November of last year, so old posts aren't relevant. I've attached the device categories for the Google Home integration. None of them cause the device to show up as something that can trigger a routine, as far as I can tell. The "open/close" one allows you to control it with those words - like a shade, for example. But when I chose that for my sensor, its state didn't change in GH when I opened and closed the door. Without changing state, it can't act as a trigger. I guess I'm the only UDI customer who uses GH integration. Guess I'd better not say that too loud, or they'll deprecate it.🤐 -Tom
I have never seen Google be so unhelpful about...Google. I can't find a list of devices that are supported in Google Home as triggers for routines, nor even any useful individuals reporting how they got a sensor to work as a trigger. The closest thing, apparently, is someone reporting the use of Hue motion sensors. Great. I don't want to buy yet another motion sensor. I don't even want to use an MS - I want to use an Insteon open/close, door/window, whatever you want to call it. Can no one help me? @bmercier, where are you? -Tom
Yes, I'm aware. But it's the only information that a Google search for "Insteon motion sensor google home" returned. I took it as a sign that maybe it's impossible. or too hard, or not worth it, or something, to support these devices as triggers for routines in Google Home. As an aside, I also have Lutron occupancy sensors, and they don't support them as devices in Google Home through their Connect Bridge either, as far as I have been able to determine. Maybe it's time to tag someone like @bmercier. -Tom
Is it possible this isn't possible? The Insteon website says MS and open/close sensors aren't supported in their Google Home integration for their hub. But Google says motions are supported. Depends on the service's implementation? -Tom